I cheated and things aren’t the same.

amyhoff77: Yes I made a mistake. Yes I was drunk. Too drunk to realize what I was doing. Now everything is falling apart.
4 years ago Report
loveistruth: As it should be! Why were you drunk or drinking with another man?
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: I was at a club dancing with him.
4 years ago Report
daveruby4: Any cheating lad6
4 years ago Report
loveistruth: If you are in a relationship with someone (especially if you have hadnsex), you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation. A friendly chat, maybe okay...but at a club drinking and dancing. Bad move. Just learn from your mistakes.
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: He followed me into the bathroom stall. It wasn’t my fault.
4 years ago Report
AlyssaC96: move on, if he cannot accept your apology then find a new man
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: He doesn’t know I cheated. But we’ve been fighting about everything ever since
4 years ago Report
AlyssaC96: well you can either calm down and forget it, or come clean
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: It’s hard to forget. What would you do?
4 years ago Report
daveruby4: Any one fancy a chat
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Could never actually get drunk enough to cheat.... basic morality should be inbuilt
OK, looked at your pics...you're putting yourself out there... and u wonder why the offer was accepted? I feel sorry for your old man tbh
(Edited by Angry Beaver)
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: You don’t understand It’s a complicated situation.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Hmmm
4 years ago Report
StormieBoi: Ok so she dresses sexy..and was drunk...how about let's talk about the fact he followed her into the bathroom stall..yes she made a mistak3..but all you guys wanna criticize her choice of dress and being drunk..but none was to criticize the man for following her into a stall..ti me both parties are guilty..not just her
4 years ago Report
loveistruth: Well I'm a woman! Yes, the man should not have followed her to the stall. BUT he didn't rape her, she have it up. She dresses inappropriate, she was at a club and dancing with him, he is a man what do you expect. She just feels guilty for giving it up and wants to use being drunk as an excuse...she is not a victim, if she is its of her own devious ways. Women go to a club dressed sexy and acting all loose, knowing they are gonna get some...men are just hoping. As women we have the freedom to choose a man can only present himself!!
4 years ago Report
deacon7771: amyhoff77, if I may offer my advice.... the whole thing is ONLY what you make it. If you can CALM DOWN about it, and see it as the insignificant thing it really is, you can just leave the whole thing in your memory and NEVER tell anyone about it. You did something, now you wish you had not done it but the thing is done and OVER with it. You do not have to spend the rest of your life, or even the rest of this minute thinking about it. It is done, you cannot time travel back in time so quit wasting your time on it. And this is really important, the best time to tell your significant other (or anyone else for that matter) about "cheating" is NEVER! NEVER! Just don't tell, don't "confess" and don't let this thing be any more than what it is, and basically it is a great big "nothing burger."
4 years ago Report
loveistruth: Morals, integrity, humility and accountability do not exist in today's society!!!! The fact that this girl is remorseful about what she did is a good thing. Yes her situation sucks! Hold yourself accountable...you put yourself in this situation, you made the mistake. Learn from it! Confess to your boyfriend and accept whatever his decision is about your relationship! There are consequences for your actions, none of us like consequences. Don't use the alcohol for an excuse, chances are if you will cheat drunk you would cheat sober. It is what it is! Learn from your mistakes...do better next time. Don't put yourself in a compromising situation! Tell your boyfriend..he will forgive and y'all can move on together or he won't and y'all move on separately!!!!! It is what it is...ask for forgiveness, knowing he does not and should not forgive...after all we are not talking about a little fib, you gave his pussy up to some random dude in a bathroom stall at a club that you should not have been at in the first place!!! #HARSHTRUTH
4 years ago Report
amyhoff77: There’s so many factors that I didn’t mention. Being raised a conservative Christian is a big thing. I committed adultery. Only the lord can forgive me. If hubby knew what what I did he would be devastated.
4 years ago Report
loveistruth: That's the problem AMY! CHRISTIANITY is a lie in the world! According to the Bible in Truth...you belong to the man once you have sex with him. His DNA goes in you and you are his for ever!!!!!! The legal marriage is irrelevant where God is concerned! The more reason you should tell your man and accept the consequences!!! Christianity twists the truth of the Bible to lead us into sin...not set us free! The Bible is True, but more than half of it has been removed!!!
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: I wonder if he was the dude cumming in her shoes at work???
4 years ago Report
kingsbury1976pk: After being on the cheated end id say its never going to heal. You made a mistake I get that people aren't perfect. But this is just my opinion from my experience. We tried to forgive and move forward but I honestly could never trust her again. It caused irreparable damage. When She cheated I left for a year. Came back and we got another seven years out of our relationship. We had two kids but it was so broken. We are still best mates. Like better friends than we have ever been. But we cant be involved anymore once you destroy that trust its done Im sorry but thats it. I hope it all works out for you I honestly do. Good luck.
4 years ago Report
deacon7771: Sorry but I must disagree on your appraisal of "once you destroy that trust its done." Factual history is filled with examples of men and women CHANGING, sometimes quite remarkably, from one thing to another. Take for example the "traitor" General Benedict Arnold, he was a rising star in the army, a brilliant general, and then he turned, and his name is forever along side with Judas Iscariot. That was a change from good to bad, and there are just as many changes from bad to good, of a seemingly stupid and stubborn cadet at the U.S. Military Academy, who FAILED his first year there, and was recycled through that first year, he actually was FIVE years at "West Point," he graduated eventually, his penmanship was so bad that his first commanding officer made him buy a typewriter (a very novel thing back then) to write any official reports. That mediocre and mentally challenged young man become the iconic General George Patton. The Bible is also filled with men and women who CHANGE, David, the brave shield bearer who slayed Goliath, then went insane as King David and took Bathsheba and arranged to have Uriah (her cuckolded husband) murdered, yet even after that King David was still the anointed and chosen King. Countless stories and many of them verified fact in human history of people changing, some good to bad, some bad to good. People can change, most in fact do make changes in their lives.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Nar, destroy my trust in you, you're dead to me
4 years ago Report
flamingred: i agree with u Beaver, once trust is destroyed , it is gone and i make that very clear at the start of any relationship i have so they do know the consquences of any screwing around
4 years ago Report
flamingred: deacon you put forth examples in history, but humans are so different as individuals, and we each have our own levels of acceptance with many subjects. it all depends on our enviornment, religious backgrounds, what was pounded into our heads as children, all kinds of triggers. .
So with infidelity, same applies, some would be understanding and some would not be understanding. Another factor is depending how close they feel to the partner who is messing around
4 years ago Report
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