After Death (Page 3)

StuckInTheSixties: There's no objective, tangible proof of the existence of souls or life after death.
13 years ago Report
Nadiey: I just believe there is after death. as my own way of thinking there is purpose for everything even life or death or whatever event that happened in life or in anything beyond ones imagination or thinking. if no one know doesn't mean it true or wrong.. it just beyond human knowledge as we all know human are imperfect.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Nadiey says:

"if no one know doesn't mean it true or wrong.. it just beyond human knowledge as we all know human are imperfect."

That gives philosophical license to believe anything. Would you believe in anything?

Dragons? Leprochauns? Fairies? Unicorns? A broken mirror causing seven years of bad luck?

Just like afterlife, none of these things can be proven to be "true or wrong." Why should any of those concepts have any less credibility than life after death?
13 years ago Report
Nadiey: that depends on every individual, does it worth believing? or just a spice of info to add in life. everyone are free to believe in anything or nothing no one can force it. so even if the topic is so absurd if nothing wrong with it why not just thinking about it or maybe believe it?

there is beliefs of santa, jesus, tooth fairy, ghost, vampire, so why not add some more worth thinking when there is nothing wrong with it? its not making people weird/insane its just makes you a thinking person who is open to everything.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: "so why not add some more worth thinking when there is nothing wrong with it?"

Well, I prefer reality to the imaginary. The imaginary is just fine for me, but only when it's in a story.

"its not making people weird/insane its just makes you a thinking person who is open to everything."

Perhaps it's not "making people ... insane," but it definitely makes them "weird," especially when they are obsessed with it. Blending the imaginary with reality is often considered to be the symptom of a mental disorder, such as schizophrenia.
13 years ago Report
Nadiey: well theres the line obsessed. I just believe it but not making further attempt by telling people or searching the truth. reality or not you cant say that when when you know nothing if there is actually afterlife isn't? why is it so hard to accept that someone believe in something? i believe in afterlife but not reincarnation. its not the same.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: I'm not saying that afterlife doesn't exist.

I'm saying there's no proof of it.

And I'm saying that it is irrational to believe in things for which there's no proof.
13 years ago Report
Nadiey: irrational? of course theres no proof it will be scary/weird? if someone can prove it. believe in it is just like i believe there is god though nobody can prove it. it actually makes logic if you think why we live in the first place, the second phase is die. the reason i believe is because there is purpose to everything thats all though there may no explanation to it. like why there isn't justice in life? people will say -well thats life or shits happened whatever- but then there where beliefs in god and afterlife take place and we move on. so it is not irrational.
13 years ago Report
KanZ: I think basically the problem is why we are worried by the death? And that explains why people fantasize about the death. And stray from God for answer this question, because
-firstly religion get a reaveled truth you have to accept without arugument, accordingly if you get religion you have not to ask you any question you get response in religious text. (for christian, other I don't know, don't hope a life after death before Last Judgment, it's at the apocalypse people will be élire, I want precise because i hear a lot of bullshit by people who tell about what they don't know)
-secondly "Even good, God allows I am mistaken. Argument about deceptive God can make us in doubt also with mathematical truth" (Descartes). (this secondly is for people who believe in God but doesn't get religion, that exist)
-thirdly sciences are still unable to proved if get or do not get.

So if you want know, if you're not religious, try suicide or stop bite your nails about death, you can consult a psychologist or read philosofical books you will draw argument, you don't need to worry any more after that.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: As I see things, the issue is far simpler than any of that, or any of what Nadiey is saying. It comes down to this:

I find no rational reason to believe in things for which there is no objective, tangible proof.

Furthermore, it is no less irrational to believe in one unproved thing than any other unproved thing. There is no proof of the existence of God, souls, afterlife, fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, leprechauns, and unicorns. If they are all equally unproven. None of those has any more credibility than any others.
13 years ago Report
KanZ: I have the same opinion like Mr. StuckInTheSixties, but really, this for all people, if we begin to reconsieder all that's not rational, we have to get a lot centuries ahead of us.
Moreover the idea of rationality was a thesis of Max Weber what is true currently, but rationality it's just a calculation, and modern writers (sociolog world-renowned) have a nuance, because it's impossible to know all, we can't calculate rationaly because we don't have the time for that and we can't know all data .
And we have to separated religious speech, and scientifical speech, because they don't have same base. Religious have response about existancial questions and without argument because it's sensible to be a revealed truth. Science if we think about it, don't ask about existencial question, and it's based on the experimentation not every time on the proof.
13 years ago Report
KanZ: Einsten didn't proved fisicaly E=MC2, but he used mathematics for a thesis, only a thesis, this is a cartesian thinking, break doubt by mathematical calcul and it's possible to make a mistake with that, it's that Descartes said.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Well, actually, there is a great deal of physical evidence for Einstein's e=mc2 equation. For instance, that equation describes how the sun works. You live in France, where there is an abundance of nuclear power plants. The computer you're using is probably being powered by technology based on that equation.
13 years ago Report
KanZ: I agree with you Mr. StuckInTheSixties, energy in my countries was "tamed" thanks to mathematics and rationnality that you mentioned.
But we know that our mathematics are false on a universal scale, but are sufficient for our way of life.
Problem is human is never satisfied, and about death after life it's a question what will be never satisfied in answers suggested (excuse for my gramma).
For me, nobody can escape from death (i think everyone agree with that) so if get or not, , i will see some on day.
In reality, people who is worried by death is people who need a fear (about a power what it's beyond his understanding) for get a good behaviour in his actualy life on earth.
But exist other people like me who don't need that, because get a good behaviour because it's necessary for society life, and for own life.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: "But we know that our mathematics are false on a universal scale"

We know nothing of the sort.

"Problem is human is never satisfied, and about death after life it's a question what will be never satisfied in answers suggested"

If the answers suggested are obviously false, we shouldn't be satisfied.

We should use rational thought to find the truth, and if the truth eludes us, accept that sometimes we have to settle for just not knowing.
13 years ago Report
tylersimpson: think when the body dies the brain is the last thing to go when it does you inter R.E.M.sleep then you go to another time line that's why you have deja vu. see R.E.M. sleep is the gateway to the other timeline dimension. the body is just a vessel for the conscious soul if you will for god is everywhere through out space time and apart of everything seen and not seen,. god cant die and that part of us that is constant with him goes on. when you dream its like looking at a television show of the possible realities
13 years ago Report
Zoey234: Speculating about death is like being "unboated" in white water rapids, swept along on your at 95 mph and wondering if that's a rain cloud you see on the horizon.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: tylersimpson says:

"think when the body dies the brain is the last thing to go when it does you inter R.E.M.sleep then you go to another time line that's why you have deja vu. see R.E.M. sleep is the gateway to the other timeline dimension. the body is just a vessel for the conscious soul if you will for god is everywhere through out space time and apart of everything seen and not seen,. god cant die and that part of us that is constant with him goes on. when you dream its like looking at a television show of the possible realities"

Why do you believe that? There's no evidence of any of that.
13 years ago Report
Zoey234: Uuuh, Sits, can you say "p-r-a-g-m-a-t-i-c"?
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Um sure. Pragmatic.

And your point is ... ?
13 years ago Report
another-girl: If the Nature is all based on a circle. and why can't we?
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Poetic ... but I'm not sure I follow the meaning of it.
13 years ago Report
anielle_le_fay: Life after death. Well I for one seriously doubt there is one but I hope there is. If that made any sense. A fixed afterlife does not appeal to me. Reincarnation sounds more flexible and that I am able to stomach.
13 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: I'm satisfied, and pretty content, to have the one life I have.

Consider the alternative ...
13 years ago Report
Animal Lover
Animal Lover: Yes I believe in life after death. Used to go regularly to spiritualist church. Love is the key, apparently.
13 years ago Report