Why can't Muslims Take Criticism? (Page 107)

Zanjan: I think they're more attractive than fangs.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Any moose are welcome to chime in here.........
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: I Think the UK made a huge mistake by allowing Sharia courts in the first place , Too late now
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I see Australia has got a little spat going between two of its Muslims:

A Muslim imam who speaks out against radicalisation has slammed an Islamic fundamentalist for saying parents should ban their children from listening to music in the car.

Adelaide-based Shia leader Mohammad Tawhidi has taken aim at western Sydney Sunni fundamentalist morals campaigner Nassim Abdi's rant about children 'drowning in music'.

'These children will have problems growing up without a doubt,' Sheikh Tawhidi told Sydney radio 2GB presenter Ben Fordham on Tuesday.

'It's more segregation, it doesn't allow the Muslims to integrate anymore.'

[ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4968850/Muslim-imam-slams-Islamic-preacher-s-rant-against-music.html ]

6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I hope they sort out their differences before they start throwing bombs at each other.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Two weeks ago, Tunisia became the only country in the Arab world to officially allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men ...

I repeatedly questioned why Muslim societies are happy to accept their men marrying non-Muslims, but firmly deny their women the same right. This social dualism, in my view, is not triggered just by the literal interpretation of Quranic verses per se, but has its roots in the Muslim world’s medieval evolution. Muslim armies conquered what is commonly referred to as the Christian Middle East with relative speed. Those easy “conquests” resulted in the importation of Christian women as slaves into the lands of the Muslim conquerors. The opposite scenario, however, was rare. Very few Muslim women ended up as slaves in Christian countries. Muslim leaders always tried hard to avoid such a nightmarish scenario, which considered capture by Christians as a disgraceful loss of honour.

The impact of those medieval religious wars is still ingrained in the Muslim psyche. In societies where the past reigns over the present, words such as honour are taken literally. Most Muslim scholars are still living with this medieval mindset, despite the fact that modern-day conflicts are essentially political, not religious. They base their edicts on the basis that non-Muslims do not acknowledge or respect Islam, which is not necessarily true in our postmodern world. In such a sexually free world, a deep love and respect is the only motivating factor behind a non-Muslim man’s desire to marry a pious Muslim woman. Those men usually respect Islam, and have no intention of changing their partner’s faith.

[ https://inews.co.uk/opinion/marrying-non-muslim-man-muslim-woman-poses-daily-challenges/ ]
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Well I suppose credit where Credit is dew , Hes the only one Ive ever herd Tawhadi say any thing He even had , Some thing to say to the Army Imran , I never knew there was such a position , but apparently there is , About his support for Indonesian Extreamist Groups , Morals campaigner hey , I hear Some western Sydney courts are running the cases of some of the ISIS suppoertes were all got to pay there lagal fees , First they go off to fight us there pay there Leagal fees when they get back
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: All religions have their own courts - their authority is applicable only to the members of their own religion. All countries have their own Federal governments - their authority extends to all citizens in the nation. Supposedly, each has their own area of authority.

Yet, despite separation of church and state in the West, both Canadian and American governments trump religious courts. The government of the land has no business in things like marriage and divorce, apparel, assembly etc but insists that they do.

On the surface, it looks like the Federal governments are the dictators. Nobody has a choice, nobody. Religious courts, on the other hand, are free - not a dime spent to defend yourself; whether you stay or leave, you can walk away freely.

So, why do we, the people, give our nation's governments power over all? Well, there are times that citizens seriously abuse other citizens, holding them against their will. There are times they rob each other, murder and so forth - some are religious perps, some aren't. The government ensures that nobody can simply devise their own religion and use it as a defense or cover to do exactly as they please to others with impunity.

The freedom of the West is that we don't punish people for having ideas and for speaking them, no matter how radical. We punish for wrong-doing, for causing pain and damage to others. There's something all people call common decency and respect. No country can stand when there is no unity in that.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, why do people always bring up ancient pasts to excuse modern problems?

Muhammad, in the Quran, permitted mixed marriages as long as the couple respected each other's right to attend their own religious services and practice their Faith as they saw fit. This was not gender oriented. People of the Book - that is, all those who belong to God's religions - are afforded special protection under Islamic rule.

The people, on the other hand, are not always so magnanimous; some can't tolerate the difference in views and would always be trying to convert the other. From the get go, most religious folks desire to marry someone of their own faith because it's the easier road, with few challenges. Others are stronger and don't need clones - they choose a mate who has similar values, rather than ideas.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: As for children, Ghost, music is a non-issue. Bullying is the serious problem in all societies right now. You have to wonder about the parent who brings up a child who has so many psychological issues, he bullies others.

I had the worst parents in the neighborhood but neither of them bullied others, and none of us kids ever bullied others, nor did our own children either. As a kid in school, I was bullied a few times by different kids but, the perps only tried that once on me. I took care of it because Mom said I had to learn to fight my own battles.

When my kids went to public school, bullying had been taken to a whole new level so, there was a cop posted at every school, along with metal detectors (for weapons) at the door. This is the secular society that woman in the video spoke of.......and it's getting worse. Victims are being murdered or committing suicide from more terrible methods of bullying.

Finally, comes a breath of fresh air. I heard on the news the other day that New York has passed a law that if your child bullies, YOU, the parent, goes to jail. YaaaaaaY, about bloody time!
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: , No wonder Canada left the Commonweath , What he rings up Pleading for his government to come rescue them , Then he refuses to get on a US milltary transport plane , Cos against his new pripicapals
Canadian American Family Rescued After Five Years As Captives In... News
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I thought Canada was still a member of the Commonwealth? Maybe this is one for Zanjan.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Um, yeah, we are.
That was an American story - the husband is Canadian but the wife is American. Trump got involved because "America Comes First", doncha know?
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Still there I thought every one had forgotten about it , Well hes luckey , they should of left him there , After all the effort gone into Rescuing him , Its all good I hear The Iranian revolutionary guards are now a Terrorist out fit ,
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: At least 239 people killed and hundreds seriously injured in attack blamed on militant group al-Shabaab

At least 500 people are believed to have been killed or seriously injured in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, in one of the most lethal terrorist acts anywhere in the world for many years.

The death toll from Saturday’s attack, which involved a truck packed with several hundred kilograms of military-grade and homemade explosives, stood at 239 on Sunday but is expected to rise as more bodies are dug from the rubble spread over an area hundreds of metres wide in the centre of the city. At least 300 people were injured, according to local reports.

Rescue workers on the ground said it would be difficult to establish a definitive death toll because the intense heat generated by the blast meant the remains of many people would never be found.

[ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/15/truck-bomb-mogadishu-kills-people-somalia ]

In America you might expect something like this from a gun nut with enough weapons to equip a small army. But from people who profess a belief in God, surely not?
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If this is what Allah requires, He sure has a lot to answer for.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/08/tougher-policing-wont-end-terror-attacks-britain

Al shabab , In Somalia they affiliated with Al Quida , so they say , So if the big bad yanks had of wiped Al Quida out after 911 , would that of stoped all this stuff now
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: No! The Islamic resurgence was in full swing before Al Qaeda wet its nappies.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: ISIS faces setback in Southeast Asia after defeat in Philippines...

6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: How odd that when the boot has truly been put into ISIS all those crowing Islamists who flocked to Syria now want to return to the hated West. Where is their faith in the life to come?
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: No not really , they will finish off there Mission In jail , corrupting every one else, Nothing seems to bother them, they were talking about a Super Max jail here just for them house them all together , so that couldn't happen , But as usual we all get to pay for it, were to pay the Jyaia some how
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, you've heard the term 'You can't go back'? Well, they're not allowed to re-enter the country.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: To my knowledge, they no longer house Islamists together in jail anymore - they've learned their lesson.
6 years ago Report