Always Tip your Waitress / Waiter !!!!

Corwin: Just saw this news article on Yahoo this morning.

A pastor named Alois Bell at Truth in the World Deliverance Ministries Church, who apparently doesn't believe in tipping waitresses, writes on the dinner receipt - "I give God 10%, so why should you get %18."... and right below that a big ZERO where the tip should be. (photo shown in the article above)

The insulted waitress snapped a photo of it and posted it on Reddit... and it went viral. (good for her)
The pastor, who's reputation was destroyed, complained to Applebees, and had the waitress fired. Yahoo News posted this article, spreading the news to millions, further destroying the pastor's reputation. (good for Yahoo)

I'll just clarify that I in no means intend this to be a jab at Christianity... this pastor is a poor representative of the Christian faith, and a poor excuse for a human being... and she [the pastor] got what she deserved. And it looks like she chose a very poor way to save $6.
The moral here?
Unless you received shabby service, but if the service was adequate you leave at least a %15 tip... if the service was exceptional you leave %20 or more.
"Server's Wage" is less than Minimum Wage... based on the understanding that if they do their job properly they have earned that tip... it is not merely a gratuity. You are their employer just as much as the restaurant is.
They have bills to pay and mouths to feed just like anybody else... if you cheap-out on that tip, you're taking food right out of their children's mouths..... and you are scum.

Not to sound preachy... most of you understand this... but there are many who don't.
11 years ago Report
Snowy_: I always tip a waiter/ waitress but don't believe the tip should be added to the bill by the establishment. I tip generously, but don't believe in being generous when when the service is bad or the person is rude.
I know they get busy, but when they are standing around chatting to their fellow colleagues and you can't get something you need because they are not giving good service; I don't think they should expect a tip.
Bottom line if they want a good tip, they should do a good job. Why it is called the "service" industry.
11 years ago Report
Genivieve: i tip what they deserve, not always as high as some, but enough to say thanks
11 years ago Report
Corwin: The Auto-Tipper automatically kicks in if the party is larger than 9... but the amount isn't carved in stone.... it's only a suggestion (It saves patrons from having to do math). Directly below are blank spaces where you can adjust the tip accordingly if you wish.

But this pastor received adequate service, and used the name of God to justify her cheapness.
Bad form for a pastor, and a bad call all-around.

Personally, I have almost always received good service (although I don't eat out often), and usually tip around %18... so the auto-tip would be doing me a favor.

Edit - But I do agree that bad service should be denied their tip. It's kind of the whole point of it... to ensure quality service.
I'm just saying that if they did their job right they deserve 15% to 20%... that customary percentage was based on what a reasonable amount for a servers wage should be.

It was not intended to be a minimum wage job... especially at a high-class establishment.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
I'm still trying to figure out how much to tip the mods here for serving me a suspension.

I ordered the cheeseburger,not the pulled pork.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Here if you have a party several people, they automatically add it. There's no changing it, either. Even if the service is crappy.

I tip 20% across the board and if their servers are awful, I just don't go back.
(Edited by OCD_OCD)
11 years ago Report
Good one, piggy.

And I believe Rod accepts all major credit cards, gold bullion..... I imagine suggesting buying stocks in Apple would be a good tip.
11 years ago Report
calybonos: Tipping waitresses makes me feel good.
Not as much fun as tipping cows,but sometimes you just gotta take what you can get.
11 years ago Report
...but tips are illegal in the EU! O-Cameraman.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Duncan....that's just beyond silly.
11 years ago Report
calybonos: Yeah!
Somebody tip that silly poster!
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Not only are tips legal in the EU, but here's a lovely little link to give you some guidelines on the local tipping customs. Enjoy Duncan.

Let's both push him on the count of three piggy.... shat should tip him.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
There are links to all sorts of things but the EU ruled out tips years ago. I guess you never have been anywhere, Mr O.
11 years ago Report
It was a taxable income in France untill France became the EU President and then decided to outlaw it everywhere to bring France in to line with other countries banking and standards of living timetable.
11 years ago Report
drywitty: I tip 20% if the service is really good; more if I identify with them somehow, like if it's an abvious pregnant server or it's the holidays or the management seems abusive.
15% if they're average.
10% if they disappear so much that I don't get any free drink refills or they leave me waiting for a condiment I requested or something like that. I don't recall ever leaving 0, but it's possible I may have if the service was deplorable, which I used to get ages ago.

That pastor was a jerk. And while she makes a good point of mentioning that she'd be giving a higher percentage to a human than to God, she forgets that the 10%, which is mentioned in the Bible, is a tithing suggestion and not a limit. I would expect her as a pastor to dedicating to her church or beliefs a whole heck of a lot more than 10%.

The server who got fired should not have posted the pastor's signature online, but I think it's unfair she got fired. That pastor needed a lesson in humility. She obviously lacks it, and you can't convince me she's representing Christ the way He'd want.
(Edited by drywitty)
11 years ago Report
I think the illegal tips Duncan is referring to involve a clergyman and a altar boy.

Great service son.Meet me in the parsonage later and we'll work on your candle snuffing.
(Edited by calybonos)
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Oh, Caly.
Okay Duncan...
Anyways... It's actually a very interesting article... I was reading it just now.
I never realized how much tipping customs vary from place to place. It seems that many European countries have somewhat different percentages which are customary... and it seems to be rather higher on this side of the pond.

So.... no offense intended to my European or British friends who customarily tip less than the amount I suggested in my OP.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
France quickly turned against tippers and made it illegal to offer a tip as was a public obscenity.
11 years ago Report
I think Mr O was refering to Mr Camerons 10% tip from the very poor to the local councils.

The laws about tipping waiters are old news.
11 years ago Report
In most of the USA it was illagal too. LA for example and NY.
11 years ago Report
calybonos: In LA it is not illegal to tip.....except in the case of the valet guy.

If you don't tip the valet guy,he can legally steal your car....true story!
(Edited by calybonos)
11 years ago Report
Snowy_: Corvin, does it say that tipping is based on the sub total rather than the total including taxes?

11 years ago Report
Corwin: Oh yeah... the tip is based on the sub-total... a waitress doesn't earn a percentage of the taxes.

Oh... relating to what OCD mentioned earlier about never going back there.

I also do the same thing... whether I receive bad food, or bad service, I don't go back... tip or not.

But on a side-note... if you do ever decide not to tip... whether justified or not... you can't go back there anyway...
... if they remember you, they'll spit in your food... or worse.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Prepared foods in Texas are subject to taxation, but not unprepared food.
11 years ago Report
Snowy_: I tip on both, either total or sub total. Depends on the level of service. I know they don't receive a percentage of the taxes. Our government is good with taking taxes , haha.
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Same here, OCD.

And yeah Snowy... the tip should reflect the level of service... that's how the whole thing works.

And the bonus of it, is if I tip big somewhere, and I go back again... if they remember you you're treated like a King. I think it's a pretty good system, all in all.
(Edited by Corwin)
11 years ago Report
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