Outbackjack: Meticulous research, including U.S. government records from the era, along with contemporaneous news stories from the New York Times and other papers is presented in the 1992 book entitled, "George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography" by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Published by The Executive Intelligence Review and located at http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm. The following is sourced entirely from Chapter II of this essential work. [Note: Although FTW does not always agree with conclusions reached by the Executive Intelligence Review, or its founder Lyndon La Rouche, we have never found a single flaw in any of their factual research. History is history, no matter who presents it. And this history is essential to understanding our era.]

George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the Managing Director of the investment bank Brown Brothers, Harriman from the 1920s through the 1940s. It was Brown Brothers, in conjunction with Averell Harriman, the Rockefeller family, Standard Oil, the DuPonts, the Morgans and the Fords who served as the principal funding arm in helping to finance Adolph Hitler's rise to power starting in 1923. This included direct funding for the SS and SA channeled through a variety of German firms. Prescott Bush, through associations with the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line, Nazi banker Fritz Thyssen (pronounced Tee-sen), Standard Oil of Germany, The German Steel Trust (founded by Dillon Read founder, Clarence Dillon), and I.G. Farben, used the Union Bank Corporation to funnel vast quantities of money to the Nazis and to manage their American interests. The profits from those investments came back to Bush allies on Wall Street. Thyssen is universally regarded as having been Hitler's private banker and ultimate owner of the Union Bank Corporation.

Early support for Hitler came from Prescott Bush through the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line -- also funded by Brown Bothers -- that funneled large sums of money and weapons to Hitler's storm troopers in the 1920s.

According to Tarpley and Chaitkin, "In May 1933, just after the Hitler regime was consolidated, an agreement was reached in Berlin for the coordination of all Nazi commerce with the U.S.A. The Harriman International Company... was to head a syndicate of 150 firms and individuals, to conduct all exports from Hitler Germany to the United States."

Furthermore, a 1942 U.S. government investigative report that surfaced during 1945 Senate hearings found that the Union Bank, with Prescott Bush on the board, was an "interlocking concern" with the German Steel Trust that had produced:

- 50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron

- 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate

- 36% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate

- 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet

- 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes

- 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire

- 35% of Nazi Germany's explosives

The business relationships established by Bush in 1923 continued even after the war started until they became so offensive and overt as to warrant seizure by the U.S. government under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942.

In 1942, "Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares...

"... all of which shares are held for the benefit of... members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals... of a designated enemy country."
14 years ago Report
Outbackjack: "On October 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation."

"Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father in law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942..." These seizures of Bush businesses were reported in a number of American papers including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Prescott Bush went on to become an influential Republican Senator from Connecticut who went on to be a regular golfing partner of President Dwight Eisenhower. His attorneys were the lawyers John Foster and Allen Dulles, the later became the CIA Director under Eisenhower.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "The bravery of the Marines will always be remembered. And let us offer our respect to the resistance fighters. They stayed and fought and died like true patriots."

Yes they did; and I have respect for anyone that is willing to die for their beliefs. It's a time honoured belief that there can be respect between enemies....and that respect does not allow US Marines to commit the lies that outbackjack is continually posting about them.

"It becomes a centre for drug running, Pirate Radio Stations broadcasting Propaganda. If the U.S. did nothing about the town, more lives would have been lost in the long run."

Until the US battle of Fallujah; it was also the focal point for arms trading for the Ba'ath party insurgents. Fallujah was an enemy stronghold; and major source of arms shipment that needed to be dealt with; it was, and it haulted a major threat to the US led coalition; as well as the people of Iraq.

"You seem to think I have to answer your pathetic questions and answers all the time.These are the same answers my youngest son could find and copy and paste on here."

Yet again, you get upset and insist that even your youngest son could answer them; yet you cannot.

If you do not know who the enemy is in Iraq; then how do you know whether US troops were targetting the enemy or innocent civilians like you claim?

If you do not know who the leader of the Taliban is; then how do you know what they stand for?
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "So what does it prove to an E-Soldier with an IQ of a common housebrick who thinks part of Palestine is in Egypt?"

Funny, there is no Palestine...yet you still insist on stating that I cannot tell the difference between "Palestine" (although before it was Israel) and Egypt. Jack; I have simply stated that the UN has set up demilitarized zones in regions of Israel; and yes, Egypt; and that they have set up Palestinian refugee camps...this is not confusing the two nations. It is you that continually states that the UN doesn't have peacekeepers in any of those regions; despite the fact that they do.

Since you continually insist that I know nothing about the Israel conflict, and where the peacekeepers are; here is a list of the peacekeeping missions currently going on:

United Nations Truce Supervision Organization:

Headquarters located in Jerusalem.

Mission began in 1948, and is continuing to date.

Objective: to provide a military command center for the peacekeeping missions in the Middle East.

Contributing nations:

New Zealand


United Nations Disengagement Observer Force:

Headquarters located in Camp Faouar, in the Golan Heights, as well as in Damascus, Syria.

Mission began in 1974, and is continuing to date.

Objective: to implement UN Security Council Resolution 338: the ceasefire between Israel and Syria.

Contributing nations:



United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon:

Headquarters located in Southern Lebanon

Mission began in 1978, and is continuing to date.

Objective: Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon and restore Lebanese governmental authority; to restore peace and order.

Contributing nations:

South Korea


With some 12,341 military personnel currently deployed to UNIFIL, it hardly seems that the UN has "very few" peacekeepers there outbackjack. They are situated within UN duristiction in the regions; and have set up refugee camps as well as remove Israel from Lebanon.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "I will answer your pathetic questionairres when and if I choose."

That's a mature approach to addressing a debate.

...you mean you will answer My questions when and if you find out the answers.

"You can continue to hang around here with your multiple profiles and try and find a life."

Multiple profiles? And you assume this why?

"Which is entirely my point.The U.S does pick its battles namel ones in strategic locations whilst ignoring the real problems."

How? The PLO, the PLFP and Hamas are labelled as terrorists; the Mujahadeen was not. The Mujahadeen formed out of a political party vying for power when the Afghan monarch was overthrown and a democratically elected government came to power. When a communist movement assassinated the president; the Mujahadeen armed to resist them; when the Soviets invaded to support this communist regime; they fought them off. How was it wrong for the US to support a group of locals fighting a foreign force? Afghanistan is a nation; and the Mujahadeen were residents of that nation; and they attacked a military power (the USSR).

Palestine is not a nation; and the PLO, PLFP and Hamas are attacking civilians.

There is a big difference.

By the way; your claims that the US funded and armed the Taliban by supporting the Mujahadeen is rediculous. The Taliban was formed by some former members of the Mujahadeen yes; but so was the Northern Alliance; that fought against the Taliban. So I guess if the US armed the Taliban; then they armed the defendants of Afghanistan as well.

Quick question for you; if the US trained and armed the Taliban; why are they using outdated Soviet equipment? The AK-47 and RPG7 weren't made in the USA...maybe because the Mujahadeen formed into the Northern Alliance; and the members that split from them formed the Taliban; thus were deserters of the new form of the Mujahadeen (which the US armed), and therefore were the enemy of the people that the US armed.....

"There is also a huge difference between peacekeeping and giving arms to terrorists?
But you conveniently forget."

And when did the Mujahadeen attack civilians?
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "Also whats with this homophobia?
Are you one of these men who has poor communication skills and does not how to deal with women?
I guess its easier to just label them all lesbians when they dont show any interest in you"

back to the childish slandering? Like I really care what some man in Australia who sits on his computer day and night telling of the conspiracies the government is committing to exploit the worlds resources. It's a saying outbackjack...get off the internet once and a while and you'll hear those. How is it homophobic?

""The Mujahadeen is NOT the Taliban."

So I guess no members of the Mujahadeen joined the Taliban when they formed government later?"

And when did the Taliban "form" the government? You mean when they assassinated other former members of the Mujahadeen and stole power after it had been given to those former members of the Mujahadeen through a democratic election?????

So I guess by your logic; all members of Russian politics that were involved during the USSR are communists then???? We better severe all ties to Russia hey jack; those commies might nuke us.

The Mujahadeen formed into several groups after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union; Jamiat-I Islami-yi Afghanistan, Hizb-I Wahdat-I Islami-yi Afghanistan, Harakat-I Islami-yi Afghanistan, for example.

In 1992, Afghan President Najibullah (USSR backed president) resigned from office. Several powers fought for control; it was called the Afghan Civil War (1992 - 1996)

In 1992, Burhanuddin Rabbani, the leader of Jamiat-e Islami Afghanistan, or the Islamic Society of Afghanistan, served as leader. Jamiat-e Islami was one of the most powerful of the Mujahadeen groups. He was forced out of power by the Taliban in 1996. He was also one of the key players in the development of the "United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan", more commonly known as the Northern Alliance.

The Northern Alliance was formed to unify all parties against the Taliban; and they fought tooth and nail against the Taliban up until NATO intervention; in which they pleaded for; welcomed; and housed.

Burhanuddin Rabbani is currently head of the United National Front; and the largest opposition party in office of Hamid Karzai's government.

You honestly have no idea what the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan was do you??
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "Again,Pakistan has the weapons of mass destruction now.NUKES!!!
I dont hear the U.S talking of mounting an invasion.
Funny that?"

That's because Pakistan is fighting alongside US forces, IN PAKISTAN. The US has been welcomed into Pakistan moron.

"HA HA HA HA!!!!
Calling me dipshit now.
I see you have added a new word to your vocabulary."

Anyone who thinks that they have the right to watch our soldiers get blown apart on television to satisfy their own morbid desire to critique the efforts of the individuals who, unlike them, are actually willing to put their lives in danger to make a difference, yes, is a DIPSHIT!

boy just look at all the innocent civilians running around being shot at hey? The journalists aren't being censored; they are filming firefights; they just aren't going to show you everything because you have absolutely NO RIGHT to watch someone else's family members being killed.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "Yes we should beam it all into every T.V in every lounge in the world.Then people will really see what war is all about and will start screaming "NOT IN MY NAME!""

Terrible hey outbackjack? The way they treat civilians with medical aid; and give out soccer balls to children....how horrifying. Why if this made it on the news; imagine the shock the world would see!

Don't worry outbackjack; the efforts of Afghanistan will not be in your name. Not the 10,000 plus schools that have been rebuilt; the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of food that has been provided, the two universities and one technical institute, the 341 teachers Canadian Forces have trained, the 731 health care workers Canadian Forces have trained, the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police that have taken control of their nation; the democratic elections that have taken place; the homicide units and forensic units that actually track down and arrest people for committing murder; the courts that have convened; and the removal of militant rulers that mass murdered civilians; blowing up schools with children inside; setting off car bombs in streets; attacking universities; killing anyone who wasn't Muslim; killing Muslims that didn't practice it 'their' way. Not the Soccerballs handed out to children; the vaccines that are readily available here; but have been causing widespread death and disease there...not the ability for the people of Afghanistan to walk the streets, free of fear; and seek education and training to better their nation.....Not in your name outbackjack!
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: ""My mother did. What choice do they have? You must be 18 years of age to enlist without parental consent. The government didn't need to ask My mommy for permission jack."

Should have listened to Mummy Fog.
Shes obviously got way more brains than you."

I do listen to My mother; she is the most important woman in My life. She also knows that it is a decision that I have made as an adult; and as an adult, I don't need to check with mommy before I go out jack. She also knows the importance of our continuing mission to support Afghanistan, and displays both her appreciation, and her pride for the Canadian Forces as well as her son who has sacrificed his life to serve others.

"In terms of journalism Fog,you cant have it both ways.
You wax lyrical about "freedom" yet deny the right of journalists to have access and freedom of speech to report there.The journalists are not just there for the soldiers families.That is a pathetic feeble excuse."

Have you ever met a journalist that's been to Afghanistan? I do not deny them the right to access free speech; and no one in the military does. They are, by law, not permitted to show soldiers of their own nation being killed on television. How would you like to find out that your son or daughter was killed by watching it on the news jack?

Journalists report exactly what they are capable of in Afghanistan; and several conbative firefights have been broadcast; there are also many soldiers that attach cameras to their helmets to make their own videos; which many can be seen on youtube. There is no "censorship", there is however; what you are lacking; a respect for the families of the men and women serving.

"I dont see how stating the obvious has any relevance to my statement about the well oiled P.R machine which inhabits the upper level of government/military??"

When the obvious shows you are wrong; it is stated, and that happens routinely for you jack. The military is not a PR machine. Have you ever met a journalist from Afghanistan?

That is why journalists are kept out of the danger!
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "We have no proof that you have either "E-Soldier".
Its definetely out of sight and mind for many,unlike the Vietnam war which was shown on television warts and all."

As is Afghanistan; you just say it isn't because they don't show us murdering innocent civilians like you claim.

"There you go again.Claiming its all in the distant past and things have changed.The 1970s was in mine and your lifetime."

In 1903, the Wright Brothers invented the airplane. The first observer aircraft entered military service in 1912, almost no advances had been made in the airplane from 1903 to 1912. In 1914, WWI was declared. In 1915, the observer plane was proving almost utter failure in use during war; photos were unreliable; and aircraft were unpredictable. In 1916, observation via airplanes became the main source of military intel. In one year; the aircraft advanced more than it had in the previous 13 years. By 1916, the first fighter plane entered service. By 1918, the fighter plane evolved into a devastating and pivotal war machine.

In 1918, 1903 was a brief period ago; but in military terms; it was an era ago. The military advances faster than anything you can imagine. Right now, the British are working on an invisible tank; while the US and Canada have a joint program to build the XOS exoskeletal suit. It is expected to enter limitted operational service by 2011. In 2001, soldiers carried on average 80 lbs of gear; if this suit is successful; in 2011, soldiers will carry over 1,000 lbs into combat; and be twice as fast and twice as nimble; with a fully armoured suit.

Vietnam was an entirely different lifetime in terms of war. WWII had fighter aircraft just begin to adapt radar; by Vietnam, aircraft were engaging eachother from BVR, Beyond Visual Range; with laser guided missiles....WWII was a lifetime ago in terms of military technology; as was Vietnam today.

Are you suggesting that the tactics and technologies of militaries have not severely advanced since Vietnam?

Are you suggesting that the use of laser guided munitions and satellite imagery, as well as UAV drones has not drastically changed the battlefield?

In Vietnam, soldiers had a communications officer with them; who carried a radio for the entire company.

Today, communications officers set up communications, which are transmitted directly to the individual soldier via a system known as the "Land Warrior" system. This system runs off a personal PC carried by the soldier; giving him radio contact via a headset and personal communication devise. It also allows the soldier to view maps and satellite imagery; as well as have UAVs paint enemy targets on these maps through a small LCD display screen fitted onto his eye. This LCD screen is also linked up to instant messaging systems to allow soldiers to communicate in silence; and also linked to a camera fitted inside the sight or scope of his rifle; allowing him to aim around corners without looking.

Vietnam was a long time ago in terms of combative technology...nothing remotely similar to the current missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "I find it hilarious how you talk about modern warfare and laser guided missiles and somehow insinutate that all this modern weaponry is great.
Its funny that.Wasnt it this same laser guided weapon system that flattened the Chinese embassy in the former Yugoslavia?"

No, it is not. In 1999, laser guided munitions were not at the level they are today. 1999 was 11 years ago; and in 1999, many nations not only didn't have UAV drones assisting them; but they didn't have land warrior systems and links to individual soldiers that they have today.

Modern "smart" bombs have the capability of targetting an object less than one square meter from several miles away; with a 99.9% success rate (that means that 0.1% chance it will not land within the one meter square margin).

Do you not believe that technology has advanced since 1999? Do you really want to get into the advancements in weaponry since 1999?

Yes; even to date; there is the element of human error; and that can cause the pilot to either miscalculate; or target the wrong facility; but modern munitions are far more deadly than they were ten years ago.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: "Prescott Bush went on to become an influential Republican Senator from Connecticut who went on to be a regular golfing partner of President Dwight Eisenhower. His attorneys were the lawyers John Foster and Allen Dulles, the later became the CIA Director under Eisenhower."

Are you implying that Eisenhower was corrupt?

Again, no one is arguing that Prescott Bush funded the Nazi regime in the initial phase. You overlook all other facts; and only seek out the ones that make you right; and the Bush's evil. You lump so many organizations together into one; just like you do with the former Afghan Mujahadeen. Everything seems so clear to you, because you only see one side of the story; and so, here is the other side:

Prior to WWI, The United States; as well as Canada, saw a flock of Bavarian immigrants. When Britain declared war on Germany in 1914; Canada; a nation of the Commonwealth; was committed to war with their Empire; and so Canada declared war. The United States; independent of the Throne of England; had a decision to make; to join forces with the Allies, meant turning on the thousands of German immigrants to their nation. They remained nuetral; up until 1917; when they finally persuaded their country to enter the war and end it.

With Germany surrendering in 1918; the Treaty of Versailles was written up. It required Germany to pay in full for the damage of the war; an impossible task. It also mandated the destruction of their military; and crippled their economy.

With the US still having thousands of residents with families still in Germany (Like My Grandmother, whose family remained in Austria when she came to Canada), they helped out with financing their economy; and helping with the bill fronted by the Treaty of Versailles. Many did; and yes; so did Fritz Thyssen, who became a member of the Nazi party in 1933, after hearing Hitler speak. He liked Hitlers opposition to the Treaty of Versailles (as did most people in Germany), Thyssen second guessed his decision to join the party once the Nazi party took control however; Thyssen was the one who convinced Hitler to suppress the SA.

During trials for Nazi party members; Fritz Thyssen admitted to being a member of the party from 1933 to 1938, when he severed his ties to them and left after he discovered the Kristallnacht, where Hitler began violent action against Jews; murdering the French ambassador; and killing some 96 Jews.

The last communication Thyssen had with the Nazi party was in 1939, shortly after the war broke out, when he told Herman Goering that he opposed the war, and fled to Switzerland. He was exiled from the Nazi party that day.

So to summarize; Bush, and Thyssen aided and funded the German rise from the Treaty of Versailles. When it came to light that the Germans were mistreating the Jews; this funding haulted. You see outbackjack; it wasn't until 1945 that the world learned about the concentration camps. It's easy for you to sit back now, knowing all the facts, and say he shouldn't have dealt with Hitler because Hitler was evil....but the world didn't know that until years after the fact. The vast majority of German soldiers serving in the Nazi party had no idea about the concentration camps; they were as horrified as the rest of the world to discover them. It was General George S. Patton, and the 7th Army that discovered the first one in 1945....Prescott Bush had no clue what Hitler was doing until three years after he stopped dealing with him.
14 years ago Report
IamEggman: Fog
The concentration camps were known about as early as 1941. One of the reasons they were not made public was because governments, British, American and canadian, wanted to control the number of German jews allowed into their countries. they reasoned that if the public knew, people would want to give shelter to the refugee's.
14 years ago Report
john1576: The Concentration Camp System was not originally constructed for Jewish Folks. It was originally put together to hold Trade Unionists, Communists, Homosexuals and anyone considered as 'social deviants'. People inside the 'K.Z.s' as they were called were only allowed to leave after signing documents swearing not to speak about what happened in the camps. This was before any 'Final Solution' or mass murder took place. Around 1941 mass murder became common in many Camps. German Wermark Officers spoke privately about their concerns about what was happening at places like Aushwitch. The British did not keep any War crimes secret. One Cabinet Minister who was asked why Britain never bombed the Railways leading into Auswitch said; 'we did receive reports of what was happening there, but frankly, we just could not believe what we were hearing, it seemed too fantastic'.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: That's right John. The Final Solution (extermination of the Jews) was not the original intent of the camps. Death camps like Auschwitz were not known to anyone, and up to 1945, all the world knew was that Jews were being 'relocated'. Most assumed to ghettos like Warsaw. It was Patton's 7th Army that discovered the first concentration camp in 1945.
14 years ago Report
darrenabriel: I watched the flag pass by one day it fluttered in the breeze.

A young marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease..

I looked at him in uniform
So young, So tall, So proud,
With hair cut square and eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd.

I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many mothers' tears?

How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.

I heard the sound of Taps one night,
When everything was still,
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant Amen.

When a flag had draped a coffin.
Of a brother or a friend.

I thought of all the children
Of mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.

I thought about a graveyard at the bottom of the sea

Of unmarked graves in Arlington.

After-all, it's about power and control ...
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: And the 11,000 graves in Flanders Flields can attest to that.

Freedom comes at the highest cost; the cost of blood. Feel fortunate that ours was not required to pay for this freedom....and never forget the valour and the sacrifice of those who did pay; from the soldier in the trenches of WWI; to the pilots of WWII; to the men and women preventing terrorism worldwide. If we all knew what those men and women who paid the ultimate price new; we would understand how truly lucky we are.

"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us."
-George Orwell
14 years ago Report
applepicker: And the 11,000 graves in Flanders Flields can attest to that.

And the 177,000 others who are buried in foreign cemeteries and/or still listed as MIA (Missing in Action) or BNR (Body never returned)
14 years ago Report
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