JFK 50 years and still people believe conspiracies. (Page 24)

The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: Yeah love How your god the United States govenment is Bringing back capitol punishment
Nothing to worry about tho , there prolly people who couldnt affard a good Layer
4 years ago Report
chronology: We were discussing how Americans generously helped Irish families who suffered loss of homes and loved ones at the hands of British troops in Ireland.
It was very compassionate of Americans to contribute to the assistance of people in need like that. But really Britain should pay proper compensation to people in Ireland who suffered loss like that. One family whose 14 year old daughter was shot in the head and killed was given 100 dollars. Compensation this is clearly not right. They should be properly compensated today.

Am not taking sides in the Irish dispute, but clearly people who suffered loss should be compensated for their loss.
4 years ago Report
justabigjoke: chronology, if compensation should be paid to anyone who suffered in a war, then the USA and Israel would not have enough money to make a dent in the bill.
Jews ( maybe up to half a million of them) died in WW2, but 60 million people died in total. The Jews deserve nothing, as they have mercilessly milked the Germans like a parasite ever since, and invented outright lies to support their deceiving ways. They openly state that the Jew will wage war by deception, infiltration and trickery, so in my book such an attitude is despicable.
The blatant lies that continue despite being shown up as lies, is nothing short of amazing. A people who believe that they alone are superior to other races, is repugnant. The Jews who believe this actually openly claim that all non jews are less than cattle, whose only value is as slaves to the holy Jew.

You are either a jew yourself or you have never given this a moments thought.
4 years ago Report
chronology: First off,.am not saying there was or was not a holocaust. Outside the United States there is no freedom of speech.
But most people who deny homicidal gas chambers were used in Europe do not accuse Jewish people of spreading such stories. They place the blame squarely on the doorstep of the Allied power's.

They say that after entering Europe the Allies realized that they had gone too far in the mass murders of German Civilians. They needed to justify that massacre of the German people and accusing Germany of extraordinary crime's excused them of their extraordinary war crimes against Germany. Hamburg, Dresden, Berlin saw slaughter on an industrial scale with Allied bombing. It had nothing to do with Jewish people making up stories.

Like I said there is no freedom of speech outside America. Lady Liberty stands in New York City holding her lamp high.

Unless you want to risk going to jail I would be very careful how you proceed with your comments. I was reading today about a Guy in England who spent 6 months in prison for having a bumper sticker on his car that a court found objectionable.

Again this happens to many people outside the United States. Be very careful Just.
4 years ago Report
chronology: Google Gerald Toben Holocaust denial Australia.
4 years ago Report
justabigjoke: yes, the fact that criminal charges against anyone person who questions even the details of the holocaust is 100% proof that not only is it a big lie, but that many governments are now run by the liars themselves.

There can be no doubt, as this Orwellian law to prevent non belief in the holocaust means that it is a tool of propaganda pure and simple.

You are wrong about who is being accused of spreading the stories of gas chambers.
The "allied powers" who supposedly spread these "stories" are owned and controlled by Zionists. Churchill and Roosevelt both are Zionist puppets.
And you are wrong about not speaking up against this common enemy who hides behind the lie of the holocaust.
We should be having public meetings to expose it, and hanging for treason any politician on the payroll of the Zionists, which in the USA is most politicians. Go have a review of the last half dozen presidents speeches, and see how often they pledge total support for Israel, while USA crumbles and its life blood is drained by these foreign traitors, loyal only to Israel.
4 years ago Report
chronology: Well just Old Boy I do hope you do not hear that knock on the door and find yourself being led to jail by the police.
4 years ago Report
justabigjoke: well unless we all pull finger, we all will end up in a gulag slave camp like countless millions of Russians did when the jews ran the revolution and created the communist state. So Ill meet you in a gulag later then? Because no-one is getting away from them this time around. The want nothing less than total word domination, and non jews in their book are not even worth feeding. A few will be used as slave labour. But apparently they think that about half to 1 billion is a correct number of humans that should exist. And we are in the larger group.
This is madness, but its what they openly are promoting.
Why do we continue to let them? because they manage our salary and bank account. We are worried that we cant pay the netflix bill, so we stay quiet.
4 years ago Report
chronology: Just, really Old Chap you are getting carried away. Sure many of the mainstream preachers etc are Jewish worshipping crazies. But they are Fair Weather friend's cashing in on Jewish people's success. The moment the political weather turns against Jews the prominent public leader's will drop them like hot potato. There is no ' Roman Tanacity of purpose' with them. Or American steadfastness' .

But they do send people to prison for talking about off road subjects. So tread carefully Just.
4 years ago Report
justabigjoke: no, you are playing this down, as i suspect you are a shill. the problems are real, and the crazies are gaining more strength. Their goal is total control, nothing less. And there are now NO Independent politicians, they are all puppets.
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: Chronolgy is a Smooth syaer , Watch out he will delete your Comments , Then leave on up of his about the Holoscst and Hate some thing , that was never said , Go figue does not suprise me
4 years ago Report
chronology: Squirrel I would never delete Just. I don't agree with his comments but they are his views. You just rant emotional outbursts against America.

Like I said to you one time have a weekend in Vegas. Some Guys at work just came back from Las Vegas they loved every moment. And remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: You Just Worship The Government , That resembles Nothing of what it started out to be
Dont want to go to Las Vavas , There needs to be a Refromation , Not promoting Devil Worship
but Hey i often wonder what side your On
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: How can you Vote for the lesser of Two Evils like your siad , So right there your admitting the whole thing is Corrupt

Then in the Next scentence , You Go its the Ultimiate form of Govenence ever devised by Man Kind , It Makes No sence , Its total Contiditions

No Its Beccoming Like the Roman Empire , The Old Covernent is No More
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: Look The Problem Ive got with All this and It Started In The USA with Ronald Raygun
Its got Nothing to do with Holocosts , Hateing people , And all the Rst of it

its The Noah Hide laws that Have been passed , in the UN , In The USA EU is getting on Bord with it , Why doesn"t any one Check out what they Actually mean ,
Its out lawing Christanity , By Punishment of Death , Its Putting Every one back uner the Law
Might as Throw away the New Testament ,

All these Anti Semitism Laws they want to Pass in The US and Europe , Will Guarentee it
Again its not about Hateing any one

If you think some one as High Profile as Billy Grahem Could do Tours of the US Australia and Europe these days Im Afraid every one is Sadly Mistaken
4 years ago Report
chronology: Squirrel old boy you are a rare bird.

America is still finding itself as a country. It is self actualising so to speak. It could have just followed other countries like Australia or Argentina and stayed in the shadow of it's former colonial director's. But America has gone out into the world and makes a distinct presence as 'America' not a former Dutch or Spanish or English colony. America has invented itself and continues to invent itself every day. The waves of immigrants into the U.S. over the last century and the global presence has also added to American self determination. It broke the hold the old colonial rulers had on American politics.

So I have no idea what you are raving about squirrel. You angry rodent. American is just out there finding itself. But you rant about devils or something.
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: Oh so Im an Angry rodant am I , What ever Ive come to expect Accusations from you and people like you Its all you do ,
Go play with your Aleins , its about all your got the mental capasity to do
I thought you siad your studeyed the Bible for over 20 years but you dont know what im talking about faie enough
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: By the way How Does one be Accused of Blasphomey , By taking of policys set by the Commander and Chief , Otherwise known as the President of the USA
Oh there god are they , what like some Roman Empour , What ever you reckon
4 years ago Report
chronology: Well President George W Bush did follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. But Mr Bush has never claimed to be God.
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: Noi But you claimed Bush was
but any way , Alexander the greats Campain only lasted 3 or 4 years , the US has been in Afgainistn for over 20 ,never left Iraq and Iran still hasnt been Concoured

WW2 only lasted 4 years WW1 only lasted a few too , What are the fruits of any of this endless warfair ,And the Empire is Broke living on Credit and Conquests to survive , thats all I can see , If you reckon Bush is a hero of history what ever
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: How many times has the Iraq been declared as won and Over , Ive lost count , its run over 3 or 4 presidents and still going
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: and if any one cares to look , The Think tanks That came up ith the new American Century , are all connected to APIC , like bush chaney Rumsfeld ,
Fast forard to today same thing , Except there doing it in the open no they have big Confrences and every thing ,
, If Americans that you keep speaking on belaf of , think its a good Idear for a forein government to run there policys especially forien affair policys , well good luck , I thought it as Against the thing America stood for
4 years ago Report
chronology: Squirrel, Alexander the Great was not attending to International agreements and Defence policies like the U.S. is. He simply woke up one day and decided to attack a rival country. He then went on to attack kingdoms and Empire's for a reason no one has ever discovered. He then settled down with his Gay lover in Babylon and became an chronic alcoholic. No disrespect to Alexander at all. But he was obsessed with his own cult of celebrity. But after settling in Babylon he was fast becoming yesterday's news. All he had to comfort him was his Gay lover and wine. The Romans would have followed a pre set plan of setting up Government, legal courts, and building the infrastructure and raising taxes. Alexander reached out for his boyfriend and a bottle of wine. In the end the booze killed him.

On my Trivia Blog a while back I posted how, if Iraqi Authorities today were investigating his death in order to issue a death certificate they would probably conclude he died as a result of alcohol and herbs he used in his wine. 'Accidental Death' is most likely what their Honours the Iraqi coroner's would conclude in their report.
4 years ago Report
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: You brought up Alexander the Great , Dont care about you propaganda blog , keep going with your Human sarifices to placate the sin of the USA or whatever your doing
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: If it's on the internet...it MUST be true!!
Cept that the internet is a podium for every whack job in the world to espouse their tin hat theories!
4 years ago Report