Response to the “congrats to Palestine” Thread

davidk14: .

CroBastard said in his “congrats to Palestine” thread:

Who has been recognized by european union and hamas has been removed from terrorist organization list!!

oh btw,zionists arent allowed to leave their crap here [in CroBastards thread]

David responds:

First, you need to learn about the 2nd Amendment in the US Constitution but then thats a real stretch to learn for CB (CroBastard)

CroBastard deleted my comments from ‘his’ pro-Hamas thread:

“…The European Union issued a statement calling the court’s decision “procedural” rather than substantive, and said it was studying the ruling and would decide later whether to appeal….”

“…It is a legal ruling of a court, not a political decision taken by the E.U. governments,” the statement said.

“…European restrictions on Hamas, such as asset freezes, should remain in force…”"

ProBastard did not want you to see this because what this really is….is a failure.

Hamas is and will always be a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is to murder Jews. It is in their Charter…it is in writing…and even the son of a Hamas official who does not support Hamas any longer stated that the only mission for Hamas is to murder Jews.

So…anyone that supports Hamas…supports the murder of Jews.

This is what morons like CroBastard defend.

9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

The definition of Zionism is:

The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

Its general definition means the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.

Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism has come to include the movement for the development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel through support for the Israel Defense Forces.

Nothing more....nothing less.

The West Bank was Jordanian, the Gaza was Egyptian. Both of those countries lost that land in 1967 when they attacked Israel....and lost. During the peace negociations with Israel, both Jordan and Egypt abandoned the West Bank and Gaza. Israel re-inherited those lands AND ARE WILLING to negociate those lands for the Palestineans just as Isarel did returning the Sinai. Israel did evacuate Gaza in good faith and look what those idiots did....yes....Hamas....those idiots....they murdered their own people for wanting to have peace with Israel....those morons.

9 years ago Report
Oh well in that case, Hamas will be elected the next leader of Israel and will call itself Cameron-Cloooog and after a few years there will head for the EU to take over when Tusk retires.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .


(Edited by davidk14)
9 years ago Report
dave3974: do i look like a zionist, i have been censored by a moron
(Edited by dave3974)
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Has anyone noticed....not one person has posted a positive comment on CroBastards pro-Hamas thread.

Hum...I wonder why...

9 years ago Report
Eh? What is wrong with the EU?
9 years ago Report