Terrible 2s (Page 2)

Glitchyowl: What sanity?

Honestly, I’m only a wee bit into the terrible twos (daughter is 2 years and 2 months) and her actions baffle me sometimes.

I am finding that we all have better days when I am able to shrug things off. I am not always calm and definitely have moments when I’d like to slam myself against a wall, but for the most part if I am able to laugh it off and make things seem like not a big deal - then things just workout better. For me, for her, my husband, etc.

The other thing that I like to remind myself of is that this stage brought not only the attitude and tantrums, but also so much lovey hugs and snuggles from her. So I really am trying my best to keep that perspective and enjoy this time - even when it’s chaotic.

We will all get through it ;D whether we stay sane or not!
3 years ago Report
gutz2122: Keep taking deep breaths...this two will pass.. no pun intended.
3 years ago Report
Keep telling yourself that in a few years you'll look back together and laugh over it.

Try spending a good 10 minutes searching for a lost booger of a crying toddler. It changes you. I swear nothing phases me much anymore.
2 years ago Report
gutz2122: The reason for terrible twos... its the first time a mom has to begin to say NO... anyone agree with that theory?
9 months ago Report
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