i am heavily pregnant

harlett: my due date is upon me, my physician and I are discussing my caesarean section asks me if to choose the date ...

I ask my physician at what moment during my C-section do I have too declare too him/her that I want to abort this baby..

is it when you put the scalpel to my flesh to start the C-section .??? is it after you pull back the abdominal wall expose my pregnant uterus ????

my physician assures me I needn't worry about when that moment is... they took a vow to do no harm...

that there is no way on earth that they would personally ever call a human being in their moment of birth medical waste...

i need a new physician who will ...how do locate one at this late date..????

or at the very least .. where is a physician who will tell me at what moment is the last moment during my C-section can i declare i want a abortion ?????????????


O yeah .... perhaps if you have that 411 ...you can point me in the direction of another physician who will give me a prescription that for sure can destroy my liver & kidney's and the best one yet ... give me & you gangrene of the genital's.. for having type 2 diabetes...

do the pharmaceutical companies take a vow to do no harm. Obviously they don't......darn near everything out in the market destroys vital organs or diseases their ability too function properly....
5 years ago Report
The giant midget
(Post deleted by harlett 5 years ago)
harlett: how pointless your noise was .. haven't heard of states celebrating their new late term abortion...laws....

and why on earth dear.. would point anyone who so ever.. no matter what the heck you think of them.. into the direction of medical profession that has no, ZERO cure rate.. is known to over medicate folks and cause suicides....
5 years ago Report
The giant midget
(Post deleted by harlett 5 years ago)
harlett: your a gem...... the social skill and intelligence pouring out of you is telling to what manner of person you are....

again....... in several states that are celebrating their NEW ABORTION STATE LAWS saying .. that I can SAY to my doctor as I am giving birth vaginally as the head crowns that instead of calling the rest of the process birth I can call it a abortion and the doctor has to then turn the infant into medical waste....

at what step in the C-section is a moment to far.. after the doctor begins lifting the infant out of the body & womb.. or as he/she outs their hands on the it....

(Edited by harlett)
5 years ago Report
The giant midget
(Post deleted by harlett 5 years ago)
The giant midget
(Post deleted by harlett 5 years ago)
harlett: I am, was, and always would have been a beautiful woman and who you are not... it be you that's trolling foolish person..
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: well that's kinda sad and depressing
5 years ago Report
harlett: what's kinda sad ????? that the usa has states that will let a woman declare she'd prefer to call the moment she's in a abortion instead of giving BIRTH..?????

I am still wanting the answer to the darn question at what stage of a C-section is it too late to call the procedure a C-section birth,

it's horrifying to think that moment is when the doctor is lifting the human being out of the womb.. that you have up till the moment the doctors hands go on that helpless human being, being birthed...

you have up till the moment the head is crowning at a vaginal birth to declare you want a LEGAL ABORTION...

makes me sick....causes me to shake at the audacity....

I made up a hypothetical pregnancy to speak out loud ... I am sixty something years old...
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: That's what I meant was sad and depressing
5 years ago Report
calybonos: If this is some sort of a thought experiment, I think it's only fair that we get a second opinion from the world's leading mad scientist, Dr. Frankenstein.
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Take it away Frankie!
5 years ago Report
harlett: @calybonos

sorry no not a mind game.. several states are bragging, that they expanded their late term abortion rights..to include as you begin to give birth !!!!

that despicable Virginia Governor who first made headlines talking about his state just passing that law called the HUMAN BEING In the process of being born a pitiful creature..because it's mother decided at the moment of birth she wanted a abortion..

what did that politician say Oyeah he is sure they'd make the now considered medical waste comfortable........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I want to

by the way .. that klan & blackface photo they say they don't know which character he is... he is in the black face.. look at the MOUTH..the dressed as a klansman has very slopping shoulders..

excuse me *&&%#$^(_(*XX#@#$%^$#

5 years ago Report
calybonos: When it comes to hypothetical scenarios, especially ones involving hypothetical pregnancies, I always use a hypothetical condom, so I'm afraid there's no possibility of my being the father, let alone giving any further input other than a wham-bam-thank-you ma'am.

I hope it was good for you, though.

5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: I had a hypothetical vasectomy AND used a hypothetical condom....
5 years ago Report
harlett: US senate had a vote yesterday.... 5? to 4? .... the vote was on passing a bill that would enable a DOCTOR to GIVE LIFE support To a HUMAN NEW BORN whose was aborted ALIVE because the Mother decided to ABORT her HUMAN FETUS at the moment she was giving life, that bill was freakin DEFEATED by OCRATS.............

which means the new born abortion struggles to breathe without aid by DOCTORS,NURSES..

no feakin mention of what happens to the new born abortion should it survive that ritual.. and begins breathing on it's own..

you suspect it's left to starve...

this abortion crap is barbaric.....inhumane and a crime against humanity LIFE & LIVING ITSELF
(Edited by harlett)
5 years ago Report
El Malvado
El Malvado:
So there's no pregnancy. Noted. That's all a man needs to know.
5 years ago Report
harlett: what's next ...??? if they don't correct this.. is it inconceivable .. to think once socialism as is being touted...is in full swing and the caution of it is financially unsustainable..is upon the world at large

that a vote to put folks out their diseased misery is voted upon.. which includes those claiming to be depressed.. can't have the mentally ill drawing upon needed else where resource's and funds...can they...

you know how it ends.. it ends with a vote to put top death anyone over X years of age..

so why try now to increase longevity...
(Edited by harlett)
5 years ago Report
harlett: men who wasted their seed once upon a time was made into living night torches...and done even more horribly else where....
5 years ago Report
El Malvado
El Malvado:

5 years ago Report
harlett: ..
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: America is a sick, sick nation...
5 years ago Report