Seth by Jane Roberts---Excerpts on Life, Death, Health, Reincarnation... (Page 3)

lori100: Philosopher Berkeley----------------In the Principles and the Three Dialogues Berkeley defends two metaphysical theses: idealism (the claim that everything that exists either is a mind or depends on a mind for its existence) and immaterialism (the claim that matter does not exist). His contention that all physical objects are composed of ideas is encapsulated in his motto esse is percipi (to be is to be perceived).----------------same as Seth and Einstein have stated....
10 years ago Report
lori100: There have been some notable quantum physicists, such as Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, that have been looking to fuse science with spirituality… and with relative success.

Below is from an article attributed to Dr. Wolf concerning his perception of this most-interesting issue at hand.

Quantum physics has thus brought about a radical new understanding both of the particles and the void. In subatomic physics, mass is no longer seen as a material substance but is recognized as a form of energy.

When a piece of seemingly solid matter - a rock or a human hand or the limb of a tree - is placed under a powerful electronic microscope, the electron-scanning microscope, with the power to magnify several thousand times, takes us down into a realm that has the look of the sea about it…
10 years ago Report
lori100: Scientist Max Planck----------------“As a physicist, that is, a man who had devoted his whole life to a wholly prosaic science, the exploration of matter, no one would surely suspect me of being a fantast. And so, having studied the atom, I am telling you that there is no matter as such! All matter arises and persists only due to a force that causes the atomic particles to vibrate, holding them together in the tiniest of solar systems, the atom.

Yet in the whole of the universe there is no force that is either intelligent or eternal, and we must therefore assume that behind this force there is a conscious, intelligent Mind or Spirit. This is the very origin of all matter.” (Planck, as cited in Eggenstein 1984, Part I; see “Materialistic Science on the Wrong Track”).
10 years ago Report
lori100: "The Way Toward Health"
by Jane Roberts

"The body consciousness is indeed independent. To a large degree its own defense mechanisms protect it from the mind’s negative beliefs - at least to a large extent. As I have mentioned before, almost all persons pass from a so-called disease state back into healthy states without ever being aware of the alterations. In those cases the body consciousness operates unimpeded by negative expectations or concepts."
Session 1/7, Page 15

"Many body events that you think of in your society as negative -- certain viruses, for example -- are instead meant as self-corrective devices, even as fever actually promotes health rather than impedes it."
Session 1/7, Page 16

"One of the greatest detriments to mental and physical well-being is the unfortunate belief that any unfavorable situation is bound to get worse instead of better."
Session 1/9, Page 20

"It may be far more pleasant to be good-humored all of the time - but in Ruburt’s situation the fairly infrequent periods of blueness do indeed operate therapeutically, so that he is able to express those feelings through tears, and therefore relieve the body of expressing the same feelings through additional symptoms."
Session 1/xx, Page 29

"It is a good idea for now not to concentrate upon that leg, or what it must do eventually in order for walking to take place. It might help if now and then he imagines his walking taking place as easily and naturally as his thoughts come and go, and in ways as mysterious as the way his vision operates..."
Session 1/xx, Page 30

"The conscious mind can direct bodily activity, but the body consciousness alone can perform those activities that bring forth life and motion."
Session 1/xx, Page 37
-------------------------------------"These inborn leanings or attitudes can roughly be translated as follows: 1. I am an excellent creature, an excellent part of the universe in which I exist. 2. My existence enriches all other portions of life, even as my own being in enhanced by the rest of creation. 3. It is good, natural, and safe for me to grow and develop and use my abilities and by doing so I also enrich all other portions of life."
Session 1/27, Page 68

"Then: I am eternally couched and supported by the universe of which I am a part, and I exist whether or not that existence is physically expressed. Then: By nature I am a good deserving creature, and all of life’s elements and parts are also of good intent. Then: All of my imperfections, and all of the imperfections of other creatures, are redeemed in the greater scheme of the universe in which I have my being."
Session 1/27, Page 68

"It may also strike you, my readers, as quite shocking when I tell you that there is no such thing, basically, as disease. There are instead only processes. What you think of disease is instead the result of an exaggeration or overextension of perfectly normal body processes. You are not attacked by viruses, for instance, for all kinds of viruses exist normally in the body. There are no KILLER viruses, then but viruses that go beyond their usual bounds."
Session 1/xx, Page 71
(Edited by lori100)
10 years ago Report
lori100: Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. – Niels Bohr
10 years ago Report
lori100: --way towards health-------"You will discover that so-called diseases perform certain services. They fulfill purposes for you that you may BELIEVE you can achieve in no other way. The reasons for such illnesses are not deeply buried in the subconscious, as you may think. They are much closer to the conscious mind, and usually consist of a series of seemingly innocuous decisions that you have made through the years. Other illnesses, of course, may be caused by sudden decisions that are a response t a particular event in your life."
Session 1/xx, Page 71

"The way toward health is simplicity itself. It is the natural, easiest way to behave, yet this natural mental behavior is often quite difficult for the intellect to understand, since the intellect is apt to enjoy playing with complications and solving problems. Therefore, to the intellect it often seems ludicrous to imagine that the answer to a question lies within the question itself....It is perfectly fine to make plans for the future, yet each individual should live day by day, without worrying about the outcome of those plans. The physical body can only react in present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment."
Session 1/xx, Page 81

"It is perfectly fine to make plans for the future, yet each individual should live day by day, without worrying about the outcome of those plans, the physical body can only react in the present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment. February 1, 1984, p.81, The Way Toward Health
I am not saying that anyone should pretend that unfavorable circumstances do not sometimes exist, or that they may not be encountered in the past, present, or future. It is also true, however, that advantageous events occur with a far greater frequency than do negative ones - otherwise the world that you know simply would not exist. It would have disappeared in the throes of destruction or calamity."
Session 2/1, Page 82

----------------------"Do not think of the mind as a purely mental activity, and of the body as a purely physical one. Instead, think of both mind and body as continuing, interweaving processes that are mental and physical at once. Your thoughts actually are quite as physical as your body is, and your body is quite as nonphysical as it seems to you your thoughts are. You are actually a vital force, existing as part of your environment, and yet apart from your environment at the same time."
Session 2/xx, Page 131

"When you become too serious you overwork your intellect and tire your body, for then it seems that your entire life depends upon the reasoning of your intellect alone. Instead, of course, your intellectual abilities are supported and promoted by that inner mixture of spontaneity and order that so magically combine to form both your reality and the reality of the world."
Session 2/xx, Page 137

"It should be noted before we begin that death itself is -- a deliverer -- of your species and all others. It is not negative in itself, but instead is the beginning of a different kind of positive existence. It prunes the planet so to speak, so there is a room and time for all, energy and food for all...If death disappeared even an hour all of life would soon be threatened."
Session 3/13, Page 140

"There are innumerable stages of health, from high, sheer, energetic exuberance to lethargy and discomfort. There are, in fact, an almost infinite number of stages connected with the state of health. You could invent a completely different way of regarding human health by numbering and defining each of those stages. Instead, of course, your society has chosen to recognize and define all of those stages that are detrimental to health -- stages that are recognizable because of health’s absence to one degree or another."
Session 3/xx, Page 140

10 years ago Report
lori100: "The inner ego always identifies with its source-identity as a beloved, individualized portion of the universe. It is aware of the universal love that is its heritage. It is also aware of the infinite power and strength that composes the very fabric of its being. Through being made aware of these facts, the exterior ego can begin to feel a quicker sense of support and nourishment. The knowledge can let it relax, let go, so that it feels its life couched and safe, and knows itself to be indeed a beloved child of the universe, both ancient and young at once, with an identity far beyond the annals of time. It is of great value, then, that each person remember this universal affiliation. Such a reminder can often allow the inner self to send needed messages of strength and love through the various levels, appearing as inspiration, dreams, or simply pure bursts of feeling. The inner ego draws instant and continuous support from the universal consciousness, and the more the exterior ego keeps that fact in mind, the greater its own sense of stability, safety, and self-esteem."
Session 3/xx, Page 148

"In many instances people exercise quite simply because they are afraid of what will happen if they do not. They may run to avoid heart disease, while their own fear can help to promote the very eventuality they fear."
Session 3/xx, Page 156

"I do not mean to imply that exercise is detrimental to good health. It is true, however, that the reason that you exercise is actually more important than the exercises that you perform. The reason can promote your good health or actually impede it."
Session 3/27, Page 157

"Your ideas about your own health are even more important than those steps you take to promote it."
Session 3/27, Page 158

"There is no magic connected with suggestions - but repeated often enough, and believed in fervently, such suggestions do indeed take on a deeply habitual nature. They are no longer examined, but taken for literal truth."
Session 4/8, Page 168

"The mind grows wiser with age when it is allowed to do so. There is even an acceleration of thought and inspiration, much like that experience in the adolescent years. that suddenly brings a new understanding to the aged individual, and provides an impetus that should help the person to achieve greater comprehension - a comprehension that should quell all fears of death."
Session 1/xx, Page 170
10 years ago Report
"1. Immediately begin to live in the present as much as possible. 2. Refuse to worry 3. When your thoughts do touch upon your particular problem in that present moment, imagine the best possible solution to the dilemma."
Session 4/19, Page 183

"Many diseases are actually health-promoting processes. Chicken pox, measles, and other like diseases in childhood in their own way naturally innoculate the body, so that it is able to handle other elements that are a part of the body and the body’s environment. When civilized children are medically inoculated against such diseases, however, they usually do not show the same symptoms, and to an important extent the natural protective processes are impeded. Such children may not come down with the disease against which are medically protected, then - but they may indeed therefore become prey to other diseases later in life that would not otherwise have occurred."
Session 4/25, Page 193

"I am not advising my readers to refuse to have their children vaccinated, since you now have to take vaccination into consideration because of the prominence of it in society. It is very possible, however, that science itself will in time discover the unfortunate side effects of many such procedures and begin to reevaluate the entire subject."
Session 4/xx, Page 196
------------------------------------"The body is more than agreeable, and more than able, to bring about an extraordinary recovery."
Session 4/30, Page 201

"At the same time, young children in particular still possess a feeling of oneness with the universe, and with all of life, even as they begin to separate themselves at certain levels from life’s wholeness to go about the delightful task. Seeing themselves as separate and apart from all other individuals, they still retain an inner comprehension and a memory of having once experienced a oneness with life as a whole."
Session 5/13, Page 214
9 years ago Report
lori100: "Remind yourself constantly that the most favorable solution to a problem is at least as probable as the most unfortunate solution. Remind yourselves also that despite all of your worrying, the spirit of life itself is continually within your experience, and forms your physical body."
Session 5/31, Page 241
---------------------------------"It is possible for your ideas to cause chemical reactions that impede your body’s ability to accept nourishment. If you believe that the body is evil, the purest health-food diet will or may do you little good at all, while if you have a healthy desire and respect for your physical body, a diet of TV dinners, and even fast foods, may well keep you healthy and nourished."
Session 6/7, Page 259

"The body often wears out because it has been used less and less - and that is because little study has been given to the true capabilities of the healthy physical body in the later years of life. That period also contains certain RHYTHMS IN WHICH NORMAL HEALING PROCESSES are highly accelerated, and the life force itself does not wear out or lessen within a body. Its expression may be impeded at any time, but the unique energy of each individual IS NOT DRAINED AWAY because of old age alone."
Session 6/3, Page 260

"...basically speaking there are no diseases brought about by old age alone."
Session 6/7, Page 260
-------------------"The more fully you learn to live, the more the seemingly hidden ‘mysteries of the universe’ begin to appear. They do not necessarily make themselves known with great clamor or fanfare, but suddenly the most innocuous, innocent bird song or the sight of a leaf might reveal knowledge of the profoundest nature. It is ironic, then, that many people who seek to discover the ‘hidden’ mysteries of nature ignore nature itself, or consider the physical body as gross or somehow composed of lesser vibrations."
Session 6/9, Page 269
------------------------------------------"People with life-threatening diseases also often feel that further growth, development, or expansion are highly difficult, if not impossible to achieve at a certain point in their lives. Often there are complicated family relationships that the person does not know how to handle. To numbers of such individuals crisis points come and are conquered. Somehow the person learns to circumnavigate the unpleasant situation, or the conditions change because of other people involved - and presto: the disease itself vanishes."
Session 6/10, Page 272
9 years ago Report
lori100: "In all cases, however, the need for value fulfillment, statement, and creativity are so important to life that when these are threatened, life itself is at least momentarily weakened. Innately, each person does realize that there is life after death, and in some instances such people realize that it is indeed time to move to another level of reality, to die and set out again with another brand new world."
Session 6/10, Page 272

"A man might die shortly after his wife’s would be because the thrust and intent and purpose of his life was no longer in physical reality."
Session 6/11, Page 273

"It is also vital that these patients are not overly medicated, for oftentimes the side effects of some cancer-eradicating drugs are dangerous in themselves. There has been some success with people who imagine that the cancer is instead some hated enemy or monster or foe, which is then banished through mental mock battles over a period of time. While the technique does have its advantages, it also pits one portion of the self against the other. It is much better to imagine, say, the cancer cells being neutralized by some imaginary wand. Doctors might suggest that a patient relax and then ask himself or herself what kind of inner fantasy would best serve the healing process. Instant images may come to mind at once, but if success is not achieved immediately, have the patient try again, for in almost all cases some inner pictures will be perceived. Behind the entire problem, however, is the fear of using one’s full power or energy. Cancer patients most usually feel an inner impatience as they sense their own need for future expansion and development, only to feel it thwarted."
Session 6/9, Page 273

"...while Framework2 represents that inner world, in which indeed all time is simultaneously, and actions that might take years in normal time can happen in the blinking of an eyelid in Framework2."
Session 6/12, Page 275
----------------------------"Before health problems show up there is always a loss of self-respect or expression."
Session 6/14, Page 280

"in a basic way, it is possible for present beliefs to actually modify beliefs of a life that is seemingly a past one."
Session 6/15, Page 284

"It also seems that each fetus must naturally desire to grow, emerge whole from its mother’s womb, and develop into a natural childhood and adulthood. However, in those terms just as many fetuses want the experience of being fetuses without following through on other stages. They have no intention of growing into complete human development. In fact, many fetuses explore that element of existence numberless times before deciding to go on still farther, and emerge normally from the womb. Fetuses that do not develop still contribute to the body’s overall experience, and they feel themselves successful in their own existences. An understanding of these issues can greatly help throw light on the question of early deaths and diseases, and spontaneous abortion."
Session 6/15, Page 285

"...knowledge gained in one life is automatically transferred to another, whether that life be present, past or future."
Session 6/17, Page 290
9 years ago Report
lori100: "For one thing, again, almost all situations, including the most drastic, can be changed for the better to some extent, and the very attempt to do so increase a person’s sense of control over his or her own circumstances."
Session 6/17, Page 291

"It is unfortunately often - but not always - true that individuals who carry strong religious feeling are often bothered more than usual by poor health and personal dilemmas. The fact is that religions have been the carriers of some of the best ideas that man has entertained - but it has also held most stubbornly to the most troublesome concepts that have plagued mankind."
Session 6/24, Page 310

"It is far better to eat moderate amounts of food in all of the food ranges, and to consume smaller portions more often. I realize that your social mores also dictate your eating habits - but four light meals a day will overall serve you very well, and give the body a more steady, regulated nourishment."
Session 6/27, Page 316
9 years ago Report
lori100: “Do not personally give any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen. Any such concentration, to whatever degree, ties you in with those probabilities, so concentrate upon what you want, and as far as public events are concerned, take it for granted that sometimes even men are wiser than they know.”

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment
Volume 1
Session 891
Page 184
---------------------------------------------“For at no time are any events predestined. There should be no such word in your vocabulary, for with every moment you change, and every heartbeat is an action, and every action changes every other action.”

The Early Sessions
Book 5
Page 49
-------------------------------------------------------“People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own. No person dies without a reason. You are not taught that, however, so people do not recognize their own reasons for dying, and they are not taught to recognize their own reasons for living — because you are told that life itself is an accident in a cosmic game of chance.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 835,
February 7,1979
-------------------------------------------“Nothing exists outside the psyche, however, that does not exist within it, and there is no unknown world that does not have its psychological or psychic counterpart. Man learned to fly as he tried to exteriorize inner experience, for in out of body states in dreams he had long been familiar with flight. All excursions into outer reality come as the psyche attempts to reproduce in any given “exterior” world the inner freedom of its being.”

The Unknown Reality
Volume 2
Session 713
---------------------------“What the body cannot stand today is the stress thrown upon it by the imagined stress or problems that it might be asked to face tomorrow, or next week, or 20 years from now. Then, you are not allowing it to act in the present. You are seeking from future probabilities unpleasant – or perhaps the most unpleasant – circumstances, and actually demanding that the body handle the stimuli now.--------------------“Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into flesh…The self outgrows the flesh.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Session 801
Page 12
------------------------------------Now: you must understand, for one thing, that telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level. If you continually expect any individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Every individual reacts to suggestion. According then to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according the mass suggestions he has received.

These mass suggestions include not only those given to him by others, both verbally and telepathically, but also those suggestions that he has given to himself while in the waking or dream states.

If individual A is in a period of despondency, then this is because he has already become prey to negative suggestions of his own and others. If now you see him and think that he looks miserable or that he is an incurable drunk – then indeed these suggestions are picked up by him subconsciously though you have not spoken a word, and in his already weakened condition, they will be accepted and acted upon.

If, on the other hand, thinking of him under the same conditions, you stop yourself and say gently to yourself: he will begin to feel better now-or his drinking is temporary-and there is indeed hope here, then you have given him aid, for the suggestions will at least represent some small telepathic ammunition to fight off the war of despondency.”

The Early Sessions, Book 8
Session 340
May 10, 1967
----------------------------------“To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. You can theoretically alter your own past as YOU have known it, for time is no more something divorced from you than probabilities are.
9 years ago Report
lori100: Dr. Ian Stevenson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry
at the University of Virginia Medical School, has
published five voiumes of case histories, mostly of children
under the age of four who have detailed memories of past
lives. Some of them even describe the process of dying and
being reincarnated.
9 years ago Report
lori100: “It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.”
― Voltaire
9 years ago Report
lori100: Seth on the Vibratory Nature of Existence

"Now the behavior of atoms and molecules is involved here, for again

these are only present within your universe during certain stages.

Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular

vibratory rhythms.

When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the

nature, say, of an atom.

They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows

itself within your


Its greater reality completely escapes them.

You understand that there are spectrums of light.

So are there spectrums of matter.

Your system of physical reality is not dense in comparison with some


The dimensions that you give to physical matter barely begin to hint at

the varieties of dimensions possible.

Some systems are far heavier or lighter than your own, though this may

not involve weight in the terms with which you are familiar.

Probable actions emerge, then, into matter systems quite as valid as

your own, and quite as consistent.

You are used to thinking in single line thoughts, so you think of events

that you know as complete things or actions, not realizing that what you

perceive is but a

fraction of their entire multidimensional existence.

In greater terms, it is impossible to separate one physical event from

the probable events, for these are all dimensions of one action.

It is basically impossible to separate the "you" that you know from the

probable you's of which you are unaware, for the same reasons.

There are always inner pathways, however, leading between probable


since all of them are manifestations of an act in its becoming, then the

dimensions between these are illusions.

The physical brain alone cannot pick up these connections with any great


The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times

perceive the far greater dimensions of any given event

through a burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be

adequately described on a verbal level.

As I have said frequently, time as you think of it does not exist, yet

in your terms, time's true nature could be understood if the basic

nature of the atom was ever made known to you.

In one way, an atom could be compared to a microsecond.

It seems as if an atom "exists" steadily for a certain amount of time.

Instead it phases in and out, so to speak.

It fluctuates in a highly predictable pattern and rhythm.

It can be perceived within your system only at certain points in this

fluctuation, so it seems to scientists that the atom is steadily


They are not aware of any gaps of absence as far as the atom is


In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of

fluctuation, the atoms "appear" in another system of reality.

In that system they are perceived in what are "on" points of

fluctuation, and in that system also then the atoms (seem to) appear


There are many such points of fluctuation, but your system of course is

not aware of them, nor of the ultimate actions, universes, and systems

that exist within them.

Now the same sort of behavior occurs on a deep, basic, secret, and

unexplored psychological level.

The physically oriented consciousness, responding to one phase of the

atom's activity, comes alive and awake to its particular existence, but

in between are other fluctuations in which consciousness is focused upon

entirely different systems of reality; each of these coming awake and

responding, and each one having no sense of absence, and memory only

of those particular fluctuations to which they respond."

Seth, session 567
9 years ago Report
lori100: seth-----------We are individualized portions of energy, materialized within physical existence, to learn to form ideas from energy, and make them physical (this is idea construction). We project ideas into an object, so that we can deal with it. But the object is the thought, materialized. This physical representation of idea permits us to learn the difference between the "I" who thinks and the thought. Idea construction teaches the "I" what it is, by showing it its own products in a physical manner. We learn by viewing our own creations, in other words. We learn the power and effects of ideas by changing them into physical realities; and we learn responsibility in the use of creative energy...

The entity is the basic self, immortal, nonphysical. It communicates on an energy level with other entities, and has an almost inexhaustible supply of energy at its command. The individual is the portion of the whole self that we manage to express physically.....

The eye projects and focuses the inner image (idea) onto the physical world in the same manner that a motion-picture camera transfers an image onto a screen. The mouth creates words. The ears create sound. The difficulty in understanding this principle is due to the fact that we've taken it for granted that the image and sound already exist for the senses to interpret. Actually the senses are the channels of creation by which idea is projected into material expression.

The basic idea is that the senses are developed, not to permit awareness of an already existing material world, but to create it...

The subconscious is the threshold of idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual... The physical body is the material construction of the entity's idea of itself under the properties of matter... Instinct is the minimum ability for idea construction necessary for physical survival... The present is the apparent point of any idea's emergence into physical matter.
9 years ago Report
lori100: seth--------------The entity is in contact with other entities at a subconscious area.

After death, the entity will have its ghost images (memories) at its command, though their apparent sequence will no longer apply.

Memories are properties of the subconscious energy entity and,as such, are indestructible (though they may be unavailable to the individual under various circumstances).

The next plane of existence will involve further training in energy use and manipulation, since the energy of which the entity is composed is self-generating and always seeking more complicated form and awareness.

Each material particle is an idea construction formed by the individualized bits of energy that compose it.

*Each entity perceives only his own construction on a physical level.

* Because all constructions are more or less faithful reproductions in matter of the same basic ideas (since all individuals are, generally speaking, on the same level in this plane), then they agree sufficiently in space, time and degree so that the world of appearances has coherence and relative predictability.
--------------------------------... you project your own energy out to form the physical world. Therefore, to change your world, it is yourself you must change. You must change what you project.

We are individualized portions of energy, materialized within physical existence, to learn to form ideas from energy, and make them physical (this is idea construction). We project ideas into an object, so that we can deal with it. But the object is the thought, materialized. This physical representation of idea permits us to learn the difference between the "I" who thinks and the thought. Idea construction teaches the "I" what it is, by showing it its own products in a physical manner. We learn by viewing our own creations, in other words. We learn the power and effects of ideas by changing them into physical realities; and we learn responsibility in the use of creative energy...
----------------------------------------------------------------------The objective world is the end result of inner action. You can indeed manipulate the objective world from within, for this is the means and definition of true manipulation...

Thoughts and images are formed into physical reality and become physical fact. They are propelled chemically. A thought IS energy. It begins to produce itself physically at the moment of its conception.

Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland. As you know them, body chemicals are physical, but they are the propellants of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality. They cause the body to reproduce the inner image. They are sparks, so to speak, initiating the transformation.

Chemicals are released through the skin and pore systems, in an invisible but definite pseudophysical formation. The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of its physical materialization. There is no object about you that you have not created. There is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made.

The initial thought or image exists within the mental enclosure [as explained in earlier sessions]. It is not yet physical. Then it is sparked into physical materialization by the mental enzymes.

This is the general procedure. All such images and thoughts are not completely materialized in your terms, however. The intensity may be too weak. The chemical reaction sparks certain electrical charges, some within the layers of the skin. There are radiations then through the skin to the exterior world, containing highly codified instructions and information.

The physical environment is as much a part of you, then, as your body. Your control over it is quite effective, for you create it as you create your fingertip... Objects are composed of the same pseudo-material that radiates outward from your own physical image, only the higher intensity mass is different. When it is built up enough, you recognize it as an object. At low intensity mass it is not apparent to you.

Every nerve and fiber within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. In one respect, the body and physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self.

Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, invisibly along these nerve pathways in much the same manner that they travel within the body. The pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires that travel outward from any given self, altering seemingly objective events.

In a very real manner, events or objects are actually focal points where highly charged psychic impulses are transformed into something that can be physically perceived; a breakthrough into matter. When such highly charged impulses intersect or coincide, matter is formed. The reality behind such an explosion into matter is independent of the matter itself. An identical or nearly identical pattern may reemerge "at any time" again and again, if the proper coordinates exist for activation.

In your system of reality you are learning what mental energy is, and how to use it. You do this by constantly transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form. You are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development by perceiving the exterior environment. What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your own inner emotions, energy, and mental environment.

You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination... ...your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. You form physical materializations of these realities within your own mind.

If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health, or desperate loneliness, these will be automatically materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them reality in physical terms. If you would have good health, then you must imagine this as vividly as in fear you imagine the opposite.
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 9 years ago)
lori100: seth--------------...time and space... are both a part of something else. They are merely the camouflage patterns by which you perceive reality. Space as you perceive it in the dream state comes much closer to the reality... the dream universe is obviously closely connected with your own, since pseudo-objects are present... Within the dream state, you are in the "outward" areas of the physically oriented universe... There are other systems all about and within your own. The undifferentiated areas move out like spirals, through all reality. Little resistance is encountered within them. They represent inner roads that connect systems, as well as divide them.

It is possible, theoretically, to travel to any system in this manner and bypass others... Most of the knowledge gained escapes the ego, and the experiences cannot be translated by the physical brain... some of the data would be retained by inner portions of the self. In a creative individual, some of this information might be symbolically expressed in a painting or other work of art... Each brushstroke of a painting represents concentrated experience and compressed perceptions.

True motion has nothing to do with space. The only real motion is that of the traveling consciousness.
9 years ago Report
lori100: seth---------------You are like children with a game, and you think that the game is played by everyone. Physical life is not the rule. Identity and consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. You suppose that any personality must appear in physical terms. Consciousness is the force behind matter, and it forms many other realities besides the physical one. It is, again, your own viewpoint that is presently so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence.

The source and power of your present consciousness has never been physical, and where I am, many are not even aware that such a physical system exists.

The physical system is an illusion, but you must accept it and from your viewpoint try to understand the realities that exist beyond it.

You cannot objectify the inner portions of your own identity, and therefore you do not perceive them. So much of your energy is used in the physical productions that you cannot afford to perceive any reality but your own.

Like children playing with blocks, you focus your attention on the physical blocks. The physical blocks appear very real to you when you dwell within their perspective. Other shapes and forms that you could perceive, you do not. Even in explaining other realities, I must use the words "shapes" and "forms" or you would not understand me.

Your idea of progress is building larger blocks, and yet one day you will put aside you "children's toys."

The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel... Yours is a training system for emerging consciousness. Before you can be allowed into systems of reality that are more extensive and open, you must first learn to handle energy and see through physical materialization, the concrete result of thought and emotion.

When you leave the physical system after reincarnations, you have learned the lesson and you are literally no longer a member of the human race, for you elect to leave it. Only the conscious self dwells within it in any case, and other portions of your identity dwell simultaneously within other training systems. In more advanced systems, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action, into whatever approximation of matter there exists. Therefore, the lessons must be taught and learned well.

The responsibility for creation must be clearly understood. To some extent you are in a soundproof and isolated room. Hate creates destruction in that "room" and until the lessons are learned, destruction follows destruction... In the terms of other systems, that kind of destruction does not exist - but you believe that it does, and the agonies of dying are sorely felt. It is not that you must be taught not to destroy, for destruction does not actually exist. It is that you must be trained to create responsibly.

The weapons of destruction are the obvious things that you see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important: the self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion that is finally aroused, and that final and last lesson - the positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred. When this is learned, the cycle is finished.

The training will serve you for existence in a variety of interrelated systems. If the sorrows and agonies within your system were not felt as real, the lesson would not be learned.

The teachers within your system are those in their last reincarnation, and other personalities who have left the system but have been assigned to help those still within it.

The system also includes some fragment personalities what are entering for the first time, as well as those in later reincarnations.

Humanity dreams the same dream at once, and you have your mass world. The whole construction is like an educational play in which you are the producers as well as the actors. There is a play within a play within a play. There is no end to the "within" of things. The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams. But the dreams are not meaningless, and the actions within them are significant. The whole self is the observer and the participator in the roles.
9 years ago Report
lori100: Neils Bohr designed his own coat of arms which featured a taijitu (symbol of yin and yang) and a motto in Latin: contraria sunt complementa, "opposites are complementary".
9 years ago Report
lori100: Excerpts from Physical Universe as Idea Construction

~ by Jane Roberts in an altered state of consciousness ultimately leading to the Seth material.

"Energy is the basis of the universe.

Ideas are mental transformations of energy by an entity into physical reality.

Idea constructions are transformations of ideas into physicalreality.

Space is where our own idea constructions do not exist in the physical universe.

The physical body is the material construction of the entity's idea of itself under the properties of matter.

The individual is the part of the entity or whole self of which we are conscious in daily life.

It is that part of the whole self which we are able to express or make "real" through our idea constructions on a physical level.

The subconscious is the threshold of an idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual.

Personality is the individual's overall responses to ideas received and constructed.

It represents the emotional coloration of the individual's ideas and constructions at any given "time".

Emotions are the driving force that propel ideas into constructions.

Instinct is the minimum ability for idea constructions necessary for physical survival.

Learning is the potential for constructing new idea complexes from existing ideas.

Idea complexes are groups of ideas formed together like building blocks to form more complicated constructions in physical reality.

Communication is the interchange of ideas by entities on the energy nonphysical level.

Action is idea in motion.

The senses are channels of projection by which ideas are projected outward to create the world of appearances.

Environment is the overall idea constructions with which an individual surrounds himself.

Physical time is the apparent lapse between the emergence of an idea in the physical universe (as a construction) and its replacement by another.

The past is the memory of ideas that were but are no longer physical constructions.

The present is the apparent point of any idea's emergence into physical reality.

The future is the apparent lapse between the disappearance of one idea construction and its replacement by another in physicalreality.

Psychological time is the apparent lapse between the conception of ideas.

Aging is the effect upon an idea construction of the properties of matter of which the construction is composed.

Growth is the formation of an idea construction toward its fullest possible materialization following the properties of matter.

Sleep is the entity's relative rest from idea construction except the minimum necessary for physical survival.

The physical universe is the sum of individual idea constructions.

Memory is the ghost image of "past" idea constructions.

Each evolutionary change is preceded and caused by a new idea.

As the idea is in the process of being constructed onto the physical plane, it prepares the material world for its own actuality and creates the prerequisite conditions.

Evolution is energy's movement toward conscious expression in the physical universe, but it is basically nonphysical.

A species at any given time is the materialization of the inner images or ideas of its individual members, each of whom forms his own idea constructions.

At no point can we actually say that one construction vanishes and another takes its place, but artificially we adopt certain points as past, present and future, for convenience.

At some point, we agree that the physical construction ceases to be elements of the "past" construction and is already becoming the"next" one.

Though the construction of an idea seems to disappear physically, the idea which it represents still exists.

Sleep is the entity's rest from physical idea construction.

Only enough energy is used to keep the personal image construction in existence.

The entity withdraws into basic energy realms and is comparatively free from time since idea construction is at a minimum level.

The entity is in contact with other entities at a subconscious area.

After death, the entity will have its ghost images (memories) at its command, though their apparent sequence will no longer apply.

Memories are properties of the subconscious energy entity and,as such, are indestructible (though they may be unavailable to the individual under various circumstances).

The next plane of existence will involve further training in energy use and manipulation, since the energy of which the entity is composed is self-generating and always seeking more complicated form and awareness.

Each material particle is an idea construction formed by the individualized bits of energy that compose it.

*Each entity perceives only his own construction on a physical level.

* Because all constructions are more or less faithful reproductions in matter of the same basic ideas (since all individuals are, generally speaking, on the same level in this plane), then they agree sufficiently in space, time and degree so that the world of appearances has coherence and relative predictability.
9 years ago Report
lori100: seth---------"That which appears empty, such as your space, is empty only for those who do not perceive, who are blind because they fear to perceive that which the ego cannot understand. The ego, however, is also capable of greater knowledge and potentiality and scope. It dwells in the physical universe, but it can indeed also perceive and appreciate other realities. The ego is part of the personality and as such it can partake of sturdier, heartier, more vivid realities. The personality can dwell and does dwell in many worlds at once.

9 years ago Report
lori100: Phil Collins--------The Genesis drummer and solo artist is another ardent believer in reincarnation after being convinced by a psychic that in a past life he was an American soldier who survived the Alamo. Apparently, that bit of knowledge has led to a full-blown obsession with that period in American history.
9 years ago Report
lori100: “All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”
― Nikola Tesla---------------------------------
9 years ago Report