What is quality of good father? (Page 4)

thatFUNgrl: A good father is someone who puts the well being of his children and family over the selfish needs of himself, be that money, time, etc. One who takes the time to invest in the small moments even if they don't particularly interest him. Someone that grows to be the person a child knows will always be a soft place to fall but a firm hand of guidance. A good father doesn't hide the world from his children but helps them explore it while keeping them safe and equips them to deal with it's difficulties. A good father is empassioned about seeing his children succeed, he will be their biggest fan even if it means sitting through countless ballets cheering them on. A good father realizes the difference in working to provide for a family and working to fullfill himself. When a good father dies it will be written "Loving father" not "brilliant businessman", not meaning he wasn't both...but the most important part being remembered.
12 years ago Report
cbr600f4speed: as a full time parent .. spend as much time as you can with them .. remember these are the adults you are sending into the world ..make them into good people
12 years ago Report
switgurlyaj: bla bla bla :o
12 years ago Report
Hyenablood: teaching your children good life habits by living them yourself. Common sense to pass onto your offsprings and knowing alot of stuff from alot of catigories.
12 years ago Report
Bumpa: I'm not completely certain what makes a "good dad" but I do hope I am one myself.
I have 6 kids, 3 of them I raised by myself as best I could while in a wheelchair.
I guess the best measure of a parent is how your kids turn out as adults. Even then its difficult to tell which parent has been the influence in a particular behaviour. I prefer to blame my kids mothers for any faults they have
Perhaps it is best to listen to them describing which aspects of your parenting have made the biggest impact on them. For my kids it was spending time with them and always being able to depend on Dad to be there to pick up the pieces when things went wrong.
If we blokes can teach by example our sons to grow into real men then maybe we're good dads.
Sure hope so!
12 years ago Report
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Bumpa: I'm getting more than just a bit pissed off with this robot butler thing. Fuck off and leave people's comments alone!
11 years ago Report