Why can't Muslims Take Criticism? (Page 150)

ghostgeek: Those insects must really love you, Zanjan.
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: We've come to an understanding. I stay out of their way and they stay clear of the dryer sheet tucked into my hat band.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Staying clear of something is a good way not to upset it.
4 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Found this by chance:

Furthermore, Baha’i teaches that every few hundred years the spirit and attributes of divinity are mirrored in a new messenger and manifestation of God. Each revelator reveals as much revelation as the faithful are ready to receive. As such, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Christ, Muhammad and Krishna paved the way toward the ultimate revelations personified in the Bab and Bahá’u’lláh. The fallacy, of course, is that the revelators and their revelations directly conflict with one another. For example, Moses was fiercely monotheistic whereas Zoroaster and Krishna were polytheistic. Likewise, the Qur’an condemns Christ’s claim to be the Son of God as the unforgivable sin of shirk. Logically, the messengers and manifestations can all be wrong but they can’t all be right.

[ https://www.allaboutreligion.org/bahai-beliefs-faq.htm ]
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: It's every 500 to 1,000 years. Never has been sooner than 500 years apart because that's about 18-19 generations.

Zoraster and Krishna were monotheistic - dont judge the Revelation by what followers did a thousand years later. The Revelation is heavenly water - it's clear, pure and sweet at its source, then flows downhill, picking up all sorts of pollutants on the way. The bottom feeders snatch bits of the garbage floating by.

The Quran doesn't condemn Christ as the Son of God - it clarifies that God doesn't beget anyone - there are no godlets or demi-gods. God creates, He doesnt re-produce. Funny how the ignorant get tripped up on one word.

All of the Messengers of God are infallible. The rest of us aren't. If you choose to follow imperfect and deeply flawed humans, that's your choice. Don't blame God for that.

(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Your Talking Rubbish as Usual , The Manefestions of God

The Korean Contradits the Bible , They Cant both be True
The Koran is Just the Bible Rewritten for the Arabic Tribes at the Tome
I like this saying ,
Be Carefull what you Create It will come back and Bite you , AKA ISIS
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: NDW, I would imagine those who find praying 5 times a day too hard would most certainly want to decry such instructions. What, kneel on the ground and bend over??? Ghahahah!

Surely you realize how offended the clergy can get when a Prophet of God says they got some things wrong. Such don't like to be challenged so will elevate themselves at the expense of another. They know exactly how to get their congregation prejudiced against a Prophet. I've seen them do it right in the middle of a service. No shame, man.

Apparently, dissing the Quran didnt work. Turns out Muhammad was greater than them after all.
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Don't care whose offended ,and Mohammad was not a Prophet , What there only a few billion people around the world who think he Is that's there Perogative

I agree on that point , Your going on Before about Judeo Christian People , Makes no Sence they cant be Both, There Ziobnists and that part I agree with them ,There been causing wars for the Last 150 years What No one Has Noticed
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: I didn't watch the video past the introduction. No such intent in that surah. Muhammad legislated protection for the Jews and Christians, for all people of the Book. Does that sound like rejection? Dont take things out of context.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: You say that all the Time Zanjan , Theres no such words , or what ever Not hard to look it up see what it says , I don't know Who Supposedly Lieing
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: I meant "intent". Perhaps you didn't realize what Muhammad is talking about. He was speaking of co-conspirators, not about friendships.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Useless trying to even converse with you , You Obviscate dance around the Meanings of things What ever ,Better go rebuild your temple
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: Muhammad's words applied to the time and situation - it was a time of war and treachery. Allies are groups that work together to destroy a common enemy. Cherry picking verses is like reading half a sentence so you can fill in all the rest with your own imagination.

FYI, I'm not Jewish.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Really would never of Know that , Decepion is Creating the Groups that your making out your destroying for the Good of a Chosen few , No that's Evil
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: Your post is too full of bad grammar to make sense. A Prophet of God doesn't destroy people. He has no allies or peers and relies only on God's protection.
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: God has given everyone the right to defend themselves, not a right to attack and hurt anyone.
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: "blahblah: I fixed it there you go , Yeah It Know what you say go Launch some Ballons with your Hot air
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: You Know what the Problem IS overly Religious people like you and Black Shoes ,Who Push there will on other People ,Nothing new been Happening for eons always will
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Who Push there will on other People"

Has it worked yet?
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Depends ,I suppose that's were forced Conversions come into it
He who lives by the Sword dies by the Sword
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: So, as long as it's not a personal threat on your life, at the point of skin, you have nothing to worry about, right? Maybe the real threat here is you can't trust yourself? Here's where you prove how valuable your beliefs are to you.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Of coarse why should I care About any one else
4 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Prove proof . I don't have to prove anything to any one Zanjan .
I don't make excuses for Saidi Arabia
4 years ago Report
Blackshoes: I'm wasn't even involved in this discussion between you the n Devil w and Zanjan ? Yet you invoke my name. Very Pushy Very Pushy
4 years ago Report