Trivia Page of Wireclub. (Page 8)

chronology: The original words in Sir Mick Jagger's song 'Sympathy for the Devil' referring to John Kennedy was 'who killed Kennedy', but while the Rolling Stones were recording the song Sen Robert Kennedy was shot in Los Angeles. Sir Mick Jagger changed the words to; 'who killed the Kennedy's'.

If any song was capable of sending Americans into convulsions of indignation, it was 'Sympathy for the Devil'. In the song, Sir Mick plays the Devil gloating over slaughtering mankind and killing Jesus and shooting the Kennedy brothers, Add to that, the Satanic chanting in the background and you wonder how the song was even released at the time.

But as one American observer pointed out, America was a different country from today; the Christian Right was not organised at the time and had little influence over Republican Politics, a few preachers did denounce the song, but Americans then were not gripped with paranoia about 'Satanists secretly brainwashing the public'.

There seems to have been no grudge held against Sir Mick Jagger, years later wearing a Top Hat he bowed before Her Majesty the Queen of England and was made a 'Knight of Empire'.
9 years ago Report
lori100: huffingtonpost--------Titanic Menu: First Class Menu Of Final Lunch Up For Auction (PHOTO) -------------On the last day aboard the doomed Titanic, first-class passengers about to enjoy lunch were offered items such as Eggs Argenteuil, Chicken a la Maryland and fillets of brill.

Now, nearly 100 years later, the menu from the final lunch, dated April 14, 1912, will be up for auction on March 31.

The prized piece of Titanic memorabilia is expected to fetch at least 100,000 pounds -- or about $157,000 -- according to the Telegraph.

A description on the auctioneers' site says the menu was given to first class passenger Dr. Washington Dodge. His wife, Ruth, put it in her handbag, according to the Telegraph.

The Dodge's survived the sinking of the massive ship, which resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people. Once she made it safely to shore on a lifeboat, Mrs. Dodge gave her account of what happened.
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lori I have sad news for you, we all on Wire know how much you love cats, and alas poor Jenny the Official Ships Cat on Titanic drowned.

Jenny adds to the suspicion that it was the Olympic that sank and not Titanic. Jenny had been the Ships Cat on the Olympic but it was claimed she was 'transferred to the Titanic' just a week before Titanic wobbled out to sea (and almost crashed into another ship). Why would anyone 'transfer' a cat?
9 years ago Report
lori100: Maybe she was a Top Secret Agent traveling incognito....
9 years ago Report
lori100: •Not everyone sees vultures as a creepy harbinger of death—many see them as sacred for their cleanup role. Tibetan Buddhists practice “sky burials,” where animals, usually vultures, consume their dead. Similarly, Zoroastrians offer their dead to be consumed by vultures on a raised platform, called a dakhma. They regard vultures are precious animals that release the soul from the body.
9 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Here is another meaning for the word "vulture"...

"...Grossman is a "vulture", the name Wall Street gives, with an affectionate smile, to those who can get their hands on old, forgotten debts of desperately poor nations – Congo, Zambia, Peru and Liberia are cases I've investigated – that they pick up for pennies on the pound of face value."

9 years ago Report
lori100: I saw a group of what looked like Turkey vultures swarming in a person's yard , eating some dead animal today....seems they do prey in neighborhoods....
9 years ago Report
chronology: Good grief Lori dear. Vultures in the garden. I see Sparrows in my garden.
9 years ago Report
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lori I hear your fellow Americans in Florida often find Alligators in their swimming pools. You Americans certainly do not lack exotic house pests.
9 years ago Report
9 years ago Report
chronology: I was just talking to a Guy who vacations in Florida. He says most pools have nets around them to keep out the Alligators 'but it is always best to check before you jump in.
(Edited by chronology)
9 years ago Report
chronology: Paranormalist Uri Geller has been asked by an unreported high ranking Official in Malaysia to try and help try and find MH370.

However Mr Geller would face the same problems the Authorities are having in locating the Plane. While Uri may see the Plane crashing into the sea using his psychic powers, he is unlikely to be able to tell 'where' the plane crashed.

9 years ago Report
chronology: The Worlds first computer Virus.

It all began as a practical joke in a computer club in Pittsburgh in 1980. Members would swap floppy discs to load games onto their computers. One Guy loaded one disc with a self replicating virus and then passed it on to uknowing friends. Their computers were then infected with the virus. The virus then spread outside the club as friends swapped discs with people in other clubs. Soon, millions of computers in America were infected.

9 years ago Report
lori100: Dozens of saints reportedly do not decay after death, instead exuding a sweet and floral odor, which is considered a mark of sanctity. One example is St. Bernadette Soubirous, who died in 1879. In 1909, a bishop exhumed her and found that she had not decayed. She is now displayed, covered in wax imprints, in the Chapel of St. Bernadette in France.
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lori this is an odd phenomenon. Some European churches see such long lasting corpses as signs of Gods favour on the corpse, other churches regard the ever fresh corps as a sign the person was so evil even bacteria will not touch them.
9 years ago Report
chronology: Freddy Jackson's photograph. In 1919 a squadron members photograph was taken by Sir Victor Goddard, standing at the rear of the Photograph was mechanic Freddy Jackson, the problem with this is that Freddy was killed when he stepped into a rotating aircraft propeller two days before the photograph. Members of the squadron who knew Freddy said it was definitely him, and most people who have examined the photograph have not proved it was a hoax.

Sceptics however would have serious doubts about the source of the photograph, 'Sir Victor Goddard'. Sir Victor was a gentleman who had claimed to have had many unusual experiences including time travel.

You can view the photograph on the web as 'Freddy Jacksons Ghost'.
9 years ago Report
chronology: Hollywood Actress Linda Blair stared in the Movie 'The Exorcist' that created mass hysteria in the 1970s, but Linda today would never touch an Ouija Board, she says; 'people come up to me with their Boards and ask me to sign them, but I say 'no way, those things can contact negative spirits, why would you want to do that''?

Today she devotes her time to helping animal charities.
9 years ago Report
chronology: 'Beware the Ides of March' most school children in America would remember that line from Shakespear's Play Julius Caesar, but was Caesar really warned by a seer to beware of that date, March 15th? According to Plutarch he was.

A Seer had warned that ill would befall Caesar on the Ides of March. Caesar had decided to stay in his room on that day, but a friend convinced him that the prediction was nonsense, so Caesar went to the Senate in the afternoon. On his way to the Senate Meeting Caesar happened to pass the Seer in the street. 'The Ides have come' quipped Caesar to the Seer, meaning no harm had befallen him, 'come but not yet gone' said the Seer gloomily.

Later in the afternoon, 60 Senators suddenly jumped to their feet and ran at Caesar stabbing him multiple times with daggers.
9 years ago Report
chronology: All was going swimmingly with the vast tunnel boring operation under Seattle until Dec 2013 when the huge cutting machine hit something very big and very tough, and slam the dig stopped.

The huge mysterious object would not budge. What could it be? Some speculated it was a giant Stone shifted there during the Ice Age period, other folks reckoned a locomotive had been unceremoniously buried there (they were almost correct) others speculated about secret underground temples.

After two weeks the mystery object was identified, it was a huge steel Pipe left behind 10 years earlier by a drilling crew that had been forgotten about. Object removed, drilling resumed.

The Seattle Tunnel is set to open in 2015, it with be 'traffic ready' that year.
9 years ago Report
lori100: MLK Jr.-------------In a 1999 civil trial that did not name the US government as a defendant and sought $100 from Loyd Jowers[vague], with both the family and Jowers cooperating together and the only presenting parties, the jury ruled that Loyd Jowers and others, including unspecified governmental agencies, were all part of the conspiracy to kill King.
9 years ago Report
chronology: Lori, Lori. The United States Department of Justice was asked to investigate the claims and allegations about loyd jowers and found they contained no validity at all.
9 years ago Report
I thought the family brought a case against the State?

But the mob did seal Kings offices and fill them with cement and build around the building claiming it was a new building development.
9 years ago Report
...and he was shot twice in the legs a week before his death!
9 years ago Report
chronology: 'Opium Dreams'. In the 18th century Opium was considered a poison in China, but by the late 19th Century millions of Chinese people were addicted to the Poppy juice.

The epidemic of addiction began with Chinese people smoking Opium mixed with tobacco, soon devotees of the 'Dragon' were smoking the stuff in pipes.

Part of the problem in China's greed for Opium lay in the fact it was easy to use for Tax purposes, soon local Governments were levying Taxes on the drug, and Merchants were using it place of money in many districts.

The effect on the Chinese people was appalling with Opium Dens filled with prostrate patrons, often dirty and with filthy clothes.

Cheap Gin had a similar effect in England 200 years before, and the Chinese people found the Opium habit as difficult to throw off as English people had found Gin drinking.

But unlike Gin, Opium had destabilising political and nationalistic consequences in China, Chinese Authorities found radical groups were using the drug for tax purposes, and even Territory was lost through Opium selling.

The moral of this history is 'Don't chase the Dragon', ever.
9 years ago Report