Would you rather go to prison or church? (Page 7)

Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Ah yeah, but I live in Australia....My gt x5 grandfather was a Rum Corps soldier...I'm genetically inclined towards alcohol lol
5 years ago Report
LaffOrDie999: Mr. Ford was also an ardent racist, and profited enormously from both the US and German weapons programs, as he was heavily invested in both...and provided much of the technology used to build Germany's war machine, through a partnership with Daimler-Benz.

He also ensured Germany's access to lead used to create anti-knocking compounds for the Germans throughout the entire war, through Switzerland.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Church. A vampire runs into a church and asks to see a priest. The priest asks the vampire to tell him what happened. The vampire tells him he bit a policeman and something terrible is happening to him. The priest says to the vampire he is turning into a cop and there is only one way to stop the process. He has to get soaked in holy water. As the priest is getting the holy water the policeman enters the church and yells there is the vampire that bit me. The priest rushs forward and yells at the vampire to stand back. He then throws the holy water at the policeman who immediately bursts into flames. Moral of the story never bite a cop.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: the constitution the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. the solution: cruel and usual punishment, the first one gets a free appeal.

The Flip side to that coin:

The only thing better than a charter violation is a miscarriage of justice.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 5 years ago)
TheCovenant: favorite reference to the bible. Needful things: The young carpenter from Nazareth? I know him well. Promising young man. He died badly.

The tree upon the hill. All on that day.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: what do you call a police officer in prison. progressive personnel placement.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: When all the good Christians pass away and go to hell, they'll all plead to God to save them and reconsider their punishment. Me when I get sent to hell, I'll simply say to the Light bringer : need a foreman, I've got 50 years experience in hell.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: I'd rather be hated and feared than loved and abused.
5 years ago Report
LoisS: Roger that!
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: God will reduce you on Judgement Day to tears of shame reciting by heart the poems you would have written had your life been good.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: prison, you live in constant fear of betrayal by your fellow man and keepers.

hey same thing happened to me in church.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: I saw justice being done once in prison ( broncos versus chargers), never seen it done in church.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: ummmmmm
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: I cant go to prison for the same reason I cant go back to church,
I don't want to go back to using my imagination when I masturbate.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: If you have been evil, the judge sends you to prison, very evil he sends you to church, and super evil he sends to to church in prison.
5 years ago Report
TheCovenant: In church your supposed to shake hands with your neighbor as a sign of peace. Its best that you don't do this as God is watching and he will set your neighbor on fire for his evil heart. It's best that you simply bow to your neighbor, in the martial arts way, never taking your eyes off your opponent. The moment you take your eyes off your opponent is when they strike like a viper or cobra.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
5 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: prison. food, resources, protection from nature, clothes...
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by TheCovenant 4 years ago)
calybonos: Is there a third option, like, a treadmill, or hiding my tv remote?
4 years ago Report
TheCovenant: martin luther: by faith alone.
4 years ago Report
Nasty  Boy
Nasty Boy: Padded room
4 years ago Report
LoisS: I thought it was by *Faith No More*? Or is that a different song?
4 years ago Report
LaffOrDie999: There is another option; or at least sort of one, or a rather a set of options:

Stop viewing punishment alone as a solution to criminal behavior, and start making a deliberate point to both make it possible for the convicted to re-enter society with a drastically lowered chance of re-offending, making them part of society again instead of treating them as a permanent pariah.

Stop treating religion...ANY religion...as an antidote for crime. If the only thing keeping you from committing crimes is your religions then you're not ethical or moral...you're a sociopath, and that's a mental health problem, not a criminal one.

And stop pretending that promoting any particular TYPE of religion...say, one that has "churches"...is a socially good thing to encourage. If you think that listening to an invisible friend is a better guide to your thought, attitudes, and behavior than forming a strong empathic connection to other human beings, then as above...you're either a sociopath, or (because you're hearing voices) you're an un-medicated paranoid-schizophrenic, and again, that's a mental health problem not a criminal one.

4 years ago Report