People Clubs on Wireclub

People Clubs

It will only take a minute!
Please Light the candle on Oct 15. :(
6 members
(This club has been deleted)
0 members
(This club has been deleted)
0 members
This is a place for people to vent about perverted private messages!!
399 members
Okay, what is with that? How can I be your "babe" if I never even met you!!?? :S
492 members
(This club has been deleted)
0 members
Do you know or wonder what zodac sign you are? so join :treasure:
338 members
Meh, I just can't help it, I don't know why it happens :$
413 members
Why wouldn't u care about ur wire friends as much as the once in real life ? They're as important,caring,funny and w.e the once u live in same town is. So if u agree u should join,if not maybe...
313 members
every cared about someone - aka bf, gf, or just a close friend - but they didn't care about you? then join the club!
312 members
:@if u had any balls at all 2 say whatevr sh*t u r sayin bhind my back, youd say it directly to my face.
405 members
I MISS YOU. And i need you. I will always hold your hand when you are alone
396 members
:D join if u agree
292 members
Dude...Megan Fox Is By Far The Hottest Woman Alive...She Is So Damn Hot I Would Stab Someone For The Chance To Fcuk Her
328 members
you should have atleast one pic :@
367 members
Haha w00t :toast:
280 members
A place to make friends with other people that want to keep in touch.
312 members
:love: I'm Missing You :love:
337 members
I want all my special friends here the one's i share my great and sad days everyday i want you to know i love you all: :hug: JOYN IN :) ;)
330 members
this is a club for indian people who are indian either live in india or outside india so friends come here and enjoy
308 members
Persatuan kawan-kawan Indonesia yang aktif dalam wireclub. Mari kita sama2 menjelajah dunia dengan mengenal orang baru diluar sana. Junjung tinggi persatuan dan kesatuan disini dengan tidak...
302 members
h0m0ph0bia AnD rAcISm nEED to be STAmped oUt, aT leAsT in WirEClUB
297 members
for all the sarcastic people out there and to all the sarcasm lovers :happy:
217 members
We've had our share of gettin hurt and our hearts gettin broken...This is da club for Strong people that have gotten thru hard times and we stick 2gether!!!!
286 members
Be a man. ResPecT the WoMen
282 members
Hey everyone join if everyone likes you (H)
277 members
Do you spend way too much time on this site? LOL, then join the club!
215 members
if you wanna be apart of this club comment me and ill put your pick up in the album....<br /><br />x__Taliyah__x
242 members
Ugh, Soo Weird!! :S Lol
5 members
If your asian, or love asian culture...join!
279 members
I'm not a fan of these deep, intense emo clubs, but meh.
236 members
Girls Are The Most Beautiful Thing To The World. WithOut Girls Thier Would Not Be Any Guys In This World. The Word Girls Is SomeThing Important To Me. I Am Not A Perfect Guy. I Always Just Wanted...
229 members
This group is for advocates against domestic violence to come and share ideas on how to stop these atrocities.  This is not a group for women only...  we welcome ANYONE who hates to witness the...
220 members
172 members
:happy:I Love My Name:happy: We Believe Name Is Not Only a Means Of Recognition But Also a Source Of Self Respect and Self-esteem
206 members
Like they are speaking, rather than typing :|
194 members
more than 50% of wire members act as if this is a drama class in high scool :D 2 words : grow (the fuuck) up :D
193 members
just want to hang out and maby even flurt its fun
162 members
One thing that sickens me is rape. Its about time people stopped and realized that NO means NO. And to people that have suffered at the hands of a rapist, your not alone, and I'm sorry for what...
189 members
Hi, I m RAJ ANAND evevy person need good language for good achivement I m french teacher in India and i wish to grow language with some exeperience people All good people may Join us Thanks...
189 members
<3 You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it...
179 members
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