God Is Good

daisiesnfld: God Is Good
In early morning's silence
Crisp the dew lay on the leaves
And the newborn buds of spring
Gasping breath in the breeze
Waiting for the sun to rise
Listening patiently to the birds
Sing their songs of praise and worship
In their tiny cheerful words
While yet the world lay sleeping
Nature was taking its destined course
Amidst those hearts of joy and weeping
Spring had arrived from Heaven's source
To wipe the tears from the eyes
Of those who thought they'd never see
Once again the miracle of spring
In all its promise of hope and beauty
With faith it came with new rebirth
That filled the hearts of all mankind
And gloriously decorated once again
The earth of God's majestic design
With a silent command from God's hand
The awaiting dew, sun, birds and buds
Spring done her thing as God proclaimed
And mankind saw God is good
© DaisiesNfld
3 years ago Report
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