What Makes Someone A Hero?

PynkPear: The term gets thrown around a lot, but actually defining what makes a hero is difficult.
5 years ago Report
chewiesolo227: someone who is inspired by greatness or someone you look to who could be your hero
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: To a New Yorker like you,

a hero is some type of weird sandwich.

Not some nut who takes on three Tigers!
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 4 months ago)
TheCovenant: But not without being paid first. i.e Doctors and Lawyers
5 years ago Report
Will_777: A hero is either a person who helps a lot of people, without taking any credit or payment and who finds happiness in the smiles of those he/she helped, or a person who had a bad life and managed to make it through the worst of times - saving themselves from the cruel world.

Those are the true heroes. The ones who are rarely seen.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that's all.”
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
NorgeDude: A tight spandex outfit, maybe a cape, some big letter on the chest and a super power.
5 years ago Report
cmabe729: The world needs more of them that’s for sure I wish more of them were around especially given the world we live in these days.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: The trouble comes when people try to be heroes and forget to do their jobs. To see the adoration in others eyes and the worship in others hearts, all the while forgetting theirs oaths and their duty. The beauty of their own reflection and the finery of their cloth. To purge the evil out of their society through sacrifices of blood and pain. To keep in silence their sins from one another while exposing the sins of others. To hold onto to the adoration long after it has come time to step down. To thank the gods it was others who suffered and not themselves, and to pray it continues that way.

The warning of the Seraphim.
5 years ago Report
NoSuchName: Hmmm that was a tad cynical
5 years ago Report
ILionheartI: This is something I actually thought about when the world lost the most infamous comic book writer, Stan Lee. Stan may be famous for the superheroes he gave the world like Spider-Man, Capt America, or the Hulk, but most folks can’t see pass the entertainment and showbiz that surrounds his heroes. Heroes aren’t people who are born with super strength, or are people who possess cool ninja skills and/or cool tech. They’re the soldier who lays down his life for truth and justice, the rich man who learns humility, the college student who serves his neighborhood, or the man or woman who learns to control their temper in the face of adversary or conflict. Heroes are just ordinary people who show us the best of what we can be or what we can achieve.

Sure, it could be said that that definition is too idealistic, and there is merit to such an argument. But why do we call someone a hero in the first place? Is it because they can do things other people can’t or is it because they represent the ideal person? Who wouldn’t, for example, want to have that sacrificial heart like the soldier, or a humble, serving, and well controlled heart like the rich man, the college student, and the scientist? Shouldn’t we all strive to have such a heart? I bet ladies would love to have a man who had characteristics like these. I bet every guy would love to have woman with these characteristics. I bet every person would love to have a friend with these kinda of characteristics. I’m sure every employer would love to have an employee with these kind of characteristics. Though we live in a less than ideal world, what harm could there be in trying to change my attitude to have a more positive affect on the world around me? That’s the differences between a hero and a villain.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: those that want paradise in the after life usually want para-dice on Earth.
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
5 years ago Report
dark_horse_maniac: A Hero Is Someone Who Sticks Up For Others. Especially If Their Afraid To Do So. It's Easy For A Brave Person To Be Brave. A Hero Is A Scared Person Who Will Take A Besting For A Victim If Necessary. 💪🖤🐎
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: A hero is just some guy or gal that can't get laid.
"you sack of wine!" Achilles - Troy
5 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: "Anyone can be a hero. Ordinary men and women who rise to the occasion can be heroes. Ever see a woman defend her child from danger? There is something else that plays a role, a specific personality type, more likely to engage in extreme heroic acts.

Interestingly, this type of person is also very likely to be the kind of impulsive, argumentative person that readily breaks rules, challenges authority,but all for the sake of good. These extreme heroes do not fit the image of the kind, peaceful, non-aggressive hero, like the Dalai Lama—in fact, they may not always be the most pleasant people to be around; they tend to be the ones who always stir up trouble or rock the boat. But they are the most important types of heroes to support, because they have the highest potential to do extremely good works.

There may be a genetic link between these extreme heroes and those least expected to act heroically(antiheroes)."


5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: drivel
4 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: Autism
4 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: A hero is always positive... A hero should be us..
4 years ago Report
calybonos: What makes a hero is easy to answer.

Giovanni Amato.

(yeah, you might have to Google it to understand)
4 years ago Report
To a New Yorker like you,

a hero is some type of weird sandwich.

Not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

4 years ago Report
TheCovenant: why is it that people who have none of the characteristics of a hero tell us all about heroism. it hurts my brain just reading this drivel.
4 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Jesus, and who invited you in Wireclub?... You don't have a brain... You are constantly want to argue with anybody when everybody here now have a truce.... Get out there, get a life. Wireclub is a place where people meet and have a great fun in discussing things and then gets out in real life.. She is asking about what's makes you a hero... Putting down people is just low... Are you even a person?
4 years ago Report
TheCovenant: ok a joke about heroes.
a man goes to a restaurant in madrid and sees a man eating two great big large meatballs.
he asks the waiter what is that meal.
the waiter replies those are the bulls balls from the mateodor fight. they must be ordered one week in advance.
the man says ill have that next week.
he returns next week and the waiter brings him two very small meatballs.
he complains to the waiter and the waiter says.
but senor, this week the bull won.

can you see how this parable applies to the concept of heroes?
(Edited by TheCovenant)
4 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: His formula is simple and rather stupid. Someone says something, then he trolls the answers of those who answer. Next he takes offense to one word in the answer(because he's easily offended). Finally, deflects and moves all over the place... lather, rinse, repeat,

Pretty sure he just fancies me.
4 years ago Report
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