The Astrology/ Horoscope Test, Are You A Believer Or A Skeptic?

Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Although many people are skeptical as to astrology and if it is real or not, I for one am a believer and would like to conduct a test. If you are skeptical that astrology is real, please check your astrology horoscope for your sign and see for yourself. Is it relevant to any events that have occured? If so you've got to know this... These were written over a month ago. .... It's hard to believe however they are, kinda freaky isn't it.

Horoscopes for Saturday, Feb 23rd 2013

Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19

Be mindful of all your property today -- especially the resources that you need for your job or at school. It's just your way to loan out your favorite pen, let someone review your notes, or offer to give someone your laptop to check their email -- but that kind of generosity could paint you into a corner today. You don't have to turn into a miser, but you should make sure you don't let anyone walk away with something that belongs to you!

Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18

Getting too caught up in getting your own way is going to lead you down a very lonely path, so beware. Today, if you don't compromise, you will only be hurting yourself. Give until it hurts. Show someone else that you respect them, and that you acknowledge that in order to get part of what you want, you have to give them part of what they want. This dynamic is healthy, and it can apply to any negotiation you have to make today -- whether you are at work, at the shopping mall, or on a date.

Pisces 2/19 - 3/20

Today, you'll get a great chance to learn more about a culture you've always been curious about. Feed your curiosity until you're satisfied. But try not to overdo it! Getting too obsessed too soon about something new could lead to an information overload -- and you won't have enough time to enjoy any of it! Everything is going well in your life right now -- better than you could have expected, honestly. Fortunes are turning, and you will get an opportunity to travel.

Aries 3/21 - 4/19

Rushing around from one adventure to another might sound like a great way to spend your life, but if you're always off saving the world or solving the latest big-time crisis, when will you have time to take a nap and read a good book? Balance is the key to happiness in your life, and you need to work on getting some of your old equilibrium back. Get started as soon as you can. The still, quiet moments in life hold just as much reward for you as the dramatic, glamorous ones. See for yourself!

Taurus 4/20 - 5/20

No matter how cute you think someone is today, their personality will put you off. Arrogance, after all, is a very ugly accessory. There is no need to tolerate a rude person, no matter how attractive they are or how powerful they may be. If someone displays an attitude of undue superiority, feel free to give them a piece of your mind. Taking them down a peg or two will feel good, and will earn you a lot of respect from someone who's been admiring your style for quite a while.

Gemini 5/21 - 6/21

Using your compassion will help you make it through the day more easily. There are quite a few opinionated people on your horizon, and trying to put yourself in their shoes is the best way to keep yourself from getting unduly angry. It's hard for you to understand how some people come to the conclusions they come to, but there is some logic at work there -- however twisted it may be. Take a 'live and let live' approach and be grateful that most of the people in your life are more open-minded.

Cancer 6/22 - 7/22

Living high on the hog sure can be great for a while, but sooner or later you could end up slipping right off -- and landing in the mud! You have got to curb your impulse buying right now, high-rider. It's adding stuff to your closets, but are you really going to get any value out of all of this stuff? Look for value when you go shopping from now on, and take your time when you go to the shopping mall. If necessary, get a friend to keep you from spending too much too fast.

Leo 7/23 - 8/22

Do something just for the thrill of it today! Forget about getting stuff done, making progress on a big project, or impressing that certain someone. You're in good standing on all those fronts and can just take a break from your responsibilities for a while. The stars say that right now is the perfect time to just kick back and have fun with life! Stop taking things so seriously, because that's no fun at all. And people really want to have fun with you now.

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22

Is there too much happening around you right now? Or not enough? You'll be vacillating between bored-out-of-your-skull and utterly-over-stimulated today, which could drive the people you're hanging out with a bit nuts. But despite their frustration with your unpredictability, they'll love it at the same time. So just embrace your pendulum-like mood swings and don't feel like you have to hide your emotions. You should go from tears to laughter without hesitation.

Libra 9/23 - 10/22

Today, an influx of crystal-clarity will free you up to help tackle someone else's problems for a while! People will be looking to you for answers to their problems, and you should be as honest as you can when you give them. This is a time for being totally up front with the people you care about who are going through a rough time. Tell it to them straight, and you will be doing them a bigger favor than if you sugar coat the truth beyond all recognition.

Scorpio 10/23 - 11/21

Working with other people might feel like a huge challenge for you today. Your mood is not going to match anyone else's, and a personality conflict could erupt with at least one person. Is it up to you to change in order to make them feel more at ease? Not this time! Follow your mood to wherever it leads you and then just deal with the consequences. Chances are, this person will back down and let you call the shots. You will score a sweet victory.

Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21

Your luck is about to change today -- which is very good news if you have been striking out left and right. And conversely, it's not such good news if life has been sweet and easy lately. There is always going to be change in your life, and you have to get used to it. Having to alter your plans is not necessarily a negative thing. Often, revised plans reap better results, in the end, than the original ones would have. Try to appreciate change.

Horoscopes for Sunday, Feb 24th 2013

Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19

This day will challenge your ability to be flexible and go with the flow. Your expectations will not match the expectations of the people you're working with now. To add stress to the situation, people won't be very tactful with their communication, and negotiations will be strained. You might also feel like other people are being too demanding today. But could it be that you are just not being responsive enough? Try to see things from other people's points of view.

Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18

Let other people get involved in power struggles today -- you have less stressful, more delightful things to deal with. Shift your focus away from business and work. It's time to have some fun. If you can't get away from work or school to kick your heels up, then at least make plans. When's the next time you can just let it all hang out? Parties don't just plan themselves, you know. You have some good ideas about what you and your buddies should get involved with next, so get going!

Pisces 2/19 - 3/20

In order to gain the level of confidence you want, you have to stop focusing so much on what other people think. Does that sound counterintuitive to you? It shouldn't. Only insecure people base their status on what other people think. You need to stop trying to impress other people and start trying to impress yourself! Don't get carried away in other people's dramas and expectations. Do something that will make you proud of yourself -- and your ego will take care of itself.

Aries 3/21 - 4/19

This day will be a long one, but it is going to be chock full of interesting prospects -- especially if you have been on the lookout for a new romance. If you are willing to take a little bit of a risk with your heart, you will be rewarded. Show your vulnerabilities. They won't be held against you. In fact, they'll be valued and protected. You can build a stronger relationship with someone by sharing a secret. Tell this person something no one else knows.

Taurus 4/20 - 5/20

An amusing misunderstand today will help you learn how to be more tolerant with people who act in ways that you don't always understand. Harmony is a lot easier to achieve when you think the best of someone. Greet people with a smile instead of suspicion. And if people from different cultures believe or act differently than you do, it's not a problem, it's an opportunity! Your open-mindedness is really going to help you grow today -- and help others grow too.

Gemini 5/21 - 6/21

Today is going to be a very good day for you, especially if you are about to start a new venture or professional relationship with someone. The lessons you have learned from past mistakes are going to come in handy -- and they're going to ensure that you reach a much higher level of success this time! Take things slow throughout the day. There is no need to rush through all this good stuff! Savor it and enjoy the feeling that you are totally on a roll!

Cancer 6/22 - 7/22

Your ability to see through false facades is strong today. And when a braggart comes along, you won't fall for their act. They deserve an award for their showing-off skills, and they're pretty stellar at talking up how great they are. But when you scratch their surface, there isn't much substance there. Surprise, surprise! Other people in your circle will probably wise up soon enough. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy watching them fall for this blowhard hook, line and sinker.

Leo 7/23 - 8/22

If you feel pressured to spend a lot of money today, do not give in! If friends feel like going out for an elaborate dinner, suggest a pizza instead. If everyone's got that latest gadget and you're feeling left out, just focus on the fact that you'll have more cash later on. You need to keep yourself as far away from shopping temptations as possible. Use your creativity to save you cash. It's sharp, and will enable you to have fun while you save money.

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22

Whatever delays happen today, they will be for the best. Don't get all flustered if someone calls you to cancel or reschedule a date. It's not as big of a deal as you think it is. If you can just be flexible and go with the flow right now, you will be able to make room for new people and new experiences. It's not always easy to let things be tentative or imperfect, but it's always interesting! Let go of your need for control. Embrace a little bit of chaos in life.

Libra 9/23 - 10/22

Look to a vacancy in your life today. What or who is missing from it? After all, you can't fill that void until you know what you're looking for, can you? Happiness takes effort to achieve, but the good news is that every inch of effort is rewarded doubly over time. Once you think you know what you want, share your hopes with others -- this will help keep you thinking positive, and it will keep people in the loop about what you're doing with yourself.

Scorpio 10/23 - 11/21

Your exceptional sense of humor will be your most valuable asset today -- use it to make someone powerful laugh. Then laugh again, and again. Each time you do, your ego will get a huge shot of empowering energy and your self esteem will grow even healthier. This healthy, happy attitude will help you face any challenges you encounter with a very positive 'can do' attitude -- and prevail. As you are coming to learn, having the right attitude is half the battle.

Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21

If you are about to go on a trip or long overdue vacation, your excitement is growing to a fever pitch. Today, it will hit such heights that it might be difficult for you to get any real work done. Upcoming travel should not force you to live in the future, however. There are things you need to deal with in the here and now. So try to snap out of the clouds today. Plow through the work and stay focused, You'll be free to explore and relax soon enough!


(Edited by Robot Seb)
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: I spent 20 bucks I didn't have to on the 23rd, it is indeed accurate to some extent. As for the 24th we shall see.
11 years ago Report
DarwinsMoth: If mine is correct..then
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: I posted one for today (saturday still here lol) and one for tomorrow for everyone already on sunday's time zones.
11 years ago Report
EgyptianBod: I think mine sounds pretty damn right
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Holy !!! That makes it 4 for 4 at this point on the accuracy scale.
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: Libra 9/23 - 10/22

Look to a vacancy in your life today. What or who is missing from it? After all, you can't fill that void until you know what you're looking for, can you? Happiness takes effort to achieve, but the good news is that every inch of effort is rewarded doubly over time. Once you think you know what you want, share your hopes with others -- this will help keep you thinking positive, and it will keep people in the loop about what you're doing with yourself.

No one missing ....atm
Have no void ....atm
I have happiness .....atm
I know what i want and always strive to achieve it ......atm

If i looked at all of them they could all in some way relate to me if i wished to see it
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: yeah some are not as accurate as others, that's what I'm trying to figure out is how accurate they are for all the signs as opposed to just mine. Mines have always been freakishly accurate although once in a while it's like hardly accurate.
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: Scorpio 10/23 - 11/21

Your exceptional sense of humor will be your most valuable asset today -- use it to make someone powerful laugh. Then laugh again, and again. Each time you do, your ego will get a huge shot of empowering energy and your self esteem will grow even healthier. This healthy, happy attitude will help you face any challenges you encounter with a very positive 'can do' attitude -- and prevail. As you are coming to learn, having the right attitude is half the battle.

This was me today though all except the someone powerful
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: It is possible to be on the cusp of the sign before or after yours. I'm on the cusp of Cancer & Gemini which sometimes Gemini traits are ones I noticed in myself.
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: Nope Im the 5th Oct Libra all the way

I like a balance life
11 years ago Report
Boba Fett
Boba Fett: Meh. Im not going to let some planet push me around...
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: I don't know how they get these, I know it's astrology by nature but never fully understood how the connection was made. Just fascinated at the readings and how close they are to actual events.
11 years ago Report
V_Stylus: :scorpio:
(Edited by V_Stylus)
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Was anyone's horoscopes relevant for today? Out of both days, yesterday's was relevant as was today's to some extent. It was a 2 day survey to gauge the accuracy on the readings.

It seems this survey indicates it's accurate roughly 70%-80% of the time as I asked a few other people that aren't on wire to check it out and if it was relevant or not. 8 said yes while 2 said no which is about the same as the results for here.

Thanks everyone for the input, you all rock!
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: i go directv's guide..and go through the horoscopes...usually everyday before i get here..for fun...and take one that sounds as if fits all of's the one i took for today.....that I feel as if applies too US some manner..

Any miserable,insecure individual can be an elitist,it doesn't take special talents to decide that others are inferior,But it takes Someone truly confident like Ourselves to be inclusive......

i have been sitting on another.....Charm is stronger than Coercion......
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: anyone wanna delve into the Ophiuches.....debate... i have two sites interesting enough ,i can post the addresses of.......

AS OF 2000 AD
(Edited by harlett anathema)
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: Ophiuchus 13th Astrological sign by Betmatrhe,plus What the caduceus in the doctor's waiting rooms mean...


Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac sign..?..No,It's not...
(Edited by harlett anathema)
11 years ago Report
R E B E C C A: ooo im really gemini
11 years ago Report
xox G xox
xox G xox: Yer the sign Ophiuchus wasnt a hit when they tried to convince all of it, Im sticking with the old lot and staying a Libra sign.
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: just having fun with controversy....

but i am thinking of hi-Jacking the thread and posting a daily Wire_ville horoscope....
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Feel free to post whatever you'd like but please keep it positive k thanks
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: N.P.................................
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: ty ty! btw Harlett, do you find anything on direct tv's astrology to be accurate as in does any of it relate to actual things that happened?
11 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: I am usually very ..........the writer has a gift...and well.truth be known.. i'm alway's asking.. for something i can for the thought of the day.. or for what i ought too know... that sense YES.....give me a minute and i'll go copy down.. a couple of this morning's..and You decide.. for You...

11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: Try Yahoo Astrology, there are tons of stuff there from western style astrology to Chinese astrology, and has everything from daily to yearly horoscopes. I was conducting a survey to see how accurate it was across all the different signs and it came out 70%-80% accurate. Whats freaky about it is they are written up to a month in advance. !!!
11 years ago Report
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