Hi guys, time to wake up

12 years ago Report
FogofWar: Wow buddy….you're right…it is time to wake up.

As much as I hate using wikipedia as a source; it does serve as a good starting point for researching things. Perhaps you should read up on your Ted Gunderson.


The FBI had nothing to do with the WTC; as the FBI is a national bureau; so any international dealings; i.e. al Qaeda; is out of jurisdiction for the FBI.

Funny that he has documentation of several attacks the FBI was involved in; some 30 years after he retired.
FYI, Gunderson was also tried and convicted for the murder of his wife; and two daughters. Very trustworthy man here.

Yah, the constitution sure is impeding on our 'constitutional rights' hey Ted…like the right to kill your family.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: I'm not even gonna reply to you or try to convince you... I've already done my research on this. Here's another piece:

12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Fog carelessly says:
"Gunderson was also tried and convicted for the murder of his wife; and two daughters. Very trustworthy man here."

Read the Wiki article again, Doofus.
12 years ago Report
FogofWar: I stand corrected SITS...however; it doesn't change the fact that he retired from the FBi decades before any of the attacks he allegedly has 'documentation' on US involvement in.
12 years ago Report
FogofWar: FYI Jose...the US didn't "allow" the 1993 WTC bombings to happen. If you note; the towers remained intact up until 2001. The 1993 bombing was a failed attempt; thwarted by FBI intelligence on suspects in the US.
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: For the record, I don't want the fact that I called Fog a "doofus" to be construed as agreement with Joseb00.

The attacks on 9/11 were perpetrated by 19 Al Qaeda terrorists.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: Alright guys, I respect your replies, I know it's hard to convince anyone about such things because they are very serious allegations... I know, I have been there... I have been in your position and I found it hard to believe aswell, so I tried to find as much info as I could of the hundreds of claims about a cover up and now I am completely convinced that elements within this government have allowed these things to happen and they have no american interest whatsoever. I wouldn't even call them americans. Don't get me wrong though, I love the constitution and the bill of rights that made this country great, but unfortunatelly these two are being destroyed today and I think you guys are smart enough to notice that. They are trying to take everything away from you and make you pay more to them. It is ridiculous. Anyways all I can do is link to more articles and videos to at least try to make you ask questions as to why some things haven't been answered and they refuse to do so over and over.
The following link has multiple links to real articles (numbers) within a whole written article. Check it out if you don't mind reading.

12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Check your tinfoil hat. It probably fits too tight.
12 years ago Report
FogofWar: I highly doubt you have been where I have.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: As I said I do not believe 911 was done by americans but traitors and internationalists... (the real "hijackers" Bankers and the most powerful people of the world, worried about population growth and aiming for total control... Terrorism is the perfect excuse to expand an empire and blame your enemies and at the same time take away your rights and end your constitution slowly in a very sneaky way...

12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Yep. Your tinfoil hat is too tight.
12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

I watched the entire 1:53:40 video. Much of the information was also presented by Glenn Beck whose show is no longer on FOX. Sixties, you should watch the entire video before you make fun of Jose for posting it. If anyone who is a free thinker like yourself, you should consider the information on it.

12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: I'm making fun of him in general.

He's a tinfoil hat wearer.
12 years ago Report
FogofWar: Why would the banks want population control? The more people; means the more revenue for them. Our modern banking system is based on debt. The more people in the world; the richer the banks will get. Ask any economist how inflation works and you'll see why you are completely out of 'er.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: Why? because according to their own words the human race is a menace to the world and... they do not care about wealth but control... the lesser the people the better they can control everything... resources and masses. This is an obsession not just plain greed. Here's one of the many reports:


And it's ok if people make fun of me... I'm pretty sure the germans made fun of people who talked about prison camps back then.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/56612/End_Game__Population_Reduction_Plans_/

just listen to their own words dude... it's not like we make up stories
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Wow!

Hmm ...

Well when you put it that way ...

... nah ... you're still a nincompoop ...
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: HAHA well it's ok Sir. How about you do some homework instead of me posting stuff that not many want to even bother check out. Look up "Operation Northwoods" on google. It's a declassified CIA document that you can't really say is fake.
12 years ago Report
FogofWar: "Why? because according to their own words the human race is a menace to the world an"

Yes, the human race that generates the money they are seeking to make is a menace to them.

How do you propose the banks continue to operate without this "menace"???

"they do not care about wealth but control…"

Wow! Doesn't this kind of go against your claims??? Like…ENTIRELY against your claims?

"the lesser the people the better they can control everything... resources and masses."

What control would they have with no people? What would be the point of controlling the resources if they were not selling them to anyone?

"This is an obsession not just plain greed."

Oh, there's an obsession alright.

"And it's ok if people make fun of me... I'm pretty sure the germans made fun of people who talked about prison camps back then."

I think I just got dumber reading this one.

"HAHA well it's ok Sir. How about you do some homework instead of me posting stuff that not many want to even bother check out"

Umm…are you talking about yourself here???

Why don't you do some research? Go talk to an economist and see just why the banks want larger populations. More people equals more pay cheques. More pay cheques equals more bank deposits. More bank deposits equals more inflation. More inflation equals more loans given out by the banks. More loans given out means more interest has to be paid back. More interest means more money in their pockets. Get it?

What does JFKs attempt to remove communism from the US' doorstep in Cuba back in 1962 have to do with modern banking genius?
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Jose, do you have any idea how many times here in Wireclub I've seen someone post some nonsense, and then say, "... just read this ... just check out this video ... just go to this link ... just do this, just do that ..." ???

And it NEVER produces anything worth anything.

It's not even worth arguing with you about it.

It's only BARELY worth mocking you about it.
12 years ago Report
Audidude: Nothing to see here. Post deleted by user.
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Ted Gunderson, or the FBI, or bankers, or Obama deleted that post.

Maybe all of them in cahoots. Whatever. But it's a conspiracy, for sure.
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: A declassified CIA document that talks about staging terror attacks to innocent civilians is NONESENSE?
12 years ago Report
Joseb00: JFK did not approve to those plans.. he kicked them all out of office... do you even know how to read? and the document talks about staging attacks on people (hijack planes, blow up ships with innocent people, etc) to blame an enemy. Why is there so much denial here?
As a said the bankers, the UN, the CFR want 80% of people gone only to control a few billions.

12 years ago Report
FogofWar: There only is a 'few billions' buddy...and JFK was involved. I've seen far more into the history of the Cuban Missile Crisis to listen to what you say on here as fact. Yes...in the 1960's the US did attempt to false flag their people by covering up their involvement...how did that work out for them? Look up the Cuban Missile Crisis.

JFK done f*&#ed up when he tried to frame Cuba for what he did....but JFK done a hell of a job preventing anything from happening as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis...which was diverted.

Again; try speaking to actual economists...not people on the net.
12 years ago Report
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