NEWS FLASH - North Korea...

davidk14: .

...vows nuclear attack on US, saying Washington will be 'engulfed in a sea of fire'.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. I though Obama was supposed to bring peace to the world?

11 years ago Report
Succinct Verbosity
Succinct Verbosity: How is this Obama's fault?

I mean, what do you think Obama can do? Nuke or invade North Korea? Man, I wish - but he can't, just like every previous and subsequent president wont be able to until China releases its stranglehold on the region. North Korea can keep flailing, and it may get to the point that North Korea has to do something [more] insane to stop China from protecting them. All I know is, if America attack first they wont be faced with one North Korean missile, they'll be faced with hundreds of far more accurate Chinese ones.

That's the reality. Yes, it sucks. Yes, my blood boils when I read about the concentration camps in North Korea. Yes, I *want* the North Korean dictatorship out of the picture. Honestly, it's not North Korea or Obama (I mean, c'mon son) that are the problem -- China is. People should be piling pressure on China... Not North Korea.
(Edited by Succinct Verbosity)
11 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. He walks on water. He can do no wrong. Yet the US and N. Korea have the worst relations since 1953 when the war can to a stalemate. Obama is the best president the US has ever had, have, or ever will have. Every one loves him....except the loons who listen to nutcases who think his overspending is wrong or that he is a socialist pig.. Obama is just covering up the mistakes of Bush. Bush is the real devil. He caused all the worlds problems including why Obama had to over spend $6 trillion dollars is just 4 years. Bush also caused Obama not to have a budget for 4 years. Damn that Bush.

11 years ago Report
DUH!! You have even missed the point of a fake news item designed to point at failures nearer to home!!!
11 years ago Report
Succinct Verbosity
Succinct Verbosity: At what point did I blame Bush?

It just seems pretty moronic to blame Obama for a conflict that has lasted since the 50's and hasn't officially ended.
11 years ago Report
davidk14: .

It's Obama's watch and we have the worst situation happening with NK. According to the Obamites, he was to have brought the world together and everyone was going to be holding hands and singing kumbaya. The exact opposite has happened. This administrations world foreign policies are disasters.

11 years ago Report
Succinct Verbosity
Succinct Verbosity: This, of course, has nothing to do with North Korea having a new leader. Nope.
11 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Of course not. Same dance, slightly different music.

11 years ago Report
ohnonotthatguy: David If you were the President I will not mention Obama cause you hate the man.but any other former President what would you do to stop North Korea and/or any other nation that posses immediate danger to American soil and it's citizens.
David your only to protect your country and your people only,you are not to request assistants from your allies in defusing your case with NK.
You have as President,holding the power of Executive Order in your hands and the control of the best in Military forces in the world.
11 years ago Report
ohnonotthatguy: Still waiting David
11 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: I think the above is a valid question, given the topic.
11 years ago Report
ohnonotthatguy: David are you on March Break?
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: David, every president since Washington himself has been devil fueled. Obama and Bush are no different from each other than brown and white rice. The only difference between the too is only superficial. Politicians whether they be American or from anywhere else in the world for the most part are fueled by power, greed and lust. There is no perfect government nor any perfect ideologies. Man is imperfect and thus whatever man tries to govern he governs with imperfections. Until God becomes the focus our world is doomed.
11 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: >>>Obama and Bush are no different from each other than brown and white rice. that a racial comment?

>>>Until God becomes the focus our world is doomed

Whose God, though? Hasn't God been the focus in the past, with terrible results?
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: How can that possibly be misconstrued as a racist statement unless of course that is how you read into it as a racist. and I was replying to Dave who knows exactly what it is that I am referring too.
11 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: >>>How can that possibly be misconstrued as a racist statement

You said its like comparing white and brown rice- Bush is white. Obama is black(or brown).

Kinda simple, but I could see how that wasn't your intent
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: Your reading too much into it lol
11 years ago Report
MichaeI: This pains me to say this but Obama is doing the right thing with this. N. Korea is like the little brother that follows his big brother around trying to get his attention by punching him in the arm or turning over his tarantula from it's bowl ion the top shelf in his room. It's not really hurting anything but it's annoying. Unless of course said tarantula makes its way into your bedding and bites you on the toe thus giving you poison and you die in your sleep.

Yes, threats should be taken seriously but who can take a threat seriously from someone whose hair looks like the guy's in Kid N' Play. I think that's the worst fade I have ever seen. Not to mention we sent our best Ambassador over there to cool tensions. I mean, it doesn't get any better than "The Worm" Dennis Rodman. What could possibly go wrong?

On a serious note, as irritating as it is, the reality of the situation is N. Korea is trying to get some International attention and what better way to do that than to take on the biggest kid in the playground? The guy in power is most likely trying to make a name for himself by displaying some sort of strength. We shouldn't go to war just because someone is acting like an imbecile.

Here's my foreign policy for N. Korea. Treat it like you would a horse fly that keeps swarming around your head while you're trying to lay out by the swimming pool. It'll land on your head a few times and aggravate the crap out of you but you just keep swatting at it until it finally goes away. If that doesn't work, take your towel and smack it out of the air and step on it with your flip-flop. I know, mixed messages.
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: Michael, I agree with you to a certain extent but there does come a time when that little brother needs to be put in check. Unfortunately, without Chinas approval that will most likely never happen. Hopefully China itself will come to the realization that that idiot and all under him need to be replaced and a whole new government reinstated to get the region back to where it should be.
BTW, there are no tarantulas that could kill you (unless you are allergic to their venom). The most serious tarantula out there is the Sri-Lankan Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria fasciata), and even though it would put a nasty hurting on you (maybe even requiring medical assistance), killing you is highly doubtful. Most are equivalent to a bee or a wasp sting and the ones in the new world are more notorious for their urticating hairs rather than their bites.
Just some spider info for you!
11 years ago Report
dave3974: why not start a dialogue with NK and give them a face saving way out , oh and stop the military posturing on their door step
11 years ago Report
MichaeI: They were told once before that they can have a 6 party talk. Threatening to nuke the United States isn't the way to go about sitting down for reasonable discussions.
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: Dave, they have been offered plenty of ways to end this bs. Remember, this shit has been going on since the 50's. And now that we have this new ying yang in power flexing his wannabe might maybe it is time for us to threaten (and carry out) dropping a couple of bunker busters.
11 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Eleven Days ago…

ohnonotthatguy: David If you were the President I will not mention Obama cause you hate the man.but any other former President what would you do to stop North Korea and/or any other nation that posses immediate danger to American soil and it's citizens.
David your only to protect your country and your people only,you are not to request assistants from your allies in defusing your case with NK.
You have as President,holding the power of Executive Order in your hands and the control of the best in Military forces in the world.

David responds:

For almost two weeks I have seriously thought about your question. As President, I have considered a number of scenarios and each one seems worse than the last.

Let’s just for shits and giggles, play the following scenario. This scenario has it’s obvious flaws.

So, NK (North Korea) called my wife a slut. That does it. I’ve had enough. I call in all my military and intelligence folks into a meeting and declare that we must now do something.

However, we will only act with a Declaration of War legally authorizing us to act.

I go in front of congress and demand they vote on a Declaration of War. I get it. Really?

Now, the American people get behind the declaration and within a short period of time, we are not building cars but churning out tanks. We are not building airliners but bombers. Vacation cruise ships..nope…aircraft carriers. The entire economy moves into the war business and businesses are booming. Almost everyone is employed. Teenagers are signing up in droves to become Marines and Army soldiers.

All they want to do is KILL….KILL…KILL…

These young teenagers, as Arlo Guthrie said in his song, “I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL."

As I said, this is for shits and giggles and has its obvious flaws…however…this scenario is crazy enough to become reality.

So, moving on.

We Declare War on NK. The N Koreans go nuts. They start lobbing a few thousands rounds into S Korea. The US sends in a couple of hundred jets and pulverizes anything that has a light bulb.

The war is over in 2 days. Not because we kill hundreds of thousands of NKoreans, it’s because they had no supply lines. They blew their wad and that was it. Now the war is over.



We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -




Hello....Sorry, what did you just say???

How many NKorean civilians are starving?

How many NKorean civilians are poorer than dirt?


10’s of MILLIONS?

We now have to feed, house, educate, get some sort of government and services up and running????




Seriously? I do not have a real good way out of this. IF we did decide to regime change the NK’s, it would be a major challenge, and cost trillions and trillions of dollars and how many American lives? And what about China? They just gonna sit still? The US did fight the Chinese in the 1950’s during the last “police action”.

Let’s just blame George Bush and call it a day.

11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: Damn you George Bush !
11 years ago Report
ohnonotthatguy: Thank you David
Liked the Queen thing

We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world
11 years ago Report
Last chance Craig
Last chance Craig: Exceptin' Alice, You can get anything you want!
11 years ago Report
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