Why New Zealand should be invaded. (Page 2)

OCD_OCD: It sounds very bucolic, but some people who were not raised there seem to find it stultifying if they are used to something different. If a vibrant, eclectic life is something a person was looking for, they might not find it there
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: Well if you stayed on a farm or in a small country town it would naturally be of a slower pace but like all countries it does have its bustling cities with everything on offer.

Maybe you should visit OCD so you could form your own first hand opinion other that just reading others.

Many immigrants ( from a variety of countries) I know that have come to Oz looking for greener pastures havent all been totally satisfied as life is just as dull here too if you dont have the money to fully experience whats on offer.

Im sure the same can be said about the US too. Ive never visited so I cant make an informed comment but a few GFs have and all said 'nice place to visit but wouldnt live there'

Theres no pleasing everyone now is there.
(Edited by xox G xox)
11 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: When she's on next, I'm going to get a user who is in charge of a kiwi chamber of commerce to correct some erroneous information being posted in here.
(Edited by Sarcastic Dots)
11 years ago Report
R E B E C C A: I think OCD uses negativity.com for all her info.
11 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: The drudge report (lol)
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox:
(Edited by xox G xox)
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: I never said it was a horrible place. I only said that it looks bucolic. If people like bucolic, then it would be perfect. if people who like large cities, they probably wouldn't choose NZ.

There were as many comments on that website from inhabitants that love NZ as there were negative. It is just that the negative ones were really funny. ha-ha-ha!
11 years ago Report
GeraldTheGnome: My intention of this forum was to finally have something light-hearted in the conspiracy filled, unfair and hate filled section of this site that is that of the Politics Forums, well quite a number of them. Most or 1/2 of the political forums are like that ? I don't know, but there are way too many political forums that shouldn't even be ALLOWED to stay on this site. But like many things on this site, you might as well pee against the wind, that's as constructive as things go on here. Besides that let's not bring other stuff onto any forum or as in my mistake in the past, respond to unrelated messages to the forum in front of me. NZ and Australia are highly taxed but this is about why NZ should be invaded in a joking manner.
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: My bad, got a little on the NZ defensive side. I know heaps of Kiwi jokes to lighten the mood

A tour bus full of tourists stops by a farmer holding a sheep. One of them calls out "are you shearing?".
The farmer yells back, in an unhappy tone 'NO, fuck off and get your own!'

Why does New Zealand have some of the fastest race horses in the world?

As for invading ummmmmmm doesnt Australia already consider it one of its states ....like Tasmania

11 years ago Report
GeraldTheGnome: Nuh, Kiwis in reality have invaded Australia. I'm sure there's more Kiwis in Australia than in any other part of the world, including more than in New Zealand. The question is this ; When the last one leaves will that person turn off the light ? I will prove how Kiwis have taken over Australia. PMSL Who here thinks that New Zealand should be invaded ?
11 years ago Report
GeraldTheGnome: I meant when the last one leaves New Zealand.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: No problem, Dills!
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: All I know is that I'd look smashing with a Maori face tat.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb154/ATF22/The-Monkey-King.jpg

What do you think?
11 years ago Report
billy_piper: be an idiot abroad,
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Definitely.
11 years ago Report
billy_piper: yes 2
11 years ago Report
billy_piper: how else would we know
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: At 30 June 2012, an estimated 647 863 New Zealand citizens were present in Australia.
Population as at Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013 at 12:35:38 pm 4,453,363

Population on 23 January 2013 at 10:36:53 AM (Canberra time), the resident population of Australia is projected to be 22,896,252

I recon it wont be long b4 NZ is empty n ripe for a take over.

I think Australia should invade, its got very fertile land and the farmers here are suffering.Or Australia can use it as its new off shore immigrant detention center, like one more wouldn't hurt.

Nices Tatts on the monkey OCD.
(Edited by xox G xox)
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Looking fierce, huh?

What you need is a channel tunnel from Oz to NZ. That would be a really long chunnel, though.
11 years ago Report
needpeace6: Well sorry Folks to say this but I had been all over the world with Family but nothing beats USA we have 400 million population <<, This is the only country that ever gives you the opportunity to succeed ,Europeans ,Asians, got rich here Movie stars from other countries mostly lives here in Hollywood or NY this is where the $$$ big bucks its a Melting Pot of the World and i dont need to put up no videos or pix I think you all know what I am talking about..I love Australia ,England or other part of Europe,,,but only for visiting family or sightseeing,, less poulation..America has a lot to offer The Rockies,,Beautiful beaches too...shopping here is to die for,,,Las Vegas,New York, and to be in Canada for few hours drive. to go Hunting in Wilderness or to be eaten by a Polar Bear....And about guns Obama now is trying to passed the Law...It depends where you live in America..But I love every uniqueness of other countries but I will not live there 1 week is enough..In America you have to have Leadership and to be tough and have Perseverance or else you will never make it here...just sharing I dont need to brag friends..
11 years ago Report
MissCellaneous: Now here's a forum that could do with a few good, strong facts.

New Zealand has the highest level of freedom WORLDWIDE.

NZ is also ranked first in the list of Best countries for business. New Zealand is the smallest economy in the top 10 at $162 billion, but it ranks first in personal freedom and investor protection, as well as a lack of red tape and corruption.

NZ ranks first in the world for Education too, on the basis of performance in three areas: access to education, quality of education and human capital.

Auckland rated 3rd GLOBALLY in the Quality of Living Mercer ranking.

Every country has fans and haters. NZ included. Particularly those who are waiting for the Government to 'fix' the recession, or have 'a mate that moved to xxxx and now earns xxxx and is so much better off' (which may or may not be true)

Simple facts are that NZ is an innovative, entrepreneurial nation. Our people are dynamic, friendly, creative souls, who are well looked after both by other New Zealanders and our healthcare/education system, although of course, there is always room for improvement (show me a country where that's not true)

If you want to criticise something about NZ, have a go at our Cricket team. They're pretty rubbish.

(Edited by MissCellaneous)
11 years ago Report
GeraldTheGnome: Each Australian Dollar is worth 1.24 New Zealand Dollars, sometimes it can be worth more in New Zealand. Is this another reason to invade or should New Zealand be bought because "ut's as cheep as chups" ?
11 years ago Report
MissCellaneous: I can only assume at this point you're trolling, and playing dumb to get a reaction. This time... I'll bite.

You DO understand exchange rates right?!
11 years ago Report
GeraldTheGnome: No trolling. I understand exchange rates, I got a lot for my dollar when I went over there in July 2011. More for my dollar means that I fully understand exchange rates, this isn't about me playing dumb or trolling, I'm not playing dumb, this was SUPPOSED to be about a lighthearted thing that you took too seriously as soon as you came on. If you don't like it then ignore it and not present even another word on here. The only reaction I wanted on here was a jovial one, not one of someone biting over something due to them making mountains out of molehills.
11 years ago Report