Is the present really what it is thought to be ? GeraldtheGnome: Is there anything about right now that anyone you know of thinks is true but in reality is not true at all ? GeraldtheGnome: We get told what is true by those with opposing versions about the same thing. What anything is thought to be true about any certain thing depends on who you ask. What is the truth then can, if possible, be found out properly by finding out about everything for and against what you think is right about whatever has been brought up about what you believe is true. Everyone is told what to do, what not to do, to agree and disagree the same or in a similar way as someone else. Everyone should stop and ask themselves if what they are told is right rather than just accepting it as being correct because someone or some people have told them that it is right. The only way to answer your question is to work out what is true according to you by testing out what is true. This is why on this site, elsewhere on the internet and everywhere else you can go out of your way to find out what is true, show evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that you are right and still have at least one or at worse everyone not believing that you are right. They have to work out what is right for themselves, without that everyone goes around in circles. I’ll give you an example by a claim about this site, the claim that everyone on this site deserves to remain on this site. Is it true ? If I told you that it is certainly true then do you have the burden of proof or do I have the burden of proof ? GeraldtheGnome: What do you think is presently true about anything ? On this site there are people that think that certain things right now are true, some of them are right, some are right only by sheer fluke, some of them are wrong but are so arrogant and ignorant that they think that they are certainly right, some others are wrong about certain things too and others might be right. There are of course things that no one knows, some of those things are things that no one ever knew and never will know. Maybe when I think about it maybe this should have been in the philosophy section than here. Of course some people are deceived right now and out of a proportion of them they are those that are tricked by harmless and funny pranks. I like most optical illusions, most if not all of them are not what you think they are. Optical illusions I guess includes magic tricks. Politically though where I am people have been recently told that everyone in the country wanted the upcoming referendum and that all of those of the races that it is about have asked for it. All of that is a lie by the Prime Minister who was the one that went for it, no one else, sure some like his idea, some may even believe what he said, it all though has brought about divisiveness and will bring about further divisiveness. It's not even about some races verse everyone else, it's about a racial ideology versus everyone else of every race who goes against it. I am for people being treated equally whenever possible and for people to be treated fairly whenever possible. I know that all of that will not happen but it should always at least be tried instead of the push for special treatment and that of guilt if you are not a member or a fan of identity politics. I don't agree with everything with those of the radical side of the queer community, it doesn't make me homophobic, especially since many of them are against those same things as well. White guilt is a silly thing to have as well, I am not going to tell someone that I am sorry just because I am white, I am white but people are not privileged because they are white and I will not apologize for things that I never did wrong unlike what some former and current political leaders have done. I will not vilify those who are religious and I will not put up with anyone who is religious or who is not religious vilifying someone on religious reasons, race reasons, political reasons, sexuality reasons and/or that of gender. Being a male does not make you a lowly person or one who is inclined to rape and/or abuse and it does not mean that I am privileged and feel guilty because I am a male. No one should be chosen for unfair reasons, merit, as in who is the best for anything, must be the reason someone is chosen, not because of sexuality, race, skin colour, religion, political ideology and/or gender if is not right for that to be the reason that someone was chosen for anything. No one one racial origin should be given free healthcare, everyone should get free healthcare if possible, if not then everyone should be on the same system at least. A death of someone of another race or whatever is not always or mainly because it was based on race or whatever, these days too many think that it is though. Even when a black cop kills someone black there are way too many people that think that the person was singled out because he or she was black. If someone is white or whatever other than black and kills a black person then some people right now who think that without proof it was racially motivated will be racist and claim that it was due to racism. When a black person kills a black person then no one thinks that it was racially motivated unless it was done by a black cop, in that case some, like Al Sharpton or whatever his name is, standing next to Karmala Harris or whatever her name is, will declare it to be a racist attack. She went along with it rather than countered his false accusation. My point is that too many people on any subject are sure of something without ever knowing what has been proven to be true or what is possibly true. They don't even work out if what they believe is disproven. In that way you can kind of tell what the situation is at present with everything and everyone to a degree. | Off Topic Chat Room Similar Conversations |
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