would you rather (Page 4)

chris12344: would you rather do 6 hours of math homework or run really fast for 1 mile straight?
4 years ago Report
LoisS: "Constant rejection and abandonment or a slow soul crushing experience that never ends.."

Well then, I guess marriage is out of the question FOREVER!! lols. Personally I think I would rather the rejection and abandonment. Why, because it seems that you would be wallowing in your sadness and then Bam, another person enters your life to bring you some happiness. Yes, it ends but then again another one starts.
Soul crushing is just plain Death.

I would BMX instead.

Run really fast....Esp now, who the hell has the time to sit and do 6 hours of maths?
4 years ago Report
LoisS: WYR..... fulfil your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I'll take the skateboarding- Fulfilling a childhood wish to be good at that. And run really fast for a mile...

I don't know how to answer my q about marriage- I'll choose the long slow death instead of the death by a thousand cuts. Too much uncertainty and chaos with the constant leaving. But yeah- Pretty tough call.

I think I'd probably resolve my biggest regret. But that's a tough one too because fulfilling the wish might simultaneously solve the regret... I'm too indecisive! Sorry!

4 years ago Report
chris12344: I would pick skateboarding, I would rather fulfill my greatest wish over resolution and I would rather do the mile long run
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Dont worry Cloudy, your answer isnt etched in stone lols. You might say something today and feel different tomorrow....salll good.

WYR live your life over as the opposite gender or start your life over as a kid again?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: Thanks Lois

I'd think I'd start over... Would be nice to go back and see some family who are no longer here.

WYR suddenly have all knowledge of the universe downloaded in to your brain at once where you know all truths about everything, but knowing this would forever alter who you are and none of your family or friends would be able to relate to you any more because you'd seem crazy to them.


Suddenly know what every person you know actually thinks about you which would forever alter (or improve) every relationship you have with people. But they also get to know everything you think about them...
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Sounds like a version of Lawnmower man. I would rather seem crazy to them. You can still live how you want and avoid the things you know are not what you need to live...Would be better then knowing a bunch of dumb shit people think about you or vice versa.

WYR have the best house in a bad neighbourhood or the worst house in a fancy neighbourhood?
(Edited by LoisS)
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: Agreed on my q... Although I think my fear with that one would be - What if the secrets of the universe are actually totally terrifying and life would be a nightmare after you knew what was really happening... And on that cheerful note!

I would rather have the worst house in a fancy neighborhood. Because even the worst house in a fancy neighborhood is still pretty nice. Where the best house in a bad neighborhood might still be kinda shoddy. Not to mention that puts a giant bulls eye on you.

4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: Would you guys rather eat Thai Food, Italian Food or Mexican Food?
4 years ago Report
LoisS: The unknown and the known, bother equally terrifying.

I agree I would rather the shite house in a nice neighbourhood.

Italian food.

WYR fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
4 years ago Report
chris12344: why is Mexican food so good and Mexican candy so awfull?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I'd rather fight the horse sized duck- Rather be swallowed by one large beak than chomped to death by a hundred tiny beaks...

And with the Mexican ... Uhhh ... I'd rather eat the food for sure. I'm not sure why Mexican candy is awful? I've never tried it? Is it?

Would you guys rather be stuck for ten days in the ocean with only a small amount of food and water and a life raft or be stuck in the woods for ten days with no food or water but you'd have a tent and some tools to survive.
4 years ago Report
LoisS: I would rather be in the woods. The odds are way better to survive, with a few tools even. The Ocean? Youre Shark bait....period!

Would you rather be able to Stop Time or Fly?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I think I'd go with the woods too ... In retrospect that was kind of a dumb q lol I guess I was thinking about the food thing ... I'm pretty clueless with survival tactics. But yeah- Ocean would totally suck.

I'd rather stop time ... It'd be nice to push the pause button and go take an extended vacation from reality.
4 years ago Report
LoisS: No it was a good question and some might like the Ocean. lols @ clueless with survival tactics.

I would rather stop time too. Maybe enjoy some more time you had with people, take in a little more of things that have happened because there is a pause.....

Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: Totally agree on the stopping time reasons! Also ... I have a drawer full of books I need to read that I keep putting off. That would be nice... Maybe by a beach or a river or something with a cooler full of good beer.

I'd rather let my friend get the money with a secret understanding that he give me 60 grand on the side.

Would you rather live forever as the person you are now or keep dying and coming back as a new person every 100 years or so with no memory of who you were.. Or just die after this life is over and that be it?
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Give you 60 grand? Umm How about Half? If it wasnt for you they would have nothing and you would have 50...if they play along then you both walk away with 250....ya know. 60.....jeez, can I be your friend lols

I think I would do the coming back as a new person. I mean why the hell not. Just for it to be over and done with and that is that......sucks. I think I would want to come back even if I didnt remember anything.

Would you rather have your brain transplanted into a robot's body or an animal's body of your choice?
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: Wow - Wasn't thinking of it that way on the money thing! lol And sure we can be friends! I swear I'm not as dumb as I look!

I like your idea re: reincarnation... I dunno though. That is a tricky question. I should have tried to answer it in my own head before I posted it because I don't like it! LOL If those were all my only options, I think I'd probably pick what you picked. But Im not 100 percent...

I think maybe a robot. At least as a robot you might still be able to communicate with human words and do semi- human things. We are probably half way heading in the robot direction anyway as technology keeps advancing.

Would you rather jump on a trampoline covered with black widow spiders for five minutes or be stuck in an empty room with a pissed off rattlesnake for 2 minutes?
(Edited by cloudygrey33)
4 years ago Report
LoisS: If I had the chance to come back why not. Its better then, "when your dead youre dead" ya know. Some would rather have it over and done with and not bother to come back. Interesting......

HA! Funny how we automatically would think that a Robot would be human in that way. See, the thing is, the robot is implanted with human thoughts and human like actions. We do already have those few robots who can "answer questions" but where did the answers come from originally.? (okay, sorry, getting a little deep there).

Personally I would want to be an animal and the only thing that would stop that being my answer, is because I know how cruel humans are and what they do. THAT would be my predator and an animal is no match for an asshole with a gun behind a bush.

I would take the for sure. Just you mentioning Spiders on a trampoline I feel like their on me.....*looks over shoulder...(yes Spiders are beautiful and what not but it doesnt mean I want to jump around with any lols )

Would you rather go on a free, fully paid dream vacation or be with someone you love in your backyard having some
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Gotta go with the
Would you rather have many friends who are shallow, or one who absolutely gets you?
4 years ago Report
LoisS: Just the one who absolutely get me. Who the hell wants some shallow dip shites around.
4 years ago Report
LoisS: WYR Be able to detect any lie you hear or get a way with any lie you tell.
4 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: re: Robot- Deep is fun! I agree totally... Not sure how human consciousness would or even could work in a robot. Maybe it couldn't. Just you said have our brain transplanted in to a robot... So I was assuming it would still be me(or a version of me) trapped in the robot. I was kinda hung up on being stuck in an animal not being able to communicate. Not to mention having other animals trying to kill me, steal my food and mate with me... But yeah maybe in a robot the thing that makes us human would completely cease to exist which is even scarier than chimpanzee sex ...

I agree re: the snake lol

I'd rather be w someone I love in the backyard with a beer.

And to answer Beaver's q - I'd rather be with one that gets me any day! Quality is better than quantity.

And to answer your most recent q Lois - I'd rather be able to detect the lies!
4 years ago Report
LoisS: This is true about the Robot. It would be a version of you and I think that is what freaks me out about it. So, fuck it I would rather be a Lion or Silver Back Gorilla. *Busts out laughing @ mate with me lols men are hilarious sometimes.

Would you rather Have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?
4 years ago Report