Is the United States a Police State? (Page 9)

the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: politicians are all keneiving and duplitious. our politicians have the simple minded and inwardly focused bought and paid for, as i would assume is so in every country. how can any citizen of one counrty blame the citizen of another for an atrocity attributable to a self-serving, double tounged representative. how can one trust their news concerning foreign affairs? i hate our politicians, but new names never seem to show up on ballots. what do i like, i like our consitiution, and i wish tey politicians would stop using it as tiolet paper
12 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Deep says, look, if 2 nuclear bombs were not enough for japan to declare an UNCONDITIONAL surrendur, then they were HARDLY on the verge of surrenduring. its not that the world demanded too much of japan, its that japan wasnt ready to give up shit even after the 2 bombs. if muking an entire city is the most horrible war atricity, and if they were "ready" to give up, anyway, then why didnt they avter tyhe first OR second. and if we wanted so much, then why didnt we drop a 3rd bomb, or a fourth??? why did we give them a 6 year cease fire, while they still refused to surrendur sovregnty. is this NOT enout proof to you that if we had invaded japan, an entire hisroshima would have slowly died from gunshot wounds and grenades every 100 miles of coastline before we could EVEN step foot on that shore... do the math, i do believe thats near every citizen."

I could imagine United States citizens never giving up upon an invasion of their country.
12 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Japan surprise attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. The US retaliated, which inevitably lead to the drop of the first atomic bomb on the first Japanese city. The United States asked if Japan would surrender, because the United States did not want any more civilian deaths. Japan ignored the ultimatum , so the United States dropped the second atomic bomb on one of Japan's cities, which the United States hoped Japan would surrender after the second atomic bomb being dropped. The second bomb was dropped on August 9, 1945, and japan surrenders Six days after the detonation over Nagasaki, on August 15, Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Powers, signing the Instrument of Surrender on September 2, officially ending the Pacific War and therefore World War II. Germany had signed its Instrument of Surrender on May 7, ending the war in Europe.
12 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Deep says, "i know not what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but wwIV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Yeah Albert Einstein said that. Give him the credit man for that statement.
12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
IamEggman: Caveman,

Just out of curiosity, what do expect the American people today or their government to say or do about the dropping of atomic bombs during world war 2?
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: poke, props for recognizing the his philosophy. i ws hardly taking cred- i forgot, my bad
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: i believe it was a cease fire. the issue was that the WORLD, especially communist side, demanded thay be razed like germany, while the japanese refused to even give up the emperor, i believe the cease fire was only with the us, and the pacific hemisphere went on with the us out of the war , and america even helped them protect their emporor to eventually get a permant treaty signed. i dont think russia signed it tho.

real suspicious thing about the world wars. both wars were triggered by assassinations of austrian chancellors, both wars, austria was allied/unified with germany as AUSTRIA HUNGARY, and both world wars seperated austria and germany, and let austria go unpunished???
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: POLAND fought the blitskreig with everythong they had, even calvary. poland never laid down their weapons, and only one single villiage voluntarrily gave up their jewish populace. yet the wjc is suing poland for not paying reparations to american wealthy jews millions for abandoned jewish mansions and expanses of land which were long ago built upon and redistributed... have they ever heard of civil court or statute o limitations. insted of taking it to court, they are simply demanding thru obaams and hillarries formal adminishments, a,d the wjc is making up lies about polish opression of jews, ad even being the germans WILLING subverts.

poland has paid much, but hasnot the reserves NOR the credit line to pay the remainder, they offered some 10%- 15% if the remaining balance, and the wjc claimed that poland was a very strong economy!!!!!!!, and that all the weatern european nations have paid... what, comparing a soviet block offense to a free western state or france who geve he jews up willingly.

im not racist, but im thinging about converting. has a jew never heard of Pride??? we NEVER ceased repelling the occupation, and our costly intel were essential to the prevention of brtains invasion, and the ultimate vctory in europe. some 80% of those who were executed at aschiwitz were polish descent.

yeah, im a little pissy when others try to publicly manipulate my countries with overly emotional allegations of ignorance like racism, subversion and such.
we dont even have a highway system...
12 years ago Report
chronology: Deep. You say '80pc of people executed at Aushwitz were of Polish decent'. This is a surprising figure. The accurate figures we have of people who died or were executed at Aushwitz is I think around 86.000. These figures were routinely wired into Berlin over the Enigma Ultra Code used by German Camps and Police at that time. Enigma Documents are finally being made Public. There is no mention at all of Gassings at Aushwitz. But Jewish Groups who claim such an activity occurd at Aushwitz would certainly dispute your figures. They base their numbers of dead, which they now say was around 1.400.000 on estimated deported Jewish Numbers from Hungary etc and on Railroad timetables, (actualy Concentration Camp Trains often moved unregistered at night to avoid Allied Air Raids so how they get their figures is anyones guess) Also the crematoriums at Aushwitz could not possible cremate the numbers of people claimed to have been burned there. So you saying 80pc of the people killed there were Polish would make the figure of people killed 10.000.000. That is even more insane than the insane figures even now.
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: poland was ailed to germeny

no, im porry that was the section if germany that was unified, fought toghther, lost, was made back

the fw%, hwow are you coming up with your nombers. 80% divindes INTO the total, or are you just using total jews and multiplying it by 4.

hmm, the jews who have numbers form jews shipped away which should have been secret.. the same jews that honestly arre stating that and owes like $60,000,000 to distand family of polish jews,m whose land was redistributed. why are they having oboma demand it if they didnt even bother to use the allotted time to go to civil court. gheeze, if you had done it within you know less than 3/4 a century... or maybe sue RUSSIA for diodtributing it. you sue us for land lost when WE TOGETHER were invaded, you embarass us publicly for not paying what we do not have, and you say that we allowed germany at the jews.
12 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: germany was meticulous about record keeping. the jews are also accusing my people of being allies wht germany. doesnt this kind of over the board shit, sorta make opbvious? i it meansd, who ta f~$ cares, as if is workind
12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Chrono said: The accurate figures we have of people who died or were executed at Aushwitz is I think around 86.000.

David responds: As a Holocaust denier, Chrono once again is spewing inaccurate information about Holocaust information.

He obviously has not watched any video’s documenting the slaughter of millions, 10’s of millions of human beings by the Nazi’s. His sense of reality is completely compromised and anything he believes about information is to be considered compromised.

“The overall total of 6 million murdered by the Nazi’s is not based, and never was, on 4 million killed at Auschwitz. The 4 million figure comes from a plaque erected at Auschwitz shortly after the War that talked about 4 million people (not Jews) having lost their lives there. It was erected by the Communists and based on an incorrect estimate of the numbers who would have been killed if the gas chambers had operated at maximum capacity all the time. They did not of course. The 4 million figure has never been used by serious historians of the Holocaust, with only one or two exceptions. The correct number, estimated by the Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess as early as 1946, is about 1.1 million, mostly Jews, and that is the number on the plaque today. “

From the web-site:

Chrono is a holocaust denier and denies the eye witness survivors of the concentration death camps, the documentation by the SS, the hard physical evidence, the irrefutable facts, and the visual documentation which are undisputable.

12 years ago Report
Comrade_: Chrono, do you deny the holocaust as an actual event?
12 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: I also forgot to add that while the US was at war with Germany, Japan attacked us. The US did not want to make the mistake of having a two way war front. A two way war front is what brought the Germans down, because the Germans had to split its forces up during their attacking of Russia, because the German's had to defend itself from the United States invasion on d-day. The United States wanted to end the war with japan quick. And by all means necessary they ended it with atomic bombs.
12 years ago Report
chronology: Deep; 'the Germans were maticulious at record keeping'. Yes they were, documented names of people executed at Auswitze by hanging, firing squad, etc were forwarded to Berlin in nightly records via Enigma Ultra Radio Net used by German Police and Detention Camps, there is no mention at all any person 'gassed'. Deep, there are no records anywhere of any people being gassed at Aushwitz, not one.

David. Hoess did not say '0ne million were gassed' what he said after three days of sleep deprivation was that 2 and a half million people were gassed. Historians who have looked at Hoess's Statement claim he was either drugged or drunk when he wrote that statement, more likely he was simply halucinating with lack of sleep. There have been attempts to estimate the numbers elegedly 'gassed' there. David as usual neetly side steps the fact there is no real numbers of any people 'gassed' at Aushwitz. The Jewish community itself is at a loss to explain how they can come up with any figures at all for alleged gassing of people. David as usual brushes aside the blatanly obvious glaring fact that crematoriums at Ashwitz could never handle such numbers as he alleges were 'gassed' there. David also ignores the fact that the legends of 'gassings' at Aushwitz began with one man's statement; Rudolph Hoess.

Caveman; All I am saying is that to understand History, we need to have free debate without threats of people being jailed, without people being blocked from websites, without demonised as 'Holocaust Deniars' and being labelled 'Denier Liars'. If there is nothing to hide, why all the fear and suspicion of debate?
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: Don't get the wrong idea in my question, I asked because I wanted to know what your view on the Holocaust as to whether you deny the event or something. I'm not working with what other members type...I know how it works with some people in the Forums to jump in as a gang.

So what is your view on it that you disagree with the Holocaust?
12 years ago Report
chronology: Caveman. Very simply, we have to establish the facts, and not accept uncriticaly the Propaganda that was used to demonize Germany after WW2. There was indeed the tragedy of Concentration Camps where Jewish people (like Japanese Americans) were detained for security reasons. That tens, or hundreds of thousands of decent, good Jewish people died as a result of Typhus and other epidemics there is no doubt whatsoever. We have records of tragic Anne Frank and others who perished in such epidemics. We have records that thousands of Jewish people were forced to work in Laboure Camps. Where possible these people have been compensated by the German Authorities as they should be. But now we come to the story of Industrial killing in Gas Chambers. Who are these people who were supposedly killed? no one, not even David can give you their names or who they were. There have been attempts to establish their origin as 'deported people' from Hungery, but why can we find no reliable evidence of such huge numbers dieing? And why did 60.000 or more inmates from Aushwitz travel back into Germany to escape the Soviets? if it was a death Camp where millions had been elegedly mass murdered, why bring 60.000 potential witnesses to such a crime back safely to testify against their captors?, Germans are the most efficient people on Earth, there is simply no logic to that.

A puzzelling point is the stance of the present Authorities in Germany who refuse to allow any debate on the subject in Germany. Why does the German Government and Legal system accept responsibility for a war crime that would be thrown out of practically any court in the world?

May I say Caveman, I completely dissociate myself from people who say the entire story of jewish detention and deaths during WW2 is a fabrication and that people like Anne Frank never existed and pictures of heaps of dead Camp inmates are a fraud and propaganda. There is just too much documented sound evidence that tens or hundreds of thousands of Jewish people died of epidemics or starvation or other illnesses to dismiss. These 'Conspiracy Theorists' are flying in the face of simple hard facts and evidence, we know the names, we have the graves, we have sound witness statements to know the Camps became hell holes as a result of the war chaos.
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: I see. There are certain things I'll question but I wouldn't question the Holocaust, there weren't only Jews in those camps. I would hardly think in my mind that the hate the Nazis had at that time and the belief they had on others, that there was a slight possibility that they were 'civil' in some way.

The people who survived have nothing to benefit from making up those stories and some don't even like to talk about what happened.
As for the present German people, they don't seem to try to justify anything that happened, they accept it as a dark time in history and move on.

No one has anything to gain from making up these stories, certainly the German Government would've been the first to clear things up instead of "hiding" as you say.

...I'm just reasoning it out in my mind, but that's your belief.
12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
DrEaMKilla: I've read the whole conversation you guys have, and in my opinio US is going trougha harsh situation with the new cuts and rearangemants their having.Politics doesn't matter right now,since the new president is taking vey un-fair actions.
If this keeps going the whole US will be a pile of shit like the dude said.only id they stopped the wars that are affecting the economy the most we wouldn't be in this situation. Add me if you agree
12 years ago Report
Kaiya_: ah, someone else has taken SOC classes besides me considering the police state: There are more people in prison in the US per capita than all other countries combine, when your searchid without warrents, property siezed for no good reason and everyone calls the police on eachother for them to hasstle eachother just because they had a arguement or dont like the other persons then thats the very definition of a police state. It is a prison planet and we are in the global prison of our minds. The US like China and Russia are all part of corporations called the New World Gov. Your nation state is a police state to control you for their bad agenda to take everything and kill everyone.
12 years ago Report
DrEaMKilla: Why don't they just make prisoners work?I meen who doesn't enjoy being in a place were is never hot,you get free breakfast and luch, and has no problems (such as light bills,water bills or anything related to)
12 years ago Report
kathy_cool: by far the most militaristic state in the modern history of earth's face and I am not proud of it.
(Edited by kathy_cool)
12 years ago Report
Venom1969: Definition of a police state:

The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.[3]

12 years ago Report