Conspiracy Theories That Were Proven True, Conspiracy poll results (Page 12)

lori100: foxnews----------------Investigators want missile theory probed in '96 TWA Flight 800 crash-------A handful of aviation experts, including a number of investigators who were part of the original probe of TWA Flight 800, have come forward in a new documentary to say evidence points to a missile as the cause of the crash off the coast of Long Island 17 years ago.

The New York-to-Paris flight crashed July 17, 1996, just minutes after takeoff from JFK Airport, killing all 230 people aboard. In the weeks that followed, the plane was reassembled in a hangar from parts retrieved from the sea. But the cause of the crash was not identified immediately, and after authorities said the crash was caused by static electricity ignited fuel fumes, many skeptics cast doubt on the theory. Adding to the controversy were multiple eyewitness accounts of a fireball going up from the ground and hitting the plane before it went down, accounts which the FBI dismissed at the time.
--------“It’s obvious that the truth was not allowed to be pursued."
- Jim Speer, accident investigator for the Airline Pilots Association

The half-dozen investigators whose charges will be fleshed out in a documentary set to air July 17 - the anniversary of the crash - say they were never allowed to get at the truth. But they are confident a missile brought down the plane.

"We don't know who fired the missile," said Jim Speer, an accident investigator for the Airline Pilots Association, one of a half-dozen experts seeking a new review of the probe. "But we have a lot more confidence that it was a missile."

The group is comprised of people who worked for the National Transportation Safety Board, TWA and the Airline Pilots Association, all of whom have since retired. All six say that the evidence shows the plane was brought down by a projectile traveling at a high speed.

“It all fits like a glove,” said Tom Stalcup, a physicist who is considered one of the foremost independent researchers and participated in the documentary, said during a press conference on Wednesday. “It is what it is and all the evidence is there.”

Hank Hughes, a retired senior accident investigator for NTSB, said probers were not allowed to seek answers once the FBI took over the crime scene. "We just want to see the truth come out," Hughes said. "We don't have hidden agendas. The only thing we are looking for is the truth."

Speer, who says he found explosive residue on a part from the right wing which also had three holes, agreed.

“It’s obvious that the truth was not allowed to be pursued," said Speer. “A majority of people working in that hanger did not feel as if the evidence was properly being handled.”

The NTSB said it will review the petition.
(Edited by lori100)
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori. The real problem with resolving any problems with Flight 800 is that the accident occurred smack bang in the middle of a Navy Training Exercise. And that meant all the problems of trying to resolve the procedures of two very different bureaucracy's. I understand New York Police Divers were 'asked' to leave the search area by Navy Divers who claimed exclusive freedom to the sea bed. On the New York beeches, Army Humbees drove around looking for wreckage.

See anything suspicious? I don't, just 'this is our turf not yours'.

Reminds me of an observation made by an American FBI man visiting the Jack the Ripper Crime Records. He was told the 'London City Police' and the 'Meterepolitan Police' worked the Case. The FBI man sighed and said; 'oh boy, you had two Police forces working the same Case? no wonder they never solved it'.

Same with Flight 800.
10 years ago Report
lori100: ...sounds like a definite cover up to me....
10 years ago Report
lori100: Corporate lawyer jumps to his death from 22nd-floor Central Park West apartment: cops

Read more: high-powered corporate lawyer jumped to his death from his luxury Manhattan apartment overlooking Central Park, police said Saturday.

Stephen Hertz jumped from his home on the 22nd floor of the highrise on Central Park West near 105th St. about 9:20 p.m. Friday, cops said, landing in a tree.

Emergency responders had to cut down branches to get to his mangled body, a police source said.

Hertz, 55, was a partner in Midtown lawfirm Debevoise & Plimpton, where he specialized in venture capitalism and mergers and acquisitions.

10 years ago Report
ghostgeek: According to The New York Post, Hertz sent a suicide note to his ex-wife, who forward it to a psychiatrist, who then called 911. It must happen all the time.
10 years ago Report
lori100: I’ll call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist. - John Judge
10 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Who's John Judge?
10 years ago Report
lori100: John Judge, founder of the Committee on Political Assassinations and tireless activist for open government
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori my dear girl, it worth recalling America ranks 33rd in terms of world suicide rates, well down the list. If we read your Posts without knowing that, we would think the sky's of New York were black with Bankers throwing themselves out of skyscrapers. Greenland has the grim title of 'world suicide capital'.
10 years ago Report
chronology: The tragic death of Michael Hasting in Los Angeles seems like a case of 'history repeating itself'. Tho Hastings was no glamorous and romantic hero of the Arabian sands, his death did echo the death of T.E. Lawrence.

In the Arab world it is a wide spread rumour that Lawrence was killed by sinister Zionist plotters who strung a wire across the road he crashed on, throwing him off his motorcycle. In fact witnesses at the scene saw no such wire, or sinister Zionists for that matter. Lawrence also seems to have had no ill feelings to Jews.

So why the suspicions about his death? Well Michael Hastings was said to have told friends he was working on 'something big', he then trashes his car and people assume the 'something big' had something to do with his death, a little known point about Lawrences death is that he was killed on his way back from sending a telegramme agreeing to meet Adolf Hitler, then ruler of Germany. So people assume the telegramme and his death are connected. In fact, the Lawrence telegramme was to a literary friend who had already met Mr Hitler and stood at his side at a huge NSDAP rally in Germany and was still trippy at the experience, he was constantly telling Lawrence to visit Berlin and stand with Mr Hitler.

There was a news black out at Lawrences death and all reporting banned for the first few days.

Unlike Michael Hasting, which is an open and shut case, there does seem something 'odd' about Lawrence's death, or at least circumstances in the days proceding his crash. Rocks were thrown at his home smashing his roof tiles, Lawrence was involved in a fist fight punching a man in the face, scuffles broke out later on.
10 years ago Report
DEEP_acheleg: oddly, my alfabits were missing every letter but "o"- seems there is a conspiracy afoot.
10 years ago Report
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori, Lori, Lori, my dear girl you do let your imagination race away. The reason for secrecy at the Bilderberger Meetings is so the people who attend those meetings can talk freely in a relaxed way. May I explain?.

Let us imagine that Bilderberger meetings were open and freely reported, can you imagine the anarchy? Suppose The Hon Hillary Clinton sat back in an arm chair and mused 'obviously the way to go is Nuclear Energy'. Within seconds of those words leaving her lips they would be reported in New York and Stock prices on Atomic Power Plants would go through the roof. Or let's say Dr Condoleeza Rice dismisses any suggestion she was accepting an invitation to run for President in 2016, there would be a mad scramble by Lobbyists to get influence with other potential nominees.

So there has to be a lock down of reporting from their meetings or life would be impossible for them.

Americans find secrecy bad manners, but unfortunately, in this case, American openness would make meetings impossible.
10 years ago Report
lori100: They are restricted only because they are hiding stuff from the public who they are supposed to be serving......and none of them are honorable....
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori, Lori, I sometimes wonder why conspiracy theories are so entrenched in some folks mind. One theory I have is that 911 happened after the Internet first took off with it's tidal wave of alternative News and explanations. You see Lori, it is all about 'timing'.

The 'Three Mile Island' malfunction was the dampest 'none event' in News History, so why did people go into 'scare syndrome'? well Three Mile Island happened 10 days after the Movie 'The China Syndrome' was released in Movie Theatres, gee, how is that for 'timing'.

The Tragic events in New York happened after the Internet had begun to spread craziness around the world, and the Web was sitting waiting to spread more madness on demand.

Folks like Rod here on Wire do give people a Sand Pit to play in, unfortunately there are many Sites out there that have become kitty litter boxes.
10 years ago Report
lori100: No, books have been written about the backgrounds of the Bush family, the CIA, the criimes the govt has is not because of the internet---just more info easily available on the net...
10 years ago Report
chronology: 'Sigh' very well Lori dear, now enjoy some iced Florida Orange Juice and spend some time at the Beech in L.A. watching the Pelicans dive for fish, very relaxing.
10 years ago Report
lori100: The 18th Amendment, which took effect in January 1920, banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol but not consumption. Despite the government's efforts, alcoholism actually skyrocketed during the era.

To keep up with America's thirst, bootleggers not only created their own alcohol but also stole industrial versions, rendered undrinkable by the inclusion of certain chemicals (namely methyl alcohol). Liquor syndicates then employed chemists to "re-nature" the alcohol once again, making it safe for consumption, according to Deborah Blum, author of "The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York."

By mid-1927, however, the U.S. government added much deadlier chemicals kerosene, chloroform, and acetone among those most well known which made alcohol more difficult to render consumable again. Adding 10% more methyl alcohol caused the worst efforts.

Although New York City's chief medical examiner, Charles Norris, tried to publicize the dangers, in 1926, poisonous alcohol killed 400 in the city. The next year, 700 died.
10 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Shows the side effects of trying to compel people to do certain things.
10 years ago Report
chronology: Read about that year's ago Lori. It was not the 'U.S Government', it was an over zealous Agent on his dime.
10 years ago Report
lori100: Titanic Conspiracy-------------In October 1910, a group of seven men, all senior players in the Rothschild and Rockefeller financial dynasties, met in strict secrecy on a private island off the coast of Georgia, USA. Their brief was to create an organisation to usurp the power to create and print money, until then solely a function of the US government. This organisation was to be named 'The Federal Reserve Bank'. This plan however, had several extremely powerful, high-profile opponents who stood in the way of these banker's goals.

In the meantime, John Pierpoint (JP) Morgan, another American high-financier, involved in the Federal Reserve scheme, who also happened to own the British-based White Star shipping line, had commissioned a series of 'super-liners', the Olympic class, in an attempt to gain the lion's share of the highly lucrative Atlantic-crossing market. The speculative investment involved in this project was immense.

However, in September 1911, before the second one of the planned three 'sisters', RMS Titanic had been completed, Morgan's plans were dealt a massive financial blow when RMS Olympic, the first of the 'sister' ships off the production line was involved in a disastrous collision with a Royal Navy cruiser, HMS Hawke.

And so, the scene was set for one of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated... in the 100th anniversary year, John presents information and evidence that seriously questions the official account in the history books.---------
10 years ago Report
Beloni: Do not allow the eye to fool the mind!
10 years ago Report
lori100: American author Acharya S in "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold" (1999) argues that Jesus and Christianity were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion, and that these people drew on numerous myths and rituals which existed previously and then constructed them into Christianity that exists today.------------there is lots of evidence the stories of Jesus were remakes of other saviors from myths....
10 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Try "The Jesus Mysteries, Was the 'Original Jesus' a Pagan God?" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. According to them there never was a Jesus.
10 years ago Report
lori100: Ty, I'll look into it
10 years ago Report