Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions (Page 4)

lavendar_star: Women being unreasonable OCD I never lol yes women should tell men if they are interested but the end of the day its women who has baby.
12 years ago Report
davidk14: .


We're going around in circles. I completely understand every point you make, and even points that you have not made here and the ramifications pro and con.

The point I am trying to make is...where does one draw the line in respect for life.

If some say life can be terminated for this reason or that reason or for the betterment of oneself, for others, for society, then some can legitimatize eugenics as a serious concept as well as genocide. Actually, some can consider abortion as genocide.

I just haven't been able to accept the concept of taking of an unborn child because, a woman has the choice.

12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: Well that's where we differ maybe (even though I know there are plenty of women who are pro life) but being a woman and the thought of that choice being taken away from me and any other woman and being forced to go through a pregnancy and have the baby I don't want regardless if the option of adoption is there is something I am unable to accept.

But I do understand and respect where your coming from David14, eugenics is already here with test tube babies and people able to choose the sex, check for diseases or genetic deficiencies and if possibly eye colour etc via IVF.

So yes we will go round in circle lol Im pro choice and thats it, but I get where your coming from.
(Edited by lavendar_star)
12 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Lavendar, where do our rights as a woman begin and the rights of a child or the father end? It's all genetic material from the egg to the sperm ro the fetus. So who gets preference and why? And please explain why your choice gets preference
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: Well OCD, If we are not talking about rape, incest or pregnancy that would be a health risk to the woman, because women have periods, have to carry the baby and within that pregnancy do not do drugs, eat correctly and conducts oneself well i.e unsafe sex, that may put that child safety at risk and give birth and ultimately have to be the main providers of the well being of that child, (most of the time). Like I said the laws of nature.

In the old times before birth control and legal abortions women got illegal abortions which on many occasions put women health at risk or had numerous children that they were unable to look after and that became wards of the state. I understand that a unborn child and a father may have rights but to say that I have to have baby beyond my choice or control seems well wrong in my opinion.

I'm sure if women had that choice in countries where they didn't have welfare systems and these children are born with AIDS or to a life of starvation and suffering what would be the lesser evil? to have that child or if available to have an abortion?

12 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: No one said that you must be forced to have a baby, only that as a woman we must act responsibly and take everything into account, not just our personal convenience. We no longer have to bear children or have back alley abortions, so that isn't something I take into account.

I am not talking about women who are forced to have sex with men who have AIDS or have no form of birth control. I'm talking about civilized countries where women have choices and are not chattel.

If we want to have the right to make the decision for the unborn child, the father and ourselves, then don't we owe it to all of them to take the utmost precaution and be responsible in our birth control?
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: Yes exactly and that what I do and as do many other women, but the most educated woman has been caught out or acted irresponsibility aka alcohol, let alone teenagers and also some parents who dont want their teenagers to use birth control or to take control of it themselves (been much debate whether parents should be told if their teen daughters are taking the pill or the morning after pill in the UK) or for some women who are unable to access it for whatever lame reason.

Which is why I personally have no problem with the state paying for abortions cost less than in the long run then to be responsible for the child on welfare as I said, maybe they need to make birth control more accessible for teenagers and be explicitly offered for women who are poor or on low income.

Can I ask OCD, can women in America get birth control from your doctors, as when I watched the documentary about the last abortion clinic in Mississippi, a alternative clinics offered by the state with a pro life backing offered no forms of birth control whatsoever!!!!!
(Edited by lavendar_star)
12 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: There is free birth control in the US for anyone who wishes, so lack of funds is no excuse. It is also available to adolescents even without parental consent in many cases, which is another issue altogether.
12 years ago Report
franklin1950: since row v wade decision how many abortions total in the usa ?
in all countries together ?
how many millions ?
for some , for some reason the number is never enough.
the womans movement has done themselves proud .
12 years ago Report
lavendar_star: OK, well like I said can you get it free from the doctors? then there is a lack of excuse for the exception that it fails, because when I searched for planned parenthood there is only one centre for the whole state of Mississippi which has poor and rural population, so i think the accessibility to birth control is important to.

12 years ago Report
franklin1950: theres a lot of money to be made in the billion dollar abortion buisiness .
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: if you open up your legs & get knocked up, pay for your own abortion, say i (government should not have to pay for that OR for the upbringing of the child!!!!!!!! why can`t ppl be taught to be financially responsible for their offspring? it aint impossible). unfortunately, lavendar (lavender, prop spelling), the poor are the ones who shouldn`t be F`ing, but it`s the only form of entertainment they can afford, but really? the man can`t just pull out?????? (ok, that`s a bit of levity,,,but not)
(Edited by vivv_00)
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: franklin,
the ripping away of embryos & fetuses is ugly and sad indeed. i would prefer that girls/women keep their knickers on if they aren`t willing to double up on the contraceptives.
12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: Pulling out is not a form of pregnancy prevention. At all. In fact, you are pretty likely to get pregnant if you use that technique.
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: that was a joke, albeit a poor one.
(Edited by vivv_00)
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: lavendar star also brings up a good point, although i will give it my own splash of reality,,,,,sometimes babies are better off dead than going through what may end up being a hellish life.
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: in which case, i still believe the knocked up woman should pay up for the abortion.
12 years ago Report
oneoftheyeshua: the god help us in the name of the jesus amen
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: if any gods can help, let them
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: but that`s another topic
12 years ago Report
oneoftheyeshua: vivv_00 i will have you know that there is one and only one god and he is was and will always be the father of the jesus amen
12 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: yeshua...this is not a revival tent and that is not the topic.
12 years ago Report
vivv_00: OCD OCD, i baited that person for my own amusement, as you must know. i`m sorry & won`t do it again
12 years ago Report
non miss perfect
non miss perfect: up the bum, no babies!
12 years ago Report
One Bar
One Bar: Ha ha ha!
12 years ago Report