Why Do Moms Allow Their Teen Daughters To Dress Like Sluts?

ShannonJM4U: Here it is and it's hot out today and all the 13-17 year olds in my neighborhood are dressed like sluts. lmao
I laugh when the mom gets mad when a man looks and stares. lmao You can keep cool in clothing that are less revealing. I LIKE A GREAT BODY but I do NOT need to see a great body on very young jailbait. Yikes.
11 years ago Report
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plantman114: seems thats the way youth of today is
11 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by mom26single 4 years ago)
Rodger r
Rodger r: I do laugh, " why do men objectify me" tits falling out, skirt hemmed to waste
Yes we shouldn't but come on, meet us half way at least
4 years ago Report
shyguynot1: Father of two girls, now older but if anyone has girls or children for that matter, when I was growing up just about every parent had a say in all aspects of a young ones life, it’s called right from wrong, but when your kids go to school or hangout with kids who’s parents don’t barely exist it’s a loosing battle, I swore my kids at 7 or 9 wouldn’t get a cell phone until 16 or older good luck lol
Guess what they got for their 14th, their in their 20’s can’t wait to see how they react to their kids
(Edited by shyguynot1)
4 years ago Report
anthonythomas1905: Okay this is my opinion and my opinion only it's not just the moms it's the dads where are the dads in this situation I've been married for 32 years and I've been there for my three children the whole time I do not I think it is appropriate for young girls to be wearing clothes so revealing first of all our society shouldn't push this issue Wendy's close manufacturer design clothes that make these young girls and even toddlers to wear clothes that are unappropriate that should be worn in a strip club let's be honest we have a problem it's time for the parents not just the moms but both mom and dad to stand up against this like I said this is just my opinion it's a shame when you see a 13 year old girl walking down the street or even at the fairground when the pockets is lower than their shorts outrageous sorry if I offended anybody for my statement but not sorry because that's how I feel
4 years ago Report
jmdelgadossr13: 👏👏👍
4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by anthonythomas1905 4 years ago)
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: The real question is why do they need 387 selfies on their profiles? And that's not just the teens!
4 years ago Report
avazoe: maybe its not the girls problem if u look at them like that. why should u get to say what they wear when its hot out.
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver:
(Edited by Angry Beaver)
4 years ago Report
haileyhs: ava u go girl! im wit u!
4 years ago Report
consummate_bimbo: I'd rather let her wear "slutty clothes" then have have her hide them in her schoolbag and change at school. We have agreed now that she can wear them but not to school.
4 years ago Report
theHating: When I forget my burka, I feel super slutty.
(Edited by theHating)
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: You saucy devil
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Is it wrong that I go out wearing skimpy outfits??
Mind, my legs r pretty damned hot in fishnets... And i rock a pair of stilettos with a short skirt
4 years ago Report
theHating: Shit, not at all, i think it's good fashion sense you have, beavs
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: why TY, I try to look nice so as not to draw attention to my giant bosom
4 years ago Report
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: 20FFF isn;t too big is it?
4 years ago Report
theHating: How to get your kids to stop playing with dolls: wear fishnets
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: ed zachary!!
4 years ago Report
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