Human Nature DOES NOT Exist - ONLY Human Behaviour. BIG Difference.

MattyD89: This is the one thing that bothers me more then anything else in the world. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HUMANE NATURE - ONLY HUMAN BEHAVIOUR - and there is a BIG difference. Humans have no inate, built in emotions, or thoughts whatsoever. You can take a new born child from a authentic Chinese family in China and pt him into a British family in London and that Chinese boy will grow up with British values, a British accent, and will be influenced by the culture of his un biological family. Maybe some cultural influences because of how he looks different and wants to explore his heritage. We are who we are 99.9% because of our enviorment. The only biological inate things that we are born with is our physical capabilites, which will also play a role in how you develop mentally but mainy because yur enviormnt and your differences within that enviorment that impact you. Some people have this idea that no matter what humans want to be better then other humans, that huamns lie, cheat, steal, hate, kill, ect no matter what. But that 100% wrong. You think if a human was born on another planet where those words did not even exists, the human would still act as if they do? Not a chance. People kill, steal, cheat, lie, hate, ect because they have seen it and been influenced by it in so many ways. Even being happy, giving, caring, nice, are all just peoples enviorment sculping them a certian way, has nothing to do with human natre- it does not exist.
14 years ago Report
melliebray: Come off it.

If I were to believe that, I was brought up to believe I was destined to be mentally ill, it was in my genes, I could never have any children because they would be tainted, as I am?

Anyone can overcome what they have been taught, if they choose that they want a better life than that. They have to care. They have to have a dream, or an idea. No one is trapped. Each of us has a choice in life. If we choose to take it or not depends how much we care, if we have a vision, or if we are happier as blind sheep being fed whatever garbage comes our way. I'm not saying it's easy. I am saying it is very possible! Sure it hurts, to abandon family beliefs & to pull away from that. Doing nothing hurt a lot more.

I now believe that I am destined to be a happy normal person, who is not ashamed to stand out from the crowd. Being highly sensitive is not a curse, even when it hurts a lot. It's what makes me inspired, to create amazing things other people could never dream of. Crying easily was never a flaw. It is simply empathy. It may not be popular, but to hell with what's popular!

Each of us has a choice to accept, or reject what we have been taught. I guess not everyone has the insight to make the most of having that choice, but it is always there. Sometimes it takes another person to point that out....
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: You may choose yes between your options, but your options are what your nature, capabilites and enviorment produces they are not "human nature".
14 years ago Report
melliebray: I am the eternal optimist. I will hear what everyone has to say, but I will never believe that there is no way out.

I will believe that it may seem too hard, or it may isolate or have other scary consequences. Life is our right, to fill our space in this existence. To have free will, to have a voice.
14 years ago Report
Keas: Only in terms of how you view it.
14 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: Hi, I'm a newby. I think MattyD has a good point there. Blaming bad behaviour on human nature is a cop-out. All behaviour is learned unless it's instinctual in which case it's animal nature.
I can imagine a future where humans are more empathetic to each other. Co-operation instead of competition. And it doesn't require a genetic change but an attitude change. Just my thoughts.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: yea bro i like how you said that - co operation not competition
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Quantum physics tells us our world is what we think it is. Our reality is a manifestation of our thought , so if you tend to concentrate on the vagaries of life, or the wretched human character, chances are they might occur more frequently around you. Life is a test, a test of our faith to see how we can look beyond these worldly illusions in a condition which is extremely conducive for them to thrive.

As far as your contention about people losing their identities goes, identities are a human creation or what we've been programmed to believe we are; they are a creation of human thought and human thought being limited cannot capture the truth which is limitless. Mankind must realise it's time to move on, beyond narrow social identities which man creates to give himself comfort, if he really wants to live in a world which is free of the vicious cycle of wars and genocide which have been afflicting us since antiquity.
14 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: True, true. Life is a test of our faith that it can and will improve. Probably not in my life time but for those who come after... 100, 1000 years maybe!
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: Quantum Physics is ALL THEORY and really, in my opinion, wrong, it's not reality.
14 years ago Report
maha64456: I agree to a certain point, human behavior is a society product and it can’t be a human nature… but this doesn’t apply to everything
You have pointed that if a human would be born into a different intelligent life or another planet would behave different… I guess that this is not totally true… Are words like hate or love would be strange? Maybe, but doesn’t mean we won’t feel it! This is emotions … a 2 years old kid start to lie, not because someone is teaching him/her… it’s just nature… so I guess that society is controlling the amount of things but not totally erase it!!!
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: emotions are only felt because you have been onditioned to feel them. yes on another planet if love did not exists. you would not feel love. love is a man made emotion. love is not real - there are attachments, but not love. and the attachment itsnt human nature its about your enviorment and how you fee lcomfortable within it do to the enbiorment. haha
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: do you thik if you lived in a place where literally there was absolutly nothing that could inflic pain on you would you feel fear? nope. you think if there was nothing to love you would feel love? nope.
14 years ago Report
maha64456: I don’t know but our mind is adapt to learn and think of the unthinkable… sometimes we just do something and we would think it’s only us to realize afterward that this is not true…
I’m not saying that that we are all alike just because we are all humans, but to a certain point, there are similarities
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Matty D Quantum physics will one day do to science what the theory of relativity did to Newtons law of gravity, bring about a paradigm shift. Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities, and if it seems unbelievable at first, you should consider what Einstein said "if at first a theory doesn't seem absurd, chances are it's not right". I would say look around for truth, look at both the frontiers and the edges of science. There is a lot of evidence coming through now that is validating the assumptions of Quantum Physics, anyway if you really meant to say what I was saying was false based of your perception about Quantum Physics, I could point to Psychology and what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious.

On a broader level, nothing in this world is the absolute truth(as I mentioned in my previous post; since the truth is too vast and intricate for the human mind to fathom. Science itself has proved to be false and inadequate over and over again and scientists themselves have proved to be dogmatic at times. We shouldn't simply deny some theory based on what we have read or heard, but we could make an effort to be inquisitive and gather information and choose to believe what resonates with us as true.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: I understand what QuantumTheory is and I agree with being open minded to new ideas and movements, but there is too much illogication within quanton physics. People like stephen hawakin belving their calculations have any sort of validity are abosurb considering they are talking about things they have never seen or experianced based on minimal evidence indirectly. Even our own "laws" or physics are broken in many cases - even a fzy%$@# bee flying goes agains the "LAWS" or physics. if we cant distinguish proper scientific laws with more then enough evidence to support them, how are thoerys on differnt realities and space any what logical or factual? Some of it is interesting and cool to view but most of it is nothing more then theory. I think we will progress further with developments of real technologies that benifit the human race such as clean and resuable energy, water food and shelter for everyone. ratheer then worry about traveling into different dimensions, travelling through time, and trying to create black holes. i feel bad for people such as stephen hawking searching thier whole lifes for anwsres they will never get.
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Read carefully what I stated above, let your perception of the "TRUTH" be fluid. What you are doing is assuming (I see a fallacy of reason there) that Quantum physics is based on illogical assumptions, I am not trying to imply that all the theories of quantum physics are some sort of 'gospel' truth or some crap like that. What I am saying is look at it a little more closely, you might be surprised to find out how much of it may have been validated (by research) already. Be a little flexible in your approach, what you are saying now is based on what you believe is the truth. I know it might be hard to swallow, but isn't everything at first. Just because you may think that how electricity works is 'illogical' wouldn't stop humanity from benefiting from it. I know cognitive dissonance can be difficult, but I see it as necessary evil. So learn with an open mind, lest the 'overman' mocks us all .
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Also, we have enough water, food and the technology to benefit everyone already; what we lack is perhaps the will to share it. It would be absurd in my opinion if we wanted science to concentrate only on our basic necessities .
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: dude i am totoaly open for new ideas. i dont really beleive anything to be 'truth'. truth is only goes as far as we can see. and dude i have done ALOT of research on quanton physics. and yes A LOT has some good validation, but they take that valid information and try and put into a different presepctive that might not nesesarly work. something we dont know, and most likely will never know due to the insanity of the equations involved in most the ideas. as well no tehcnolgy shouldnt be used just for the basics of humanity. but it should start that way. if you think you deserve to know about where we came form and why, or how to travel between dimensions but you don't belvie the eprson on the street deseves food water and shelter then your a f&#@w~ a^xy*&~ bro. not that im saying you are, but possibly. WWW.THEVENUSPROJECT.COM
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Nothing to see here. Post deleted by user.
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Oh, you think Quantum Physics is hogwash, but you believe in Venus project, Zeitgeist etc? Also, you should read a post properly before you respond, I never said poor people don't need help. What I said was , we lack the will to spread out all we have evenly; that's not very different from what your master Jacque Fresco has to say...
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Zeitgeist in my opinion is just an exercise to influence people in a way they really shouldn't. They quote people like J.krishnamurti, Rimpoche and a lot of other individuals out of context and use hypnosis and mind control techniques.
14 years ago Report
psychedelic_curry: Shit .....I almost forgot, what you said about the transfer of information from other subjects happens in all streams you can think of. They even have a subject to study the 'phenomena', it's called analogy. And, PLEASE DONOT TYPE IN CAPS OR USE OBSCENETIES.
14 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: I thought you two were in agreement. If it wasn't for the quantum physics debate, you seem to both agree that human nature is an invention?
Quantum physics is a science based on available objective data?
If it tells us our world is what we think it is, ... then our world is a subjective experience?
Objective, subjective,... a little fromm column A, a little from column B....

A comment on Maha's post " a 2 years old kid start to lie, not because someone is teaching him/her… it’s just nature… "
I think a child will lie because he/she has been taught if they do something wrong they will be punished. So they lie because they have learned to be afraid. When they get older they learn that if they lie, no one will trust them.
14 years ago Report
maha64456: Point, what u say is true, kids lie because they are afraid ... but whether they lie because they are scared or just using their imagination… this prove my point; kids do it as instinct, to avoid danger or to the fun of it… nobody forced the act them to lie. They just knew they have to do it..
14 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: Yes, but that instinct of fear is in all animals. So it is animal instinct not human nature.
14 years ago Report
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