Religion (Page 13)

Zanjan: Empty: " those who don't have the need for spirituality they are in a good place like those who are in spirituality. "

You're speaking of the people who insist on staying behind - those who *think* they're in a good place, like the people who refuse to obey evacuation orders. They're warned that if they don't leave, nobody can come rescue them when disaster strikes. Yet, when disaster strikes, they're the first to complain no one has come to rescue them. From where did they get those expectations?

I'm thinking of those poor sots in the Bahamas and Florida right now. Those mighty hurricanes gave them plenty of time to get out. Many didn't waste time, others dallied until there was no gas and no seats left on planes, except for those who want to pay the price gougers $10,000 for a $300 ticket.

One guy listened to his neighbour........not the governor. One bunch decided on their own they were in the safest place. None of them were right. When we consult with others, we need to consult with those who have the acumen and facts.

I wouldn't say any of those were in a good place, albeit they ended up in the right place for belligerent, self-prescribing folks.

I agree, you can't really compel people to think or to love. There's not enough human force to move 5 million people at once. Only the Earth can do that. At least the ancients took that as a message.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Nicotina, I'm not here to diagnose everyone's medical conditions. We already know what certain activities can do to the body.

I wasn't talking about genetic defects. Indulging excessively in physical/material pleasures then refusing to take the prescription for the remedy is cruelty to one's own self. The same is true for depriving one's self of spiritual nutrition.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Empty_Everest 6 years ago)
Nicotina: Well stated Empty_Everest.

"The same is true for depriving one's self of spiritual nutrition."
That is your belief zanjan and you are entitled to believe it is true for yourself.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Empty, who are you talking to when you say "You"?

If I'm feeling better than a liar does, it's for good reason - I never lie. Thus, I don't have to face the same consequences as liars do. Also, I can spot a liar miles away, before they've even finished their lie. Liars, on the other hand, don't have equal ability. This is a fact.

That I don't call them a liar or let on that I know they're lying is because I'm being merciful to them. The less I say, the bolder they become because they're not self-aware. My policy is not to help those who can do things for themselves. Thus, I'd rather have them hang themselves with their own rope than have to do it for them.

Liars think that because they lie, so should everyone else - in making false accusations, they're attempting to bring others down to their level. That always backfires.

One doesn't have to cheat to create an even playing field.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Spirituality is a very fragile ornament "

If that were true, we'd cease to exist the moment someone kicked it. We are born spiritual beings - that is, we all have souls and God doesn't make junk.

Perhaps you're thinking of faith - that can be shattered and dispersed in a nanosecond. What sort of person would deliberately do that to another??
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Zan exactly
6 years ago Report
Nicotina: Everybody lies. It might be a white lie to spare a person's feeling because there is nothing to be gained for anyone. Things such as saying that we're "fine" or that a relative has cooked a tasty meal when the truth is they overcooked everything but they have been working on the meal all day.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: We don't have to and we shouldnt. Js
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: There's no such thing as a white lie or a black truth. Simply doesn't exist.

If one can't find something to say that's both true and good, their head is in a very black place. One spares a person's feelings by knowing when to keep silent.

If convention insists on a response, then convention also offers the appropriate observation: it only takes a moment to think before speaking. To be true to one's self is to be true to others.

I've never experienced a situation where I couldn't find honest praise and appreciation for the one who's invited me into their home and sat me down at their table as a guest. Once, I nearly puked on a home made, East Indian Okra pickle; it was impossible to hide my sudden reaction. Tasted like baby poop.

As the host looked at me, I responded that someone should have warned me how flaming hot this was! (fortunately, it also was) That was quite acceptable to the amused host. She certainly noticed how I'd dug into everything else they served with enthusiasm and gratitude.

The cook knows when you don't like something .......if you don't like everything, you wont be invited back, no matter what you say, trust me.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Nicotina: Interesting how you need to always portray yourself as the person who behaves in the perfect manner. I simply do not believe that you never tell a lie especially when you claim to give "honest praise and appreciation" to others yet fail to do so here.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Nicotina, it's always better to portray myself than to portray others.

I'm fine with your not believing I never tell a lie. You see, that tells me you're not willing to look for evidence to back up your belief.

I'm not a fawning something good, and I'll show my appreciation for it. Say something amazing and I'll give you a thumb's up.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Nicotina: Thanks for the offer zanjan but I simply do not need your praise.
Oh, I'm sure you've lied in your life but it would be rude and cruel to discuss specifics on a web site.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: I believe you don't need my praise. That wasn't my point.

Yes, I used to lie when I was young. Then, one day, I packed that in for good. From then on, nothing could tempt me - I'd rather cut my own throat before telling a lie.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Nicotina: Still don't believe you. I highly doubt that you would cut your own throat.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Your belief or lack of belief is not conditioned by what I do.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Nicotina: Never claimed it did.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: People can talk without lying. It's done all the time. Own your stuff is the golden rule. I told a friend one time, if you don't want the truth, don't ask. I'm not going to lie to you. She was amazed. Example, she asked me one night, do I look ok in this, I said you'd look better in that, it would compliment you better. Did I lie, no. Did I tell the truth, yes. But I said it how she could understand it. You don't have to lie. I may not talk about something, that's different. I hate puss footers and bold face liars. That isn't a true friend.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Zan, truth, your word is who you are. Excellent.
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Empty_Everest 6 years ago)
Empty_Everest: @ Tatratsu I'm reading the information you've given me then later the video. We have a lot to chat about
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Empty: "when in reality our true nature, which is egotistical,"

That's our base nature, not our true nature. Would you look at a dirt basement and call it the empire state building? Where is the business end of the structure?

God gave us two natures: the first is raw earth, our ID aka ego, where the footings are laid (instinctive survival skills); the second is our divine spirit, which is the whole purpose of the excavation - that's our true home.

We weren't meant to merely to exist, to be part of the food chain - earth can certainly do without us and has done so. We're here for a different purpose - not to grace the earth with our beauty, but to know and love God. For that reason, our higher nature is like the ice cream in the cone.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: "It takes an evil person to recognize the evil in others,"

If that's true, it stands that it takes a holy person to recognize the good in others.
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Empty_Everest 6 years ago)
Zanjan: In your dreams.
6 years ago Report