Anti-semitism (Page 4)

yawaar: we got to agree to disagree... i don't think hamas is a key issue in middle east.. hamas is same as thugs in new york.. the root cause is israeli occupation
9 years ago Report
dave3974: get rid of hamas and get some sane people in control and let peace cmmence
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Yawaar...You continue to discount Hamas. They are an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas is funded and supplied by Iran. What is it you don't get? In the Hamas Charter, it calls for the genocide of the Jews. They have vowed not to negociate and vowed by their own deeds and words, to exterminate the Jews. Hummmm...Iran has stated the same too....interesting. Isn't interesting as well that Russia supports Iran unconditionally.

Connect the dots for crying out loud.


9 years ago Report
yawaar: i get it david.. the point you are not getting is that hamas is the result of israeli occupation. i say israel should retrieve and peace will prevail. the big guys should sacrifice that is called magnanimity. hamas is just a frustration which is due to occupation. president obama said that israel should go back to 1967 boarders. i say it again, the root cause of issues in middle east is israel.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

yawaar once again said:

the point you are not getting is that hamas is the result of israeli occupation.

David responds:

What you don't get is that Israel evacuated the Gaza in 2005 and more Israeli's in the Gaza. They left....and the Palestineans were left to the land and then in 2007 Hamas overthrew the PA in Gaza. Israel had already gone bye bye. What is it you do not get?????????

9 years ago Report
Outbackjack: Here's the problem:

Israel once again thumbs it nose at the rest of the world and refuses to abide by the resolution.

Exxon was forced to pay billions by the U.S because of the accidental valdez oil spill.
BP is forced to pay billions by the U.S after the recent gulf oil spill.

These were negligent accidents.

But Israel can deliberately bomb an oil plant causing economic and extreme environmental damage and get away with it.Our countries are to blame as well.The U.S,Canada and Australia (Zionist lackeys) all voted against the resolution.

This farce has gone on for too long.Nearly 70 years and here we still are.It's time to strip military aid to Israel and send in a U.N peacekeeping force to enforce these resolutions.

Only then will you see the arrogant leaders from Israel run to the negotiating table.

9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

If you want to blame someone Jack, blame Iran and Syria. Who supports Hezbolla? Iran and Syria finance Hezbolla, an internationally agreed terroist organization. THEY should be sent the invoice. Israel only defends itself from those sick bastards you support which want the genocide of the Jewish people.

Oh, and I am so frickin sick and tired of you bashing the west.

You really need to get the frick out of Australia and go live with your brothers and sisters in Iran or Syria or North Korea or the terrorists you so love ie: Hamas, Hezbolla, etc. or any of those screwed up countries that think human dignity is a joke.

You don't like the us all a favor and leave.

Oh, and you been reading the news lately...and not the terrorists mouthpiece Al Jazeera?

Probably not.

Oh...just that I have calmed down thank you....

I asked you once before what you would replace capitalism with. I can't find that response but, you being an anti-capitalist, atheist, and anarchist, I think I found you your real answer.

Here it is....

Wipe out the worlds electric systems. Send everyone back to the stone age and into true and real anarchy.

Then Darwin's Theory takes over. Only the strongest and fitest will survive.

Would that work for you?


9 years ago Report
Outbackjack: *ignores Davidk
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Typical resonse from an anti-capitalist / atheist / anarchist who is unable to respond to criticism.

9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by yawaar 9 years ago)
Iron Face
Iron Face: really both sides are to blame. palestinians kill civilians but then so do israel so...
9 years ago Report
DEEP_acheleg: jack- on this rare occasion, i agree with you- it takes 2 to tango.

even the very term "anti-semite' is inaccurate., as semites are those whom share a heritage from abraham: both the decendents of issac and the decendants of ishmael.

what i really want to know is why you still lie to your own child about a magical 800 year old man, flying around the world at 8000 miles per second by flying reindeer?
9 years ago Report
Iron Face
Iron Face: lol i dont im muslim so fasting and eid. and yes semites are from that area which also includes arabs.
9 years ago Report
dave3974: you are being overly generous to the arabs IF , the israelis seem keen to make peace and the were not the cause of the last mini war
9 years ago Report
R E B E C C A: Jews were there at the Paris march for freedom of speech yet the moment someone suggested the holocaust never happened they want him locking up and silencing...were was the belief in free speech then?
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

It's also against the law to yell 'FIRE' in a movie freedom of speech there.

You also can not threaten the life of the President of the United States with get arrested and freedom of speech there either.

Hate speech is freedom of speech.

Drawing pictures of Mohammad is asking for your head to be cut freedom of speech.

So, if you are yelling fire in a theatre and on your cell phone threatening the President of the US, drawing pictures of Mo, at the same time preaching that there was no’re not an're an imbecile! You have no idea what free speech is.


9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Bat_Tziyon 8 years ago)
From 1941 to 1945, Jews were targeted and methodically murdered in a genocide, the largest in modern history, and part of a broader aggregate of acts of oppression and killings of various ethnic and political groups in Europe by the Nazis.[5] Every arm of Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the genocide, turning the Third Reich into "a genocidal state".[6] Non-Jewish victims of broader Nazi crimes include Gypsies, Poles, communists, homosexuals, Soviet POWs, and the mentally and physically disabled. In total, approximately 11 million people were killed, including one million Jewish children alone.[7][8] Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed.[9] A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territories were used to concentrate, confine, and kill Jews and other victims.[10] Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were direct participants in the planning and execution of the Holocaust.[11]

The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Initially the German government passed laws to exclude Jews from civil society, most prominently the Nuremberg Laws of 1935. A network of concentration camps was established starting in 1933 and ghettos were established following the outbreak of World War II in 1939. In 1941, as Germany conquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized paramilitary units called Einsatzgruppen were used to murder around two million Jews and "partisans", often in mass shootings. By the end of 1942, victims were being regularly transported by freight train to specially built extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, most were systematically killed in gas chambers. The campaign of murder continued until the end of World War II in Europe in April–May 1945.

Jewish armed resistance to the Nazis occurred throughout the Holocaust. One notable example was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of January 1943, when thousands of poorly armed Jewish fighters held the SS at bay for four weeks. An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 Jewish partisans actively fought the Nazis and their collaborators in Eastern Europe.[12][13] French Jews were also highly active in the French Resistance, which conducted a guerilla campaign against the Nazis and Vichy French authorities. In total, there were over a hundred armed Jewish uprisings.[14]
(Edited by dave3974)
9 years ago Report
R E B E C C A:
“Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn't exist in any declaration I have ever read.
If you are offended it is your problem, and frankly lots of things offend lots of people."

Salman Rushdie
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Bat_Tziyon 8 years ago)
R E B E C C A: DavidK seriously how can you spout "Hate speech is illegal" after all the Muslim hate you have written on this site
9 years ago Report

Camerons govt bangs on about ' the Jews '

...somethings you just have to put up with in the name of ' free speech '.

Unless of course they are from Europe. In which case they are.......................
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Rebecca...Hate speech is illegal. You mis-intrepeted my communication as Muslim hate speech. You must have missed the following comment. I do not know how you missed it, I have been consistent for years here on wire....

If there are 2 billion Muslims on the planet, and if 99% of them are peace loving individuals as I believe, that leaves 1% of Muslims that are fundamentalist extremist Islamists that want to destroy Israel and anyone else that does not believe in Islam.

Now 99% of my comment is peaceloving...and 1% of my comment is about those that want to murder Jews and anyone else that does not believe in Islam.

Rebecca, what is so hateful? Perhaps the Islamists are hateful?

9 years ago Report
Iron Face
Iron Face: arabs are 20% muslim population world wide. of thouse only few suicide bomb
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Islam is a religion, not a race. You don't have to be Arab to be Muslim nor does one need to be an Arab to be a radical extremist Islamist.

9 years ago Report