Conspiracy Theories That Were Proven True, Conspiracy poll results (Page 55)

davidk14: .

Yes in the early part of the 1900's. Did not work out to well. Americans wanted the booze and they got it anyway.

6 years ago Report
lori100: same crisis actor at 4 shooting events...sad ..that's some bad luck....
6 years ago Report
lori100: more bad acting
6 years ago Report
lori100: sad...had to use the girl in blue twice at the same event...^^^^
6 years ago Report
lori100: dead girl's pic used at Manchester...
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: So what does it mean Lorie are the events fake or just the Coverage
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Geez wire Club is a conspiracy , Ive herd every thing from Cleverly controlled media from the Zionists , to these attacks are all fake, There not all fake
6 years ago Report
lori100: many are fake as my past videos have's to manipulate the public into giving up their freedom and guns...and promote more wars........
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

NOT to promote more wars...but to promote insurrection by progressive liberals.

6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Give us guns, give us guns, so we can shoot each other. What a bankrupt mantra.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Why not walk Americans into gas ovens and have done with it. All they seem to live for is death.
6 years ago Report
chronology: Good griefe, you Guys are all wacked. First, why does every so called 'conspiracy theory' about 911 completely contradict every other theory? because they are practically all pure BS. There is not a scrap of evidence that the U.S. Government did anything but try and save lives and offer assistance to injured people on 911. God Bless America.

And if some people on this thread walked into a Court and tried to bring a case against the Federal Government based on these whacko theories of 'death rays' 'invisible planes' dissapearing passengers they would be considered fit for committal to a State Hospital.

Foe goodness sake guys, a dozen people saw that plane crash in Shanksville, are they all Government Agents? Illuminatti Agents? a man who travelled out to interview them a few years ago said they were just local people.

The first person to run to the crashed plane was a passing motorist. He jumped back in his car and drove off. Who can blame him? as the next person to reach the plane said 'there was heads and arms all over the place' .
6 years ago Report
lori100: no plane hit the plane crashed in PA......could have been illum agents...the media said there was no evidence that a plane crashed in PA...nothing bigger than a phone plane parts, no luggage, no bodies.....
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: You can actually go online and find the 1st reporter on the scene.

He said a rocket just hit the Pentagon.

Once the kkkriminals, saw him they removed him from the broadcast and started to tell their lies.
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: Here is the video from CNN

He says there is no evidence of any plane crashing anywhere near the Pentagon.

These kkkrimals are not only evil, but they are also stupid.

See for yourself before they take it down.

6 years ago Report
gronchbove: Watch this before the wicked Danglos take it down.
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: See, I believe the world is reaching a point where we KNOW we have been lied to all this time.
6 years ago Report
chronology: Lori, no disrespect, but honestly. 'Illum Agents' why would such a mysterious cult, even if there is such a cult, have Agents in the countryside of America?

A curious point is that around 12 people saw the plane tumbling out of control, but only three or so saw it crash. We don't know who the first guy was who stopped to look at the crash, the poor fellow had a 'Lord Jim' moment after seeing the body parts and ran off to his car and drove away.

If am not mistaken Lori a body was actually found months later high up in a tree there. Which make some people suspect the plane blew up before coming down. No one reported the plane being shot down.

But who can tell?

I think I told you one time Lori about a plane crash years ago where a plane belly flopped through a roof and exploded. Next day even people who worked in the buildings next door never believed there had been a plane crash, there was no damage at all to the outside of the building. Probably the same situation in PA, the plane just landed in a odd way and vanished like the plane did in the 60s. Finally both planes were found, but in both cases people near by thought there had been no crash.
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: This is my argument - we are not arguing that 4 planes did not crash. Have you ever heard of a remote control plane? We are arguing that the first reporters did not see a plane crash on the Pentagon.

A drone can create a more tiny footprint, allowing the Pentagon to be reused.

The Pentagon (the #1 military building in the world) said it has ZERO cameras. Do you believe that?


The planes might have been flown remotely, by radio wave and crashed. The government has the technology.
6 years ago Report
lori100: could have been fake witnesses...planes don't vanish...
6 years ago Report
lori100: I still believe a small bomb made the PA crater...certainly wasn't a large jet...
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: True. Lori100 puts out a great point. There is a video where the Prime Minister or a high level Israeli politician is telling everyone the same hour:

Amerikkkka should invade Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan .... and so forth.

He said that Building ... fell.

But it had not fallen at that time.

It fell later.

How did he know the building would fall?

Was it part of a Hollywood script?
6 years ago Report
lori100: the remote viewers did see the planes that hit the towers were remotely controlled...the pilots tried to get control and failed...
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: Yes, even computers might have a remote connection.
6 years ago Report
gronchbove: So, this is our theory. The wicked wanted a sensational action, damage the Pentagon, but don't destroy it.

Imagine if 100% of the US military leaders were killed on 911.

This way, only the accountants were killed - the drone hit the Pentagon accounting office.

They hide their fraudulent accounts. A drone can have a small explosion.


All the pieces to the puzzle fit.
6 years ago Report