American solider terrorizing the Afgan people!!

rebel1916: US-led forces have sprayed an elderly Afghan civilian with bullets in his sleep during a night raid near the capital Kabul.

Witnesses say foreign troops raided the 50-year old man's bedroom at night time and opened fire while he was asleep in Chahar Asiab district, south of Kabul, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Local residents said the man was a simple shop owner and had no links to the Taliban.

The district governor says foreign troops did not coordinate the raid with local officials.

Earlier foreign forces shot dead an Afghan couple in Zabul province on Sunday night at their home.

According to a UN report, about 2,800 civilians were killed by foreign forces and militants in Afghanistan last year.

Afghan officials have frequently condemned NATO attacks on ordinary Afghans and called for an end to such attacks.

Afghans blame foreign troops and their military operations for the increasing number of civilian casualties in the country, which has given rise to anti-US sentiments in the troubled country.

The continued killing of Afghan civilians by foreign troops has been a serious source of tension between Afghan authorities and the West.

Over 150,000 foreign troops are currently stationed in Afghanistan.
13 years ago Report
rebel1916: The US-led foreign forces have killed at least two civilians in troubled southern Afghanistan amid growing public discontent over such attacks.

The civilian couple was killed by foreign troops during a night raid in Zabul Province, a Press TV correspondent reported.

NATO has claimed the man was a militant. But locals say he was a farmer and had no links to the Taliban.

Foreign forces have killed thousands of Afghan civilians since they invaded the country back in 2001.

The civilian casualties have always been a source of friction between Kabul and Washington.

Afghan officials have frequently condemned NATO attacks on ordinary Afghans and called for an end to such attacks.

Afghans blame foreign troops and their military operations for the increasing number of civilian casualties in the country, which has given rise to anti-US sentiments in the troubled country.

According to a UN report, about 2,800 civilians were killed by foreign forces and militants in Afghanistan last year.

Over 150,000 foreign troops are currently stationed in Afghanistan.
13 years ago Report
Outbackjack: When will the needless slaughter stop?

Wikileaks videos are there for the world to see what the U.S military thinks of civilian lives.

Its disgraceful!
13 years ago Report
davidk14: .

What's disgraceful is how the Taliban and terrorist organizations in general use their civilian populations as human shields hiding behind women and children while using private homes, schools and hospitals as weapons storage facilities. That's what is disgaceful and cowardly.

13 years ago Report
rebel1916: Whataboutry is the lowest form of debate!
13 years ago Report
davidk14: .

By you mentioning whataboutry is the lowest form of debate.

13 years ago Report
hellbhoy: Not matter what the race,religion or other there will always at least one person who feels the need to go overboard and do terrible things to other people because of whatever reason or excuse drives them to I feel.
13 years ago Report
FogofWar: How credible is a news source from Iran...let alone a news source from Iran that cannot get their facts straight?

We haven't been in Afghanistan since 2001; we have been there since 2002. You'd think the 'concerned' neighbour of Iran would be aware of these things...especially when they are funding and arming the Taliban resistance to us there.

Hey rebel; how many hundreds of millions of dollars is your PressTV responsible for contributing to the Taliban?
13 years ago Report
FogofWar: Outbackjack; when will the needless slaughter stop? When we remove the Taliban's ability to do so.
13 years ago Report
Grim89: When will the needless slaughter stop?

In September.
13 years ago Report
FogofWar: obviously this fool doesn't watch the news.
13 years ago Report
Outbackjack: So when will that happen Fog?

I suppose nearly ten years isnt enough eh?
So how long will be enough.

20 years?
50 years?
100 years?

You completely ignore the fact that noone has ever successfully controlled Afghanistan.

Not the Soviets.
Not the British.
Not the Persians.
Not anyone including Alexander the Great.

So instead of trying to tell others to watch the news I reckon you need to read a few basic history books.
13 years ago Report
FogofWar: Well considering that insurgency violence is only rampant in 6% of the nation; and in that region; the Taliban doesn't even have control; I would say we sure have done a good job of that.

I'm not surprised that you would not recommend watching the news; in fact I'm surprised that reading books would be something of interest to you. Perhaps you should try reading Carl von Clausewitz On War if you need help in understanding what makes this a lengthy process. While you're at it; you can read the countless books from the people who have been in that region.

I'd start with the Rise of the Taliban In Afghanistan; by Neamatollah Nojumi; a Mujahideen warrior that knew the original Taliban members well; and spent his life living and fighting in Afghanistan.

Another good one would be Outside the Wire; a compilation of interviews and letters from Canadian soldiers; made into one first person story from a journalist that made her career while reporting in Kandahar.

...just a thought.
13 years ago Report
lookinside_2: I say this is a bunch of bullshit. Are you really ignorant enough to believe anything the media tells you?
I don't think what the US troops have done is wrong at all. You only hear one side of the story
12 years ago Report
Sarcastic Dots
Sarcastic Dots: I don't know enough about this case in order to disclose specific views on it, but I will say this.

The military is a career. If you mess up, you get punished. If you do well, you get rewarded (at least that's how I'd want it to work). I am not interested in excuses one way or the other.

And just to keep both sides off my back. A few soldiers messing up is not indicative of the entirety of the armed forces. More importantly, looking for an excuse to demonise a specific group is just as bad as blindly defending them.
12 years ago Report
RahGuzaR: No matter how hard US tries to get controll of Afganistan, it aint gonna happen in your lives atleast.

12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Perhaps posting that a "Single Afghan suicide bomber kills dozens" is more appropriate as the name of this thread.

12 years ago Report
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dave3974: If anyone has sky look at the news programme fom iran , it is a distorted , bitter and decietful look at the world ----------anything from this source can not be trusted.
i have not read that hitlers broadcasts in the last war were consdred as serious news
12 years ago Report
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RahGuzaR: US is trying to be the Godfather of this world and is has become one to some extent.
I agree with you Blackeyedbabe that US is the real terrorist.

When coffins of US army sent back from Afghanistan and Iraq, the whole country mourns but they don't say a word about the innocent children and woman are getting killed there on daily basis. are they not considered human lives or what?

12 years ago Report
davidk14: .

babe said: if terrorists are people who murder innocent victims, then the description is perfect for US military

David responds: Then with that stupid comment, all militaries of all countries on the planet or military organizations like Hamas are terrorists that murder innocent victims since collateral damage is completely unavoidable. Real smart to use such a broad brush in your condemnation specifically against the US.

12 years ago Report
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