The is NO free will. we are prods of out envio. (Page 5)

FogofWar: "harm to another human is fw&@x@ up no matter why it comes."

...and if harm cannot be avoided...then what?

There was only one way to stop Adolph Hitler. Had we not went to war against him; then he would have succeeded in exterminating the Jewish people; African people, Pagans, homosexuals; communists; among others.

Sometimes it is a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils.

If one cannot avoid harm; is it not better to take the path of least harm?

If someone swings a knife at you; would it not be better to take it to the arm than the heart?

If you try and go into a knife fight expecting not to get cut; you will get killed.

By accepting that this world is not perfect; and that violence is present; you are making yourself stronger. An individual is only as strong as his weaknesses; and so too, the human race is only as strong as our weakness.

By accepting that violence will occur; we can limit it to as little violence as possible....and if that means taking one life to save the lives of millions; then that is obviously the path of least violence.

Can you honestly tell Me that deep inside, you really think it is worse to take the life of one person who is killing thousands?

Can you honestly tell Me that deep inside, you think it is not better for one person to die than a thousand?

"when emotions are involed things get out of hand, and violent."

Matty, it is clear from your posts; that you are the one who is not in control of your emotions. I agree, this is dangerous.

"exactly why i said if someone raped my mom i would WANT to kill them. tho then it would make mt no better then them."

What you think you would do now, and what you would really do are two entirely different things. Every soldier that prepares for battle readies themselves for what they are going to experience. All the mental and physical preparation in the world does not make them ready....No matter how much you try and stay in control; when the first sound of bullets reaches your ears; a chill runs through your spine and you realize this is reality, and not fantasy.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
14 years ago Report
FogofWar: Matty, you should really learn the judicial systems before you make comments like that. Yes China does have a strict death sentence; but you are not going to be killed for puffing a joint.

Iraq and Afghanistan have seen drastic changes in their constitutions over the last couple years; changes you have no idea about...

...and the US does not use the death sentence for anything icy uranus does or believes in. The US has a death sentence for cases involving repeat predator offenses, cases of extreme violence; rape and murder, etc.

Icy has made a clear stance against these; it is you that continually denies the individual's responsibility; and is ultimately making them out to be innocent.

You have far more concern for the people that are killing than the people they are killing.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: "Sometimes it is a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils."

But both are "evil"?

A fy*x$w up action should not be greated with a fy#^*~ up action. I understand exactly what you are saying with guys like Hitler but that is a very drastic measure. At times, with humans being so god damned stupid, yes shit gets out of hand with mass amounts of death. But I am talking on a lesser level.

I am saying, when a person molests a child, that person is not any less then you are. When Hitler decided to try and do what he was trying to do it did not make him any less human then you.

people do things you disagree with everyday all around the world. it does not make them less of a person then you. it does not make them any worse then you.

you live in a wolrd where you can justify anything, just as everyone. a child molestor justifys his actions just as you would going to Iraq and killing an innocent child. you cannot deny this.

this is all i am saying.

you think you are "better" then others for your and thier actions, just as everyone. but in reality you are no fy$&@y# better then anyone, and thinking you are shows how ignorant you are to your surroundings.

youre both proably sutpid enough to think youre better then animals too? this its okay to hunt for sport? and treat live stock n other live products we eat the way we do?

do you think the person who flew the plane into the trade center decided where he was born? how his parens, religion, and community influenced and effected him? what about hitler? what about yourself? you do know, if you were born in a islamic family in afganastan you would probaly hate american just as you hate "terrorists".

youre both so f*$x*zw ignorant and blind to reality and how fy#&@~ n weird reality really is. there are no laws, no morals, no codes or conducts, there are no rules, no rights, no wrongs, there just is.

is it wrong for a commit to hit planet earth and kill every lfie from? no it just is.

is it wrong for a somalian soldier to kill another soldier? no it just is

is it wrong to give someone a gift. no it just is.

what makes one man cry can make another man happy - you people do not understand this in the slightest. you think you do, but you do not.

i fully udnerstand where you two morons are comming from. i get it. ive thought it. but there is further understanding. im not trying to talk ruels and laws with you fools anymore cause thats not the point. the point is rules and laws are different from country to country due to the fact the enviorments are differnt proving that enviorment creates even what we ebelvie to be right or wrong. when in reality there is no such thing as right or wrong.

do you see right and wrong i nthe animal kingdom? i dont think so, but fact is we are apart of the animal kingdome. we are animals.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: and actualy in cases you can get the death sentence in china, afganastan, or iraq for marajuana possesion. its rare of course, but there are cases.

in china, if you prostest they are allowed to use deadly force, and do very often.

many palces in africa and the middle east r the same way.

in somlaia, when black hawk down went down, many civilian somalians were fighting back against the americans. the americans thought they were the good guys saving thier friends lives (even though they were invading a country where they had no need to). and the somlaions thought that they were the good guys getting the americans out of their country.

tell me, who has the justification for killing another human life form? neither do. thyer are both two stupid groups of humans not knowing what the fywx is really going on. blinded by ignoranc elike u two p%@y%~w.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: hell in palces such as afganastan the norm was its okay to beat woman. if they showed skin it was then justifiable for a man to rape that woman. there are many cases where womean have been punished by death because they were raped.

is this justifiable?

of course not to you, but to them it is.

and they are no less of a human being then you are.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: i disagree with many peoples actions just as you guys do, but the difference is i dont justify the same actions because of thier actions as you idiots seem to.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: Matty you are the moron here. Your whole argument about no free will and the environment is to blame IS justifying people such as child molestor's action.

You JUSTIFY pedophile's right to molest children by saying the environment made them do it.

You JUSTIFY the right to molest children by saying it is not evil, but instead just someone's different outlook on life.

You JUSTIFY the right of child molestors to remain unpunished because you think they are not doing anything wrong, just living life how they think it should be lived.

You JUSTIFY putting children at risk of being preyed upon because you don't want to violate the rights of a child molestor.

You are saying no one has an responsibility over there own actions. You are saying that a person cannot be guilty of crimes because he is not responsible for his actions but was made to do it by his environment.

You're so ignorant you don't even know what you're arguing about.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: >>> "youre both proably sutpid enough to think youre better then animals too? this its okay to hunt for sport? and treat live stock n other live products we eat the way we do?"

I lived on a farm for most of my life where the animals were treated with care and respect. I don't hunt animals. You have no idea who I am and my views on animals.

>>> "do you see right and wrong i nthe animal kingdom? i dont think so, but fact is we are apart of the animal kingdome. we are animals."

If you weren't so ignorant you would know that social animals, those that live in groups, DO have rules. If an animal commits a wrong they are usually punished and sometimes banished from the group. Breaking the code of conduct is wrong, following the code of conduct is right.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: hahahaha you maade me lauph readni all that. more of bits of my shit taken out of context. but anyways. yea many animals do have social structs where they may punish eachother based on certian actions. i am asking if you think thier actions are wrong? obviously many animals of the same specials miliciously kill eachother.

leader pack male hippos will kill young male hippos because tey are worried the younger hippo could become strong enough to challenge the leader and take over at one point. i am asking do YOU AS A Fx@^~*x HUMAN BEING THINK THIS IS WRONG U DUMB SHIT????????????????


cause it sound like this dont even cross your dumb ass mind?

im glad you treated your animals on your farm properly.

people disagree, animals disagree, people need resources, animals need resoucres (were all animals by the way) so shit happens, its inevitable i know.

all animals do f%^y$# up things in ways you dumbasees dont seem to know about, or do but do not comprehend.

i dont like death. i do not like animals treating animals badly but i know it happens and for reasons beyond anythings controll.

no one or anything is "good" or "bad" in what we know to be our universes. there just is.

you people seem to think you can justify horrible acts.

i understand why you do, and why others do as well (exapmple: cilh moelstor). but i would never ever harm another human being unless for some reason they wer trying to kill me. but most likely unless forced upon the situation - it will never happen.

when i see a spider in my house (i f*%@#~^ hate spiders, when i was little killed every one i f@~#z*& saw) i catch it i na cup n put the c*&# sucker outside. i know many people who giv the spider human attributes right off the abt and say "the f&z~wy was invading my hosue f^z@ him!" - that god damned spider didnt venknow ur dumb ass lived here he jsut tyrin to get by n hurtin no one f~&* u buddy.

again jsut an EXAPLE

it seems bpoth you take my examples and thats all you can think of. there are hundreds of examples i have for each exaplme

but i do not blame animals (humans included) for who they are. i will not agree with thier acts, i will not
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: Once again you prove the opposite of your argument. You CHOOSE to save the spider. As a youngster you killed everyone you saw, then you DECIDED not to. You did. Not your environment.

Thank you for proving that point.

An animal is enforcing the rules to maintain order in its community is acceptable.

If we enforce the rules on pedophiles in order to maintain order in the community its acceptable.

Thank you for proving my point again.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: You might consider yourself nothing but an animal who can't think outside of basic instincts but humans (for the most part) have intelligence in which they can interpret right from wrong, think about options and act upon them according to their decision.

The very fact that you have thought about this theory of no free will is testament to the fact you can think and decide on whether this theory was correct in your opinion. You choose to accept it instead of writing it off as a load of shit.

You give this theory of no free will to an animal and I guarantee it won't know what your talking about. This makes your animal argument invalid.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: >>> "you people seem to think you can justify horrible acts."

Matty you are such a dumb ass that you don't even realise that your whole theory of the "environment making people do things" JUSTIFIES their actions.

You are justifying it.

Are you that ignorant you don't realise this??

I'm not justifying a pedophiles actions. YOU ARE you moron. Your saying its not his fault its the environments. Your saying that because he has no free will he is not responsible for his actions.

Whether or not you accept this person for who they are not their actions is beside the point. Its about who is responsible for the things they did. They chose to do the wrong thing. They are responsible for their actions.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: you do not get anythig i am trying to say.

you think its okay for a hippo to kill a child but if a human did that it would be horrible and that human would eb considered less of a man then you and that would give you the right to kill him?

i dont justify anything, and i dont not justify anyhting. i know everything just is, and it is what it is so you cannot blame anything. there is no one, or anyhting to blame.

i dont give a f&$x if u think i think child moelstors are okay. i dont. i hate fz*^&xw that put negative affects n any lfie form. but i udnerstand why they do you dumb shit.

you dont get that you do the exact same thing as a child moelstor. that is all i am syaing.

a child molestor justifys doing a fw*z&w up a ctions just as you do.

you say i jsutify this shit yet no metter what the situation i owouldnt hurt another living thing unlike both of you. no no i dont jsutify doing anyhting. i understand. there is a big difference.

you do jsutify killing other lfie forms. i dont. i udnerstand it. i dont justify it, and i dont agree with it. do you even know what the ufck justify means?


to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means.

i do not beelvie in right or wrong so how can i justify anything???? y YOU JUSIFY Fw*@%@ UP ACCTIONS> YOU SAY YOU HURTING ANOTHER PERSON IS JSUTIFIED (RIGHT) BECUASE OF WHAT THAT PERSON DID. hahaha dumb zwxk
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: and yea when i see a spider now idont kill them as iused to, but thats becaue my enviorment has taught me to love all lfie forms even ones that frak me out.

i dont like spriders, they scare me for some reason, i wish they didnt exist, but i wont kill one, and they jsut doin what they gota do i nthier enviorment to survive as best they can with what they have just as al lfie form on this f#^#y%y planet including humans.

humans make choices everyday, these choices are determinded by your emiotions/personality which are both determined by your enviorment.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: and i know you dont justify pedifilers actions.

but you can justify doing an action similary as fxy$zw up as fxy%*&$ a little child by killing that man.

or you can jsutify killing humdreds of thousands of people in iraq or afganastan because of 911?

you can jsutify viet nam? millions of dead due to a lie told my the emerican gov?

you also say is "okay" for a hippo to kill a baby hippo because of fear of that baby hippo growing to be bigger them humself. but in the human world that would be wrong????? yet were btoh animals???

how f#yzw&x sutpid are you??
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: the thing is you think your reasons for killing other humans are justified - just - right - good - okay - needed - in many cases. yet this is the same thought process of a child moelstor, f%xy@z Islamic exteemest, timmitho mcvage, ect.

they think doing something f~%@wy upis justified just how you do.

i dont justify hurting any lfie form. i understand why it happens. but i dont jsutify it. i dont agree with it. but my eyes are open enough to understand it unlike you
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: do you honestly think a iraqi insurgent thinks he is a "bad", "horrible", "wrong" person doing "mean" things just to be a dick????

he 100% belevie he is jsutified in his actins, just as the american troop feels trying to shoot him. neither the troop, or the iraqi are "wrong" they both have jsut been delth different hands.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: you feel another animals actions give you the right to harm that animal.

humans are so stupid. how do we have thought process yet are still so dumb? - oh yea, were prods of our envio.

hahahahaha even in towns, and cities n shit that are close to dangerous wild animals, if a human comes in contact with one of these animals and is physically harmed homosapiens go out and kill that animal. hahahah

yes that is justified right? hahaha

nothing is justified because there is no "right" in this universe we know. but stupid humans such as yourself make thier to be one, and then jsutify horrible, tragic things.

of course the opposite is not better. and im not syaing it is. i understand all this. im not getting mad at either of you i just think ur dumbo mutumbos who cant see past thier own dick
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: Read all the meaning for justify, you'll see it means more then the one you CHOSE to read. The ones you CHOSE to ignore quite clearly show how you justify f@#ked up actions. defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don't try to justify his rudeness.

3.Theology. to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.

5.Law. show a satisfactory reason or excuse for something done.

Your whole idea of the environment making people do something is trying to show a satisfactory reason or excuse for something done.

Your whole idea of the environment making people do something is trying to declare innocent or guiltless of the actions that they took.

Your whole idea of the environment making people do something is trying to defend or uphold as warranted because its the environment making them do it.

You really have no idea what you are talking about.

You claim we are ignorant and only see what we want to see. You just proved how ignorant you are and how you just see what you want to see by ignoring all the other meanings of justify.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: >>> "how do we have thought process yet are still so dumb?"

I guess you're right there. You're living proof of this.
14 years ago Report
Icy_Uranus: And I'm laughing at you and you're pathetic attempts to justify your idea. You think you're right but according to you there is no "right". How can you justify your idea, then.

You contradict yourself straight away.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: thats all you have to say? all you do is take little buts of what i say and make stupid comments about them. the only other definition of justify to support what youre saying about me is:

"to show a satisfactory reason or excuse for something done"

and i didnt ignor them becaus ei knew if i put this ud freak out liek the moron that u are.

im not saying its an excuse. im jsut saying thats how it is and i do not hold people agsint it.

im not saying yea child moesltors r okay go f*w& little kdis all you want its okay. what im sayin is it is no more wrong then killing that child molestor.

you cant "justify" a horrible action with another horrible action.

you seem to think you can

how do you not see you thinking you can kill someone any differnt then a man thinking he can rape a child?

they are both horrific acts that are nor "right" nor "wrong" but they suck because they both inflict pain on another life form.

something hurting, sucking, horrible, hard to get thought is not "good" or "bad" its just how life forms can feel things.

you do not understand i nthe slightest anything i have told you whatsoever.

you read bts and peices then find on bit and bash it to hell and pull it all out of context.

I FULLY UNDERSTAND what you are saying.

I understand why you beleive it is jsutifieable to kill a rapest. i tuely do.

but i also beleive why a rapest can jsutify raping someone.

its the same thing.

you think you are "better" but you are not.

no matter what you think about me, you still cannot see yourself properly.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: If everyone beleived they could justify death all the time there would be chaos.

If everyone understood death, pain, suffering you feel others feel the exact same and realized the cause (oursevles [as a homosapien society around the globe] + our enviorment)of these horrific acts then maybe no one would do them.

the reason i do not like to hurt ther lfie forms in the slightest even if they try and hurt me is because i know we are all in different situations. we all have lvied different lives and think completly different due to that reason. i understand if i get pucnehd in the face it hurts like a b^*@* so why would i want to do that to someone else who jsut doesnt udnerstand what is going on?

people like you who justify killing and horrible acts are the reason these acts exist and its ebcause you do not understand why they happen in the first place. i udnerstand yes, at times they are inevitable due to people like hitler, stalin, ect but its jsut because they didnt udnerstand either. most people dont uderstand.

ive met very few who do.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: and i am sorry for clain u sutpid n a moron n shit alot but i get frusteredted alot of the time when hearing ognrant shit.

i totoaly understand you think im the ignorant one. but bro, you truely dont udnerstand me - and you think you do - which is why you have a problem with me.

i just have a bit of a problem with your type because you do think its okay to hamr others. the same type of problem i have with a child molestor, or a killer, or someone who has robbed me. any human who is willing to put a negative feeling on another human i do not like, nor agree with, but i can see where they are comming from when they do such horrible acts.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: im not saying bad acts are right, wrong, just, good, or bad im just stating they exist and they suck but no ones to blame for any of them because our enviorment allows for these people to exist.

these people dont exist because they want(ed) to.

do you?
14 years ago Report