Obama/Biden Vs. McCain/Palin

JasonWilliams: Simple question...if you were a registered voter, who would you vote for Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin?

My vote goes to Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
How about you?
15 years ago Report
Goran: All I'll say to this is that we don't need a president who is from another time but one who can associate with the nation and its people as they are today. There is only one Washington outsider without 40 years of baggage in this race.
15 years ago Report
Goran: From International Herald Tribune:

Last Wednesday, McCain suspended his presidential campaign to insert himself into a $700 billion effort to rescue America's crumbling financial structure. In so doing, he tied himself far more tightly to the bill than did his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama.

Then, as the bailout plan appeared ready for passage Monday in the House of Representatives, McCain bragged that he was an action-oriented Teddy Roosevelt Republican who did not sit on the sidelines at a moment of crisis.

The implication: that he played a critical role in building bipartisan support for the unprecedented bailout.

"I went to Washington last week to make sure that the taxpayers of Ohio and across this great country were not left footing the bill for mistakes made on Wall Street and in Washington," McCain said at a campaign rally in swing-state Ohio.

Both he and Obama had insisted the plan originally proposed by the Bush administration be strengthened with greater oversight and regulation.

Within hours, however, the measure died in the House mainly at the hands of McCain's own Republicans.

Initially, McCain went silent, choosing instead to send his chief economic adviser out with a statement that blamed Obama, claiming that the first-term Illinois senator had put his political ambitions ahead of the good of the country.

"This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country," McCain senior policy adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin said in a statement.

It wasn't long, however, before McCain told reporters in Iowa: "Now is not the time to fix the blame, it's time to fix the problem."
15 years ago Report

100% Obama/ Biden. Who wants McBush for another 4 years!
15 years ago Report
Goran: This is what Bush's economic policies have culminated in:

"Addie Polk, 90, of Akron is listed in critical condition at Akron General Medical Center. She shot herself at least twice in the upper body Wednesday afternoon as sheriff's deputies came to evict her from the house she has lived in since 1970."

And McSame, who supported deregulation of financial industry is just as responsible. Is this America republicans want? Are there really people more concerned with gay marriage, roe vs wade, race, etc. then future of the country?
15 years ago Report
AnaisaStar: lol. nooby politics question here ._.

I only started paying attention to this stuff recently but whatever happened to John Kerry? Why doesnt he run again? I mean he was the runner up last election right??
15 years ago Report
sexy_red_panties: Um, I have little to no information on any of the indebt suff that you guys are talking about, but from what I've been watching on the news I'd have to go with Obama and Biden. It makes me afraid to think of an America run my a 70+ year old war veteran and a crazy moose hunting hockey mom...
15 years ago Report
Kazuki: Well, all candidates are liars, but if I had to choose it would be Obama Biden although neither believe in gay marriage. McCain's Health care plan would be pointless and at least Obama had a good idea running. Palin... well I might not like her views sometimes, but I respect her.
15 years ago Report
Entropy: I'm voting for Ron Paul. Damnit.
15 years ago Report
marlon: i think that even the republicans know in their hearts that obama/biden will be a wonderful team in this crisis. and if they give them the chance they will prove them wrong. bush has not created a war its an disaster and because john macain is the naive one he will insist on winning the war in iraq untill u.s.a economy weaken to the point where their enemies would then see an advantage to strike them. didnt you know that when binladin see these kind of things happening to the free world they smile and celebrate. so when your friend macain talk about staying in iraq and win tell him their is no such thing. enemies will keep on distracting them as long as they stay in iraq and thats the only way u.s enemies can beat them and they realize this. imagine america fighting another war then one of their allies ask for help. what would happen to us economy and currency ? going in another war was silly and to continue this unnecessary war is just plain foolish. remember iraq did not attack america and iraq did not have any weapons of mass destruction if a bigger war come about which the enemies attack u.s how would they deal with it run from iraq and protect u.s.a
15 years ago Report
Entropy: I think most people know that neither McCain nor Obama are going to do anything that will actually be a benefit to any of us in the long run, because they offer nothing new to the table. I think McCain would be one more step in the negative direction than Obama would, but neither of them are worth anything.
15 years ago Report
Goran: My first choice was Hillary but I disagree that Obama is a bad choice or lesser of two evils. You have no basis for such argument. If you do, please offer them.

- Obama and democrats understand that science and innovation drive this country. Take that away and we can't compete with rest of the world and their cheap labor. Yet Bush declared war on science for the past 8 years. It shows. Obama's administration will support research and open the doors that were shut under Bush.
- Obama is not going to mix faith and politics. 'nuf said.
- Just about all of his campaign contributions came from voting public. He does not owe anything to lobbyists or special interests. That's a good foundation for looking after best interests of the people.
- People are unable to afford any health care and are being abused and harassed by the insurance system. Democrats will change that.
- Dems also understand the importance of wealth distribution for a functioning society. Rich are getting MUCH richer while poor are getting poorer. This is the formula for rampant crime like we saw in 80's and social instability. Democrats will tax the super rich. Lehman CEO's income was almost $500mil since 2000. Since corporations will not distribute income more fairly, government will.
- If republican is elected, expect more 'conservative' supreme court judges. Then see if you'll still think Obama is lesser of two evils after your children are required to study religion as biology.

Biden likes to say this is the most important election ever. I think he can't put in words how profoundly true that is.

And there is a lot more then I have time to write here. You can get the details on his website. Wake up America, you fx$%$# up twice. Do it third time and we don't deserve any more chances.
15 years ago Report
Goran: From an open letter to John McCain published in Baltimore Sun on 10/10:

John McCain: In 2000, as a lifelong Republican, I worked to get you elected instead of George W. Bush. You seemed to be a man who put principle ahead of mere political gain.
You have changed. You have a choice: Go down in history as a decent senator and an honorable military man with many successes, or go down in history as the latest abettor of right-wing extremist hate.
John McCain, you are no fool, and you understand the depths of hatred that surround the issue of race in this country. You also know that, post-9/11, to call someone a friend of a terrorist is a very serious matter. You also know we are a bitterly divided country on many other issues. You know that, sadly, in America, violence is always just a moment away. You know that there are plenty of crazy people out there.
John McCain, you're walking a perilous line. If you do not stand up for all that is good in America and declare that Senator Obama is a patriot, fit for office, and denounce your hate-filled supporters when they scream out "Terrorist" or "Kill him," history will hold you responsible for all that follows.
John McCain and Sarah Palin, you are playing with fire, and you know it. You are unleashing the monster of American hatred and prejudice, to the peril of all of us. You are doing this in wartime. You are doing this as our economy collapses. You are doing this in a country with a history of assassinations.
Change the atmosphere of your campaign. Talk about the issues at hand. Make your case. But stop stirring up the lunatic fringe of haters, or risk suffering the judgment of history and the loathing of the American people - forever.
We will hold you responsible.
15 years ago Report
Nosferatu: Politics is so boring how can anyone possibly follow these debates? The candidates consistently lie to us and then deceive us once in office and bend over backwards for whoever funded their campaign. Not only that, but suppose they did fulfill at least one of their promises and did something like help the environment. Would new fuel bring us sublime and endless happiness? No. Everyone would just complain about the price of corn oil or electricity and continue the infinite misery we have to endure daily.
15 years ago Report
Entropy: You're right Goran, I don't have a basis for it. It is a feeling that I have based on what I've heard both of them bicker about on stages for the past year. Obama offers no real version of change, in my opinion. He talks and acts like every other politician with a front, and when I listen to him at the presidential debates, I realize that he can't answer any hard questions on the economic crisis because the average American won't understand it. He's the same caliber of politician that I'm used to. I think Obama is obviously better than McCain and... /shiver.. Palin, but I have serious doubts that he is really what America needs.
15 years ago Report
Nosferatu: We are overlooking that Entropy looks similar to Palin. Does this link to any other characteristics the two may have in common?
15 years ago Report
Entropy: I dont look like Palin.
15 years ago Report
Goran: Obama has to play the political game dictated by the campaign right now and respond to all the garbage McCain's campaign is coming up with. Neither with Hillary nor with McCain was he first to pull the trigger on negative attacks. They did. Not responding on character attacks would be suicidal.
I don't see him as other politicians. He's much better listener and he's been through a lot to get where he is. He, like all great US presidents, came from near poverty.
I've followed him from democratic primary debates because I was curious how can a first term senator be running for president and be successful. What impressed me early on was his secularism, straight forward talk, criticism of corruptive influence lobbyists have on the government, his view that change comes from the people, and his ability to organize and inspire the campaign that trounced Clintons, masters of political game. All while staying on the positive side of things and focusing on issues.
15 years ago Report
Entropy: We just look at him differently. /shrug
15 years ago Report
Nosferatu: Yes, you're right no resemblance at all. I must be crazy.
15 years ago Report
Goran: Ent, you seem to base your view on sixth sense
15 years ago Report
Goran: Palin resisted the suggestion that if Ayers was a “domestic terrorist” — a standard line in her campaign addresses — then so were conservative religious activists who bombed abortion clinics.

“I don’t know if you’re going to use the word ‘terrorist’ there,” she said. “It’s unacceptable, and it would not be condoned, of course, on our watch.
15 years ago Report
Stephanie Kisses u!
Stephanie Kisses u!: Im thinking more Obama/Biden because:
1st. Sarah Palin is so inexpirenced its not even funny.
2. Arnt we supposed to elect leaders? Mccain was captured during most of the war he was in *i forget now*
3. Obama would be a great chocie cutting taxes and making peace.

But hey, this is my opinion
15 years ago Report
WillowManChe: yea mccain and bush are two peas in a pot so even if mccain says that he is not bush but the real stuff comes that mccain agrees with 90% of bush's plans so with that said hes caught
15 years ago Report
Outbackjack: None of these candidates is going to put an end to Extreme capitalism.
None of these candidates is going to take on the arms industry/wall st.
None of these candidates is going to give all americans free health care.
None of these candidates is fit to hold office.

So I disagree.It is a case of the a lesser evil in Obama.
15 years ago Report
Goran: Outbackjacko, your argument is not backed up by anything.
15 years ago Report
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