Trivia Page of Wireclub. (Page 3)

lori100: Reagan also saw a ufo when on a plane
10 years ago Report
chronology: Few Folks in Point Pleasant West Virginia will forget 1966, that was the year 'Mothman' swung by and appeared from time to time for about 12 months. While some people dismiss Mothman as a series of Hoaxes or confused witness reports, others such as John Keel who spent time with the West Virginia folk are convinced there was some strange unexplained events in the town. Mothman Prophecies with Mr Richard Geer and Ms Laura Linney gives a reasonable account of events in the town. 2016 will be the 50th anniversary of the events in Point Pleasant, but is unlikely to see any explanation for what happened there.
10 years ago Report
lori100: The Easter Bunny (also called the Easter Rabbit or Easter Hare) is a fantasy character depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs. Originating among German Lutherans, the Easter Hare originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behaviour at the start of the season of Eastertide.[1] The Easter Bunny is sometimes depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature carries colored eggs in his basket, candy and sometimes also toys to the homes of children, and as such shows similarities to Santa Claus, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holiday. The custom was first mentioned in Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus[2] (About Easter Eggs) in 1682[3] referring to a German tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter Eggs for the children.
10 years ago Report
chronology: The world is in love with France. Every year almost 16 million more people visit France than actually live there, a staggering 88 million. Beautiful Ski Resorts and glamorous Mediterranean Beaches prove irresistible to tourists. But folks don't spend as much money as visitors to the U.S.A. do, on average the visitors to the U.S. spend three times as much as visitors to France. The U.S. ranks second to France in terms of visitors, breath taking Grand Canyons and romantic San Francisco draw people in droves, and more people are visiting the U.S. every year. People may think visitors to Las Vegas spend more than any other tourists, but no, Macau in Hong Kong holds the big spenders attraction of Casinos.
10 years ago Report
chronology: If Wireclubbers are like most other people in the world they will be pointing their digital cameras at these top three most photographed places in the world. Number three is ....... San Francisco, surprisingly not the beautiful and iconic Golden Gate Bridge, but Union Square in San Francisco. Next at number two ....... Trafalgar Square London, the 'heart' of London Town. And the most photographed place in the world is ........... The Empire State Building in New York City. Personally I found the San Francisco statistic surprising, surly the Golden Gate Bridge would be the photographers 'snap shot', but you cannot argue with results, and the world loves to snap Union Square.
10 years ago Report
chronology: The Photograph that summed up the Great Depression for America. U.S. Photographer Dorothy Lange stopped to take some photographs of Migrant Farm Workers in California in 1936 one of the Photographs she took would become a milestone in American History; 'Migrant Mother', the moving photograph of Ms Florence Leona Christie and her two little girls at her side. The photograph had an enormous impact on Americans from all walks of life. When Administration Officials in Washington DC saw the photograph they were so moved they rushed 20.000 pounds in Food Aid to the District Ms Christie was photographed in. Actually Florence did not get by on Food Aid, the entire family worked as Pea Pickers, when the Food arrived from Washington the family had moved on looking for work on farms.

Ms Christie went on to have a difficult but fulfilling life, she and her two little girls made American History when they were the subjects of a U.S. Stamp issued with Migrant Mother Picture in. Living Americans are never made the subject of U.S. Postal Service Stamps.

Among the last photographs of Florence taken was with her two girls, now grown women at her side again, only now it was 40 years later and Florence was comfortable in her retirement.
10 years ago Report
lori100: There is no word that rhymes with orange.

Pinocchio is Italian for “pine head.”

The most common letters in English are R S T L N E.

There is no word that rhymes with purple.

There was only one code during World War II that was never broken by the enemy and was used by the US Army. Navajo soldiers, called Codetalkers, developed a radio code based on their native language. It was the only way US soldiers on the battlefield could be sure that messages were from there own side and not from Japanese imitators.

Did you know that the word “typewriter” is the longest word in the English Language that can be spelled with the the top of the keyboard?

You speak about 4,800 words a day.

(Edited by lori100)
10 years ago Report
chronology: Still a mystery ........ Even the establishment magazine Time rated this story one of the top ten odd ball stories of 2012. 'Giant Lego Man washes up on Los Angeles Beach' and an English Beach and a Florida Beach, and probably other beaches around the world.

Some one some where made a number of 3 metre tall Giant Lego Men then dumped them in the worlds Oceans.
10 years ago Report
chronology: Perhaps no other actress in the history of Hollywood has generated so much controversy surrounding her death than did Marilyn Monroe, and the controversy continues to this day. The loyal band of Marilyn's fans never accepted the official story of her accidentally overdosing on sleeping pills, as front page headlines around the worlds newspapers shrieked that she had. In fact, tho they never said so publicly, Los Angeles Police Department also found Marilyn's death highly suspicious.

LAPD Detectives officially found Marilyn lying naked on her bed with her hand holding a phone and her legs straight as she lay face down on the bed. Anyone who dies from sleeping pill overdose always vomits and their legs are drawn up in response to extremely painful stomach cramps. No way would you find them lying like Marilyn was.

A new claim being made is that Marilyn was at another residence when she died, and her body was taken to her home and left there.

But as one commentator has said; 'there is a difference between people covering up 'murder' and people trying to avoid embarrassing revelations about their private lives'. One speculation is that Marilyn died at a residence on Lake Tahoe, she was taken back to her home in Brentwood and left there.
10 years ago Report
lori100: Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive.-----------------The first webcam watched a coffee pot. It allowed researchers at Cambridge to monitor the coffee situation without leaving their desks.---------------------- The last time a Republican was elected president without a Nixon or Bush on the ticket was 1928.-----------------------------There is a word that rhymes with orange! Sporange is a botany term that means "spore case."-------------------- In 1980, Detroit presented Saddam Hussein with a key to the city.-------------------------------------When fruit flies are infected with a parasite, they self-medicate with booze—they seek out food with higher alcohol content.
10 years ago Report
lori100: There were about 300 bones in your body when you were born, but by the time you reach adulthood you only have 206.

A dentist invented the electric chair!!!

The largest baby to be born so far weighed in at 15 pounds, 5 ounces!

Sir Edmund was the first to climb Mt. Everest and return back.

The tallest man in this world was Robert Wadlow, a chinese man who was 7’1″ tall!

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, was actually afraid of the dark.
10 years ago Report
chronology: December 1970, after flying randomly across the U.S.A. to various cities, Elvis Presley suddenly decided to visit the White House in Washington, he touched down in the early hours of the morning and drove over to the White House where he handed in a hand written note he wrote on Airline scrap paper to Guards at the Gate. The note was to President Nixon.

White House staff gave the note to Mr Nixon, who had to glance at it a number of times to understand the scribbled words which Elvis himself had written requesting a meeting. 'We just wondered what we should do' a White staff member recalled, finally Mr Nixon agreed to meet Elvis the next day in one of the oddest White House meetings ever.

It seemed Elvis felt he was destined to 'save America from commies, the Beatles and Hippies'. On hearing this Mr Nixon was probably even more puzzled than he had been when he was given the letter. But the President graciously agreed to let Elvis have his photograph taken with him. Today, the photograph is Americas most popular historic photograph.
10 years ago Report
chronology: Few mysteries captured the imagination of Americans like the loss of 'Flight 19', 5 US Navy Planes off the coast of Florida in 1945, Every theory from the aircraft flying into a 'time warp' to the American Pilots being snatched away by UFOs have been suggested.

The tragic loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986 led to a extensive search of the Sea Bed off the Florida coast looking for wreckage, and among the objects found were Navy PTB aircraft similar to Flight 19. But were they 'the' Flight 19?

One American, on his own time, and own dime, decided to look for the aircraft wrecks based on Data supplied by NASA. He hired a mini submarine and visited one of the wrecks and photographed the last three numbers of it's serial number '209'. The other two numbers were not visible. There were only two other PTB aircraft given numbers ending in 209 and both of them were accounted for, the plane found by the researcher was almost certainly one of the Flight 19 planes.
10 years ago Report
chronology: Amelia Earhart took to the skies flying her own plane in an effort to establish a new world record, and there the facts of her flight end.

Amelia was an all American heroine and her loss over the Pacific was a saddening event to millions around the world won over by her 'folksy' style and beautiful good looks. Folks in Northern Ireland in particular were dismayed at the news, Amelia had landed there by mistake during a trans Atlantic flight. Friendly Ulster people made her a cup of tea and Amelia stood talking with them in the field her plane landed in despite being exhausted by her flight, sipping her tea and exchanging banter with the crowds of people.

So what happened to Amelia in 1937? Experts still hold to differing theories, some claiming Amelia crashed at Sea, others that she survived the forced landing and died on a remote Pacific Island.

All the facts we have seem to suggest Amelia was off course and had used far more fuel than she had planned because of strong head winds. U.S. Signal Records suggest she crashed somewhere near the Howden Islands. Navy Radio Operators had been in contact with Amelia up until shortly before she estimated ditching at sea.

Inevitably the conspiracy theorists have Amelia being shot down as a spy by Japanese Fighter Planes, Amelia battling giant Marine Alligators on Pacific Islands she managed to swim to, Amelia secretly returning to the U.S. to live out her days in New Jersey, and on and on.
10 years ago Report
lori100: If you chew gum while peeling onions, you won’t tear up or cry.

….. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

….. Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.

….. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

….. In a deck of cards, the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
….. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

….. Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than . – caffeine.

….. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.
….. The more intelligent you are, the more zinc and copper you have in your hair.
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori. California Honey may not spoil, but the stuff I buy does, it get's crystals in the bottom of the jar. Honey from California is raw and unfiltered which may explain why it does not spoil. Must be all those juicy fruit trees in California that keeps the Honey fresh longer.
10 years ago Report
chronology: William Randolph Hearst was a master of Publicity. One time in 1900 he was surveying the vast flat and wide open Salt Flats at Bonneville in Utah and came up with idea of asking a cyclist to cycle across the Salt Flats to see how quickly he could cycle from one side to another of the Flats. It took the cyclist 22 hours to make the journey.

Motorcyclists began taking advantage of the exceptionally flat and debris free Flats to accomplish new land speed records. One Biker raced at speeds higher than 300 mph.

10 years ago Report
chronology: Cooking in Denver Colorado. Denver like Johannesburg presents cooks with a slight problem when it comes to accomplishing perfect results. The high altitude both cities are at means water boils at lower temperatures and cakes and breads bake differently than at sea level. Best to pick up tips from locals before planning some cooking or finding the best way to brew perfect pots of tea, that is 'tea' you drink, not other 'teas'.
10 years ago Report
lori100: Operation Highjump (OpHjp), officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947, was a United States Navy operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr-------------------------The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.---------------In the Area 51 novels Operation Highjump was said to be cover for an expedition to excavate flying saucers buried under Antarctica's ice shelf by long-ago extraterrestrial visitors.-----------------A highly controversial German documentary, UFO — Technology Secrets and the Third Reich. suggests at the end of the hour-long film, that the real reason for the expedition was to seek out a secret German UFO station still operating in the Antarctic
10 years ago Report
chronology: Lori. The US Navy guys were probably looking for German drone weather stations. Germany had s number of these robot weather stations in the North and south poles.. They were years ahead of anyone else.
10 years ago Report
lori100: There are reports the Nazis had ufo tech...
10 years ago Report
chronology: Check out 'Weather Station Kurt' Lori dear. Germany had placed outstanding Robotic Stations in remote Arctic and Antarctic Locations. That is why British and American Pilots spent day after day flying over vast ice fields looking for the sturdy Robots. Like little 'R2D2' from Star Wars, the little Robots were metal heroes for Germany.
10 years ago Report

The Nazi German supply vessels had robotic gun nest marked on their ships intended for cold weather use.

The Nazi Germans also had ' bucket ' on their Condor transport aircraft which causes jokes about Germans and ' Bucket' shop flights.
10 years ago Report
lori100: The word Swastika comes from the Sanskrit words su, meaning well, and asti, meaning to be. -------------The swastika has not always been used as a symbol of Nazism and was in fact borrowed from Eastern cultures. It seems to have first been used by early inhabitants of Eurasia. It is an important symbol in Eastern religions, notably Hinduism and Buddhism, among others, and was also used in Native American faiths before World War II. -----------The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck.

It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek ευ-), meaning "good, well" and asti a verbal abstract to the root as "to be"; svasti thus means "well-being".

In Chinese, Korean, and Japanese art, the swastika is often found as part of a repeating pattern.------------The swastika is common as a design motif in current Hindu architecture and Indian artwork as well as in ancient Western architecture, frequently appearing in mosaics, friezes, and other works across the ancient world. --It was scratched on cave walls in France seven thousand years ago. ----------The swastika is found all over Hindu temples, signs, altars, pictures and iconography in India and Nepal, where it remains very popular.
--------A swastika marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures.
------The swastikas (in either orientation) appear on the chest of some statues of Gautama Buddha and is often incised on the soles of the feet of the Buddha in statuary.
-----On Japanese town plans, a swastika (left-facing and horizontal) is commonly used to mark the location of a Buddhist temple.--------------The swastika was a widely used Native American symbol. It has been found in excavations of Mississippian-era sites in the Ohio valley.

It was widely used by many southwestern tribes, most notably the Navajo. Among different tribes the swastika carried various meanings. To the Hopi it represented the wandering Hopi clans; to the Navajo it was one symbol for a whirling log (tsil no'oli', a sacred image representing a legend that was used in healing rituals.
------------------The British author Rudyard Kipling, who was strongly influenced by Indian culture, had a swastika on the dust jackets of all his books until the rise of Nazism made this inappropriate.

10 years ago Report
chronology: Yes Lori dear. And a British Civil Service department had a Swastika in it's insignia in the 1920s. And?
10 years ago Report