Religion (Page 15)

tularcitas:'s all connected and is "perfect"!
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: In religion, water is the traditional symbol of knowledge (mind); whereas, light is the symbol of understanding (heart). The two don't necessarily go hand in hand but both are needed for life and growth.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Being a life-long gardener, who keeps immaculate annual records, I had always longed to have a few more weeks of summer to extend the harvest and enjoy the full glory of mature flower beds. I've changed my mind.

You see, we're experiencing the effects of global warming; this year, the heat was fierce with no moisture. This record hot summer has abnormally extended well into autumn but the creatures don't care. The birds went south on their usual dates and, the plants have shut down on their normal dates too. The pears instantly went to mush on the trees because I waited too long to pick them. Late apple varieties fell to the ground. All these years I'd worried frost would ruin them!.

I'd been watering like mad but there are no extra beans, tomatoes or flowers because of it. For all the extra expense, it didn't make an iota of difference. Weather isnt going to change tens of millions of years of ticking, biological clocks.

The trigger is light. Where the sun is in the sky governs what living things do, telling them when to go to sleep and when to wake up. I learned that water is necessary but light is what determines life and energy, even for subterranean species.

Therefore, no matter how much knowledge (water) one has, it's all for nothing without understanding (light). God dwells in the heart - not in the mind.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
tularcitas: I thought this was an interesting article
5 years ago Report
Zman1111: The bible teaches we are to teach our children the way of the lord.......earlier the better before they learn the ways of the world.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Every religion is like that. In fact, some have laws that parents MUST bring up their children in the parents religion. I know mixed couples who've brought up their children in two religious communities. Must have been very interesting for the kids.

In the Baha'i Faith, the mother starts with the child still in her womb, reciting the writings, saying the prayers and singing the songs to the child. By the time these children are three years old, they can recite, on their own, whole prayers from memory. I've seen them do it younger than that.

'A child is like a young sapling - train it in the way it should go and it will grow that way'.
'Give me the child at 7 years and I'll give you the man'.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I am atheist and my husband Christian. He doesn't go to church and I went to a Universalist Church before where mix of folks , including atheists, are accepted. Though I rather not go to church as well.

My kids do not care, and I am apatheistic too. It is ok whatever people want on their path, but not to harm others along the way as much as possible.
(Edited by AretoNyx)
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Zman I hope you know there are many theists and nontheist religions that have morals as well besides the many sects interpretation of a Bible written by many people. Just saying.
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: One doesn't have to rely on religion or cult for being moral just as if a Bible book was destroyed in a natural disaster the ideas of being whatever Christan is still there. The Grinch cannot war on Christmas as it still exists even if Fox gets paranoid among tin foil hats.
It is as if many adults cannot understand people can still sing Christmas music and say Merry Christmas even if they are not Christian.
That sort of thing.

I find no religions superior to another and especially those just based on blind faith.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Areto, morality isn't a ring you can put in a box. Take a man-on-the-street survey and you'll find a very broad opinion on one question.

Folks take their positions on principles they know and live, not often based on a standard. Most harbour a mishmash of common thoughts, some of which, unbeknownst to them, originated from scripture. They each apply as they deem fit. Thus, what is moral to one, isn't to another.

When one isn't true to the principles they profess, that's *immorality*. Nobody likes a hypocrite yet many still behave that way.

A *standard* of morality is a writ of acceptable conduct - it provides guidance for every question. However, we live at a time when we have more questions than a standard can speak to directly so we must call on the spirit in order to apply. How will one call on that if they don't recognize it?

The government provides its own, constantly re-adjusted standard, based on what it perceives is collectively just; however, there are loopholes which criminals easily manipulate since that standard is based on the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law.

Whereas, the divine standard has no loopholes; there is no escaping justice. God has drawn up those perfect laws, fully executed and always operational via dynamics written in stone, so to speak. Through it, what goes around comes around - an unfailing principle which no hand can interrupt.

(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
gintpack: Have you considered sitting down with a rabbi and priest.They would have to be open minded.The first 5 books of the old testament in the Bible are out of the Torah written by Moses. The rest of the old testament was chosen by a group of priest that had their idea of what was right and wrong. (if I am not mistaken in one of the jewish holy books says that people of any sexual orientation are accorded equal rights, which is much more inclusive than the christians). The rest of the old testament was to pick and choose as to what they wanted.
For the new testament, they sorted scriptures looking for what they wanted the new religion to look like. They left out some writing that contradicted what is in the Bible. When many of the scriptures were written, the apostles were old. I am sure their memories were not stellar. So who really knows what happened. Jesus's ideas are something to believe in. Kindness and self reflection are a way to being a better human.
The 2 religions have a lot more similarities than differences. Maybe focus on that as your child/children grow up. As to which religion to choose, it sounds like the decision has been made-catholic. I was raised catholic. I was lucky that I had some very opened minded priest teaching catechism. The nuns-not so much. Good luck.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Children are in no place to choose a religion so what we must do is teach them the spiritual virtues - those are identical in every religion. This is the equipment, the powers they need to get through life without landing in jail or worse.

They need it to survive and be lovable, to grow without bias so they can make an informed choice when they enter puberty. An untrained child is an unloved child, a child that wont obey and respect; thus, becomes unlovable, annoying and untrustworthy as an adolescent and far into adulthood.

They need the knowlwedge of a broad yet basic history - they can't digest the significance of events without stories about real individuals from various backgrounds.

Whereas, the youth who has learned how to love unconditionally (the virtue necessary for fair justice) will choose a righteous path, regardless of name. If he is righteous, he will find God and be guided by God.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Cenababy: Areto, sounds like bunk to me.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Every religion of God has exactly the SAME spiritual principles - those never change. The only thing that changes is the social teachings because the exigencies of the times change. If they didn't, there wouldn't be any progress.

The more you can digest, the more you're ready to learn.

In one sense, Areto is right - that is, when comparing the religions of God with each other. Since they all issued from the same Source, they were all very effective to influence the advance of civilization; all were powerful and long enduring with a myriad of followers. All were great, all had their day in the sun, followed by their night.

However, framing these beside folk religions is like comparing apples to lettuce. Maybe you can figure out why.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
CremeBrulee52: I don't have a church / religion affiliation, but I do respect and admire the tenets of several I've become familiar with over the years and I identify more with those than my Catholic upbringing.
5 years ago Report
peggyclmbn: GOD IS GOOD
5 years ago Report
Girlzoid: Religion and religious community are important parts of a growing child’s sense of identity and belonging. They need to know where they come from to have perspective on where they are going. Involving them in religious ritual is a concrete experiential way for them to get this important benefit and give them the confidence to become a well rounded human being.
5 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Telling your Children the truth is always the right move . If you don't know the truth ? How then can you tell them .

It's your Job to bring your children up in a fashion of love tolerance and truth . You can only point them in the right direction and Pray they go . You can never be so tolerant that you forget that there's only one path to heaven and many paths to destruction
4 years ago Report
cedarrrrock: I think what Nico is trying to say is we teach children to critically examine any faiths so they can be better prepared to make their own decisions. Of course that would involve showing both positive and negative aspects of several different religions, a difficult task even in a college classroom setting which requires a lot of reading for background historical and philosophical understanding. I tend to want to simplify concepts with the overarching concern for love versus dogma. We need more love in this world, for both our fellow human beings and for the myriad other species which are part of our shared environment. The latter can be much improved with science. The great thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.
4 years ago Report
Nicotina: You are correct, cedarrrrock. It is important to introduce children to many different religions. There is much to be learnt about other cultures through their religion.
Science is taught as a different subject. The scientific facts are indisputable and each person must reconcile them with their particular religion or lack of religion.
What is most important is to teach children how to love, even when it is extremely difficult. If we as adults are able to plant a seed of love then we have succeeded.
I am forever grateful to my parents for introducing me to other religions and points of view. It broadened my horizons and allowed me to study religions that were not common where I grew up.
If we strip all the dogma, pretence, and grandiosity from religions we see that the most important thing is love.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: The "truth" what is that?
I made my children aware that they had free choice in what they wanted to believe, it was up to them, they have minds of their own..... I am atheist, my wife was christian, they had a choice.
Choose to be a decent person by your own terms, or a horrid person also by your own terms, your "truth" will differ from mine by the fact that we aren't sheep, we follow our own paths. Nobody should brainwash a child with their own beliefs, just tell them the options.
(Edited by Angry Beaver)
4 years ago Report
Blackshoes: The World Is Brainwashing your Children just as you have been . The really sad thing is you haven't clue that you been indoctrinated into a program ..

Government have agendas . Media has agendas . The world has a agendas Yes so do religions
You're there to guide ,and mold your children.. Not allow them to be deceived into accepting the agendas of ignorance ..

Yet like you said you don't know the truth
4 years ago Report