
hornchurchmale: seems experts in banking and other areas are now becoming aware that system go 'growth' driven by population increases leading to demand for services and products .Thus creating wealth. employment etc but all have downsides nobody has looked at or have deliberately ignored . eg climate change. pollution. crime. food shortages. overfishing .drug abuse ...list goes on and on. In short mans only hope to save planet is a program to stop rewarding people for breeding and reverse attitudes. sadly very few would agree a man is essentially selfish creature. so they would have many arguments to sustain population growth with all its issues. world is possibly doomed to have majority of not all of mankind die off.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Let cancer ,aids, Covid , etc flourish and that should keep the world population in control by eliminating the old and the weak.in doing so it will line the pockets of the few

3 years ago Report
hornchurchmale: its not about being inhuman and ignoring weak.sick etc but simply stop rewarding breeding and moving away from pyramid system of 'growth' that all over planet use to keep economy and way of life moving. Throw away society with heavy use off plastics .buy new rather than repair etc . people whom cannot afford children breeding like mice etc. If you od a bit of research you can find an example in a state in USA ( Virginia?) that wa going broke paying for unemployed and children's benefits It had to go cap in hand to US federal government for aid. So it set a policy of first child full benefit.second child half and any further children Zilch. with proviso if you cannot look after your children ..they will be removed form you and you get ejected on street ! plus making sure ALL on benefits had to go to place of learning ( creche supplied) for 22 hours a week to improve skills and education for work. any day you failed to turn up they took a days benefits way! ( certified sickness etc excluded) athey gave 2 year notice when this was to start effect. after 18 months they checked data and found birthrates had fallen 70% and unemployment 60%.. All due ot fact rewards were going to be stopped! mass immigration you read about and see on TV of africans fleeing to nearby countries like Spain .Greece etc and then filtering to high benefit countries such as UK are all due to when we boil down past conflicts to simply having excess population and that creates the issues in first place!
3 years ago Report
wh855669: Do you remember when in 1990 Agenda 21 was leaked out about United nations plan for the world, they jumped on it and all major network news stations called it nothing but a conspiracy theory, well I decided to follow it to see if it be a conspiracy theory or fact and things started looking like it could be a fact and woo and behold George H W Bush signed it into law in 1992 so it must not have been a conspiracy theory, congress and senate did not ratify it and woo and behold genda 21 is not a voluntary program. The smoking gun is Bill Clinton’s Executive Order # 12852 in 1993, creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). Clinton’s executive order bypassed Congress and forced taxes and restrictive policies on the American people and created non governmental agencies to implement it and I still followed it's progress and woo and behold==Next comes the physical part of the experiment. Is this intended as a depopulation tool? “Depopulation” has been on the agenda of all Club of Rome and Bilderberger ‘leaders’ for decades.
A genetically modified vaccine has the strong potential to alter human DNA, and this mutation will carry-on to be inherited by future generations. This will further enhance the control that ‘controllers’ exert over humanity, by subtly altering the body’s ability to reject new diseases, deal with existing ones and produce healthy babies, to name just a few of the predicted repercussions…Hmm! by 2030 how many of us will be left. Trust me, the one's in the ruling class and the ultra elite will not be affected because what they are getting is not the same, time will tell.
2 years ago Report
“…climate change. pollution. crime. food shortages. overfishing .drug abuse ...list goes on and on”

I would look into who specifically contributes the most to climate change, overfishing (crime & drug abuse is not an overpopulation issue)

You think it’s breeding? Perhaps you should look into the ‘wealthier’ or developing countries as causing the issue. You have wealthy individuals who unnecessarily jet off from one place to another vs commercial flights. Homes where each individual has a vehicle. Places with populations that overeat and waste food. Companies that mess up the environment for the sake of profit. There is a mismanagement.

Clear up all these excess, then come to me about overpopulation. There seems more than enough resources to go around if we manage it properly.
(Edited by WHlSKY)
2 years ago Report
Precious Pea
2 years ago Report