Has American Educational System Changed Since the Industrial Evolution?


Like when the bell rings in school to signal its time for the next class - the kids will walk out in line and hand in their tests or homework and silently take their place. This is comparable to factory work when the bell sounds or whistle blows and its time for a shift change. All the men and women line up and walk slowly to go on break or clock out for the day.

the modern educational system isn't about creativity or individuality(like they said) Its all about training kids to become officiant obedient workers for the capitalist workforce. I read some articles in class years ago about how educational reform came about. & it started during the Industrial Revolution where rich educated factory owners & other Upper Echelon society members needed more skilled workers to help keep up with the demand for new goods made in these factories. Back then, education was only for the rich & powerful. Sadly, the poor members of society which was 90% of them couldn't even read, write, or do basic arithmetic. & this was a problem, because those were skills needed to run & maintain factories..so the most wealthy & powerful started setting up systems for public education & in these schooling systems, they were taught the basics..& under strict punishment & authoritarian rule-prepping these kids for a life of working servitude. The goal was to get them smart enough to run these factories & machinery..& keep making the higher tier of society, money..while being just ignorant enough to passably accept low wages, long hours, unsafe conditions, no benefits. So in the end…our educational system does serve a purpose to a degree..BUT it's clearly time for massive overhaul & how we educate our population.
7 years ago Report