why Israel has the right to exist

ryan58581: Israel has the right to exist for reasons: (i want you to say) i know a few but id like you guys to state some and i will start stating some later or if the anti Israel, anti Semites start overflowing this.
10 years ago Report
XWhiteandBlue: Well... becuse in 1948, they applied to the current/rightful landowners, and got approval to settle & own the land.

Just like the US had gained Alaska, (from Canada & Russia) before, in the same way as California (from Mexico) ...and Puerto Rico was GIVEN to them from Spain ...

Just because you don't like who your former neighbor sold the ir house/appartment to; does not take the right of the new landowner to live on the house/appartment they just purchased...

Legally purchased through political capital...That's why Israel has a righ tto exist...
(Edited by XWhiteandBlue)
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: okay good good..
10 years ago Report
owenwilson: it hasn;t the right to exist because it is based on killing people and stealing their land and on a historic myth it's just a lie .. which is going to disappear in the couple of coming years ,, experts say israel will be moved from the map of the world before 2025
10 years ago Report
XWhiteandBlue: And our sources for this asertion are??? owenwilson??? source yourself... "experts say" ... indeed... NOT! I am an "expert" and I don't say so!!

(note I didn't say WHAT I'm an expert in... just ilustrating how unfounded your assertion is in its current version)
(Edited by XWhiteandBlue)
10 years ago Report
owenwilson: experts are the one who make military plans to remove this cancer from Palestine
10 years ago Report
XWhiteandBlue: Got it... unsubstantiated opinion = trollin... NEXT!!!
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
chronology: Israel Is like the Jewish people; 'unique' and 'special'. It all goes back in history, and becomes enmeshed in modern politics. It is worth keeping in mind that modern 'Israel' is a product of 'Zionism' which is a Right Wing ideology, most Jews traditionally have more comfortable with workers movements and Left Wing Politics in general. This is due to many reasons, one of the most prominent being, Right Wingers in Europe and America were often hitting Jews with the argument; 'why don't you f@@koff to your own country and get out out of ours'. Jewish people would respond their home was the same as everyone else's, 'Israel' was a Zionist idea, not a 'Jewish' idea. So traditional Left Wing Jews had to contend with Right Wing Zionists, as well as the traditional Jew baiters of the Gentile Right Wing.

As you can see, Jewish people find history a tough cookie to nibble at times. Israel is a tougher cookie for them. Why should Israel exist? because it is part of mankind's search for it's origins, it's identity, it's search for meaning and purpose in life. Most regular Jewish folks probably just wish it would go away, it is just another stick people use to beat them up with.
10 years ago Report
wandermere: Israel has the right to exist because it was established legally: legal immigration (during the British mandate), and legal acquisition of land, under the legal auspices of two democratic international authorities (Great Britain and the League of Nations), and its right to turn itself into a duly constituted nation then recognized by a third democratic international authority (the United Nations).

That's a better pedigree than most nations on earth have.

(Edited by wandermere)
10 years ago Report
owenwilson: if the Nazis of germany had right to exist israel would have the right to exist .. but they dont
10 years ago Report
XWhiteandBlue: Owen, I am neither gay, nor a zionist. ( I don't have an issue with either of them) but I DO have an issue with someone attempting to label me as something I am not.

Yet, I am still waiting on you to make a rational, logical argument. Germans have a right to exist, German nationalism has a right to exist... they did not have the right to decide they would exterminate evry other race; starting with Jews, however.

Same way Israel has a right to exist, and the neighboring countries do not have the right to decide they would rather install their own country of prefference on a land that is not theirs!
10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: There has never been a sovereign state of Palestine. Never! It was named "Palestine" by the Romans after the Bar Kohhba Revolt in 135 CE. Palestine is a basterd name for Philistia The Jews mortal enemy. The roman historian of that era wrote much about it you can still find his books on amazon or even downloaded in your kindle
10 years ago Report
XWhiteandBlue: On second thought; if being a Zionist means "longing to (return) to the acient Jewish homeland of Jerusalem, the city of David" then no... i am definately not a Zionist...

...but if being a Zionist means "believing that Israel has a right to exist, and that Jerusalem IS the ancient city of David, capital of the Jews of aniquity, with an ongoing heritage that has continued to this day, even though as a Gentile I have no part in it" then I may be a Chistian-Zionist... and I still believe that Israel appealed to the rightfull land owner, and recieved the rights to the land post WWII and therefore have an undeniable right to exist... without constant bombardment from Gaza or threats ffom their neighbors meerely because they exist..
10 years ago Report
Succinct Verbosity
Succinct Verbosity: This website really has a hard on for Israel, doesn't it?

That is, every topic has to be about why Israel is great or why Israel is shit.
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: ^ na its just on here your either super duper zionist or religious jihadist
10 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: tsk tsk.......Palestine & Israel were twin brothers.....the youngest of 12......Palestine being the older first born of the two...the stories of Sodom & Gomorrah are stories of how the elder 10 brothers attempted too murder the twins... and failed.. when they realized their father was dying.. or had just died...the fathers blessing was going onto...the twins...

Israel..hardened his heart against his 10 brothers..then against his elder twin for attempting reconcile the difference between the 12 brothers....meanwhile the elder ten never truly softened towards Palestine...

most of the orthodox customs of the Jewish religion were from the time the younger twin used his hair too distinguish himself from his brother & his personal family.so that at a glance... the two families could be immediately distinguished from one another...

the other customs were methods from their health care......

PS.. It was who everyone refers too as Jesus who married the young Girl and did not consummate the marriage..Islam talks of. and is another reason Israel turned on him when he returned from His youthful travels...and was telling stories of....
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: NOOOO, Israel is older than Palestine, by 2000 years AND Palestine never existed as a state, so Israel is only child and Israel is a rape train when you look at her military
10 years ago Report
wandermere: Israel derives its right to exist from modern history, not from Biblical times. The Israelites were there two thousand years before any Arabs arrived (as conquerors), certainly, but that's not what makes Israel a perfectly legitimate member of the international community today.

Israel was established legally under international auspices and with international approval. It has never wanted anything but peace with its neighbours. They, unfortunately, had other ideas.

10 years ago Report
Succinct Verbosity
Succinct Verbosity: Last I checked the 6 day war was started by Israel.
10 years ago Report
wandermere: Check again. Israel did everything it could to prevent war in '67. While Nasser was declaring "We'll drive them into the sea", Levi Eshkol was telling the Knesset "Just because Egypt has an army in Sinai doesn't mean we have to go to war with them".

Syria had been fed bad information by the Russians about Israeli troop movements in Galilee. Israel offered to take Syrian diplomats TO Galilee to show them that nothing was going on there. The Syrians declined.

Jordan had already opened fire on Israeli positions when the Israelis were still trying to convince them to stand down. If Jordan had listened to that, the West Bank and East Jerusalem would be Jordanian to this day.

Israel's airstrike against the Egyptian air force was an unavoidable (they had declined to do it as long as they dared) and completely justifiable defensive first strike. When your enemy is declaring before the world that he will wipe you out to a man, you don't wait around for him to do it.

10 years ago Report
10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: The six day war also known The "yom kippur war" was not iniciated by Israel.
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: ^ and the enemy side to Israel got OWNED
10 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: What the heck is Harlet talking about! Essau decendents are not the palestinians!!!
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: http://www.wall-of-truth.org/
10 years ago Report
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