Biden is more Trump than Trump KeithJ: only problem is that Dump is a total ignorant draft dodging idiot of the Vietnam war ,, Mr Bone spurs who spoke bad about McCain who was a POW and referred other POW's to be set free before himself while a POW ,, Dump didn't have the money to fix bone spurs at the time i guess to be healed in 2 months time to serve i guess , a real patriot huh ? and criminal ties with the mafia Family of Genovese in the 1980s but that's ok maybe you were not born yet to know of that . FohLuhRaza: No one yet. Have yourself a read~ Updated Nov. 8, 2020 (2:15 p.m. ET) On Nov. 3, Americans voted to elect their next leader. As of Nov. 8, no results have been certified and legal challenges and recounts are pending in key swing states. The Epoch Times will continue to update this article as new information becomes available on the status of the 2020 presidential election. The Epoch Times will not declare a winner of the election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved. Read more here. Key Points on the Status of the Presidential Race: Legal challenges have been filed in Pennsylvania and Arizona. A recount has been requested in Wisconsin by the Trump campaign. In Georgia, the state has announced a recount. Ballots continue to be counted in Alaska and North Carolina. Overview of Lawsuits and Recounts Pennsylvania Nov. 6, 2020: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issues a temporary order requiring Pennsylvania to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign sues Philadelphia County’s Board of Elections to seek an emergency injunction to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia. Update: A federal judge denies the emergency request from the Trump campaign on Nov. 5. Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign files a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to halt vote counting until Republican observers are granted adequate access. Update: A Pennsylvania appellate court on Nov. 5 rules in favor of the Trump campaign. Election officials appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign intervenes in a Supreme Court challenge to Pennsylvania’s deadline extension for late-arriving mail-in ballots. Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign files a lawsuit challenging a court-ordered deadline extension for first-time voters who need to fulfill a missing-identification requirement. Wisconsin Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign requests a recount in Wisconsin. Update: Justin Clark, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, announced Nov. 7 that his team would initiate the recount. Georgia Nov. 6, 2020: Georgia’s secretary of state announces that the state will have a recount. Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign and the Georgia Republican Party file a lawsuit in Georgia alleging that absentee ballots were improperly counted after the state’s deadline. Update: A judge in Georgia on Nov. 5 dismisses the lawsuit. Arizona Nov. 7, 2020: The Trump campaign and the RNC file a lawsuit over rejected votes in Maricopa County. The lawsuit alleges in-person votes were disregarded as a result of improper guidance provided by poll workers. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign and RNC ask an Arizona judge to let them join a lawsuit that alleges vote tabulation equipment in metro Phoenix was unable to record a voter’s ballot because she completed it with a county-issued Sharpie pen. Update: Attorneys who challenged the use of the markers told the court on Nov. 7 they’re dismissing their legal challenge. Nevada Nov. 6, 2020: The Nevada Republican Party announces that its lawyers have sent Attorney General William Barr a criminal referral alleging at least 3,062 cases of voter fraud in the state. Nov. 5, 2020: The Trump campaign backs two cases in Nevada that seek to change signature verification procedures used for processing ballots and expand access for Republican poll watchers in Clark County, Nevada. Update: On Nov. 6, a federal judge denies the request for changes to signature verification and a district judge rejects the lawsuit seeking expanded access to poll watchers. Michigan Nov. 4, 2020: The Trump campaign files a lawsuit in Michigan to halt vote counting until Republican observers are granted adequate access. Update: A Michigan judge denies the request by the Trump campaign on Nov. 5, 2020. FohLuhRaza: cloudygrey33: I would offer that even a man in the preliminary stage of dementia or Alzheimers who is willing to listen to/follow the advice of his team, is a massive upgrade. Leadership of an incredibly complex/nuanced nation can never be a one man operation. Yet Trump surrounds himself with yes-men and fires anyone who rubs against him in any way. Take a look at this list of people Trump has gotten rid of, if you're interested. This is not what leadership looks like. Trump is playing legal spaghetti right now with the vote- Throwing a bunch of bullshit cases at the wall to see what sticks.(This is his common tactic with everything btw. Not just the vote. Lawsuits and BS court cases are his MO.) Fortunately for the sake of Democracy and elections very little is sticking! A Democracy cannot exist without a free and fair election. Despite him being behind by over 5 million votes in the popular vote, and losing by margins that virtually never get overturned in recounts (Usually a recount might swing it around 500 votes at most. He is behind in multiple states by up in the thousands.) His propaganda machine is trying as hard as possible to obfuscate, misrepresent and INVENT as much conspiracy as possible to make it seem like the election is fraudulent. But somehow human error and fraud only happens (conveniently) in the places where he is losing. Somehow the only people involved with vote counting who are untrustworthy are Democrats. Ever think about that? Bush v Gore is the only thing that really compares with this- And that was only in dispute because it involved ONE STATE that was too close to call. Look at that list of states he is disputing? Even if he wins in certain aspects and kicks out some of the mail in ballots he is challenging in PA--- He will STILL be losing by thousands of votes! Also for funsies-- Look up how he explained being down by 3 million votes in the popular vote against Hillary and look at his claims of fraud and "rigging" when he lost the Emmy for his reality shows. In fact look up Donald Trump's reaction to ever losing anything at all. But the beauty of it all is that he gets to be the victim and the martyr at the end of all of this which will only create more fierce loyalty among his base. ![]() WHlSKY: I've only read the title and not the context. The US democratic party is more right leaning than left leaning. There are very few differences from a foreign policy perspective and in other ways. It's baffling when persons in the US act lile their democrat party is "socialist" or "commies" or "far-left", the democrats wouldn't touch any policy that will disrupt the wealthy class. They even viewed Bernie as too spicy haa They also speak with both sides of their mouths; talking about asking Israel to refrain from taking civilian lives and expressing mild disapproval yet sending millions in weaponry. The Biden administration recently plans to send $8bn US in arms sale to Israel. (Edited by WHlSKY) solittle: The Biden administration has only two weeks left before Joe and Caramela get kicked to the curb. Trump takes office on January 20. What was interesting about the video posted above was that it was on YouTube before Biden was elected 4 years ago, and the person who made that video demonstrated in it the deteriorating state of Biden's mental health, which was made so obvious this summer that Biden had to drop out of the election and be replaced by his vice president on the ballot. Biden's mental condition was already obvious 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 he was voted into office 4 years ago. The video is only 4 and 1/2 minutes long. It's worth watching. It is worth noting how his mental state was already obviously in decline during the 2020 election, yet our "great" system of Democracy ![]() This is why I reposted this thread and the video in it. January 4, 2024 (Edited by solittle) WHlSKY: It is a recent news, maybe youve not heard it as yet but here is more information: | Off Topic Chat Room Similar Conversations |
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