Why do good girls like bad guys?

tylerchristensen12: i can be the nicest guy in the world to this girl i like but she still likes this other guy that thinks he is a bad ass.
12 years ago Report
Officer Kim
Officer Kim: Watch your shape in the mirror. most of bad guys got stuffs(maybe it is shape or other things) somegirls think hot..
12 years ago Report
countrygal20: girls likes bad guys because some may have a nice body which i like and i like the guys who love trouble
12 years ago Report
tylerchristensen12: his shape is round and fat and countrygall 20 why do you like guys that love trouble?
12 years ago Report
medic17: Some girls like bad guys because there is an element of danger that makes them exciting.
12 years ago Report
err_HELLO: hmmm but wot they shud realise is that bad guys usually leave there gf home while they play away n many prefer to be with their male friends, n actually whilst it may seem exciting its very boring. Therefore its cuz they are deluded!
12 years ago Report
Jetters: << Doesnt like bad guys Ive had enough of them. They dont need to have the stereotypical bad dude look, just be bad men. Bad inside.
11 years ago Report
Comrade_: What qualifies as a bad guy?
11 years ago Report
err_HELLO: lol thinking of trying a new approach eh jack
11 years ago Report
Comrade_: haa I'm just wondering if I'm good or bad...
11 years ago Report
err_HELLO: well i dont think a 'bad boy' would be logging into wire on a daily basis sharing his thought for the day!! lol I think you would come under the category of naughty boy who is perhaps is easily lead
Or, having just seen your response to the erotic music thing....a man who never has a dirty thought....like wow...thats no fun !!
(Edited by err_HELLO)
11 years ago Report
Jetters: I mean bad as in no empathy, thieves, no conscience, spiteful, hurtful, manipulative cheaters. Bad.
11 years ago Report
DexterMorgan: so where do serial killers fit in then
11 years ago Report
Jetters: Um, into the crazy pile.
11 years ago Report
DexterMorgan: always trying to pigeon hole somone..i dunno lol
11 years ago Report
halliwellalyssa88: hmmmmmmmmmm
11 years ago Report
Nico Jr
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
Jetters: Yawn
11 years ago Report
MegaPoisonIvy: Nous...i had a guy like you once, and you know what...whit all respect dude..but you are not living in reality! You want a servant, not a woman. Let me ask you like this.....Would you like it if a woman treated you like that? And don't go saying: 'that could never happen!'.....for the sake of this argument, bare with me

If you continue acting like this, you will never 'own' a woman...you will have her body but not her soul...she will sleep beside you and dream of you being dead, she will f**** you but think of another man, she will cook for you but fantasize about putting rat poison...she will never act upon it cos she will be scared of you. Is that what you want, for her to be scared? If so...you will wake up one day, that side of your bed empty...that pot once filled with food empty, her side of the closet......empty! And you know what, after a while you will realize that you are empty too.

You don't believe me? Neither did he...but it became clear to him, after two days.
Be a man Nous, not a bully!
11 years ago Report
stlfourlife53: i'll tell you why...most girls dont expect the highest for themselves and/or guys in general so then girls settle and will be content with that bad guy being just happy that she has a man.

i personally think everyone should be held to the highest and not just settle. i have been single for almost all of my life and still is cuz i would rather wait for the right girl to come along than just settle for a girl. i know that i deserve the best and also that i have alot of great things to offer a girl so i want to make sure that girl is the right one. i am not a bad guy so i cant speak for them but it sure get me scratching my head at times how all the bad guys get the good girls. i guess now i know why.
11 years ago Report
angeldoodle: hmm i wish i knew i fell a bad boy 3 years ago and we had been friends for nine years before he asked me to date him and once i said yes he showed his true colors and basicallly all he is a asshole i wish i knew he was bad before all the heartbreak, but o well i have someone good now.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Aussiekitty 10 years ago)
Cheshiress: Bad boys have an element of suprise. They are also pretty bad a. They have the ability to feed the little rebel trying to show that's hidden within the good girl. I alwaysa fall for the bad boy and end up with a broken heart, and as aware of this as I am, I can't stop it. Bad boys have a magnetic pull to them, and are damn good actors. They just spark something in good girls, and it can't be explained 100%...
10 years ago Report
Aussiekitty: the excitement l suppose.
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by jrashby901 10 years ago)
jrutter52: I just love how some women brag about their attraction to 'bad boys', then in the same conversation whine and moan about how badly their men treat them and how men are such jerks yadayada. HELLO! What part of BAD don't you understand? Treat you like dirt? That's what bad boys do. That's what defines them.
10 years ago Report
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