What do you think about euthanasia?

ownskin: Animals who are incurable sick are euthanized. Why do
incurable sick persons have to suffer?
10 years ago Report
jayray74: As long as we aren't talkin eugenics, i'm all for it.
10 years ago Report
Big Bopper
Big Bopper: I'm hoping there is a way to get it done for me when the time comes.
10 years ago Report
Big Bopper
Big Bopper: The Government of Canada has passed legislation legalizing assisted dying. This is a big step forward that will save many people uneeded suffering and the medical system billions of wasted dollars. Look it up if you're curious. M.A.I.D. ... Medical Assistance in Dying.
(Edited by Big Bopper)
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 4 months ago)
jakubdoprogramowania: Euthinasia
the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma
I think that it is okay to euthinise
7 months ago Report
I think it is a dead end.
1 month ago Report
Beloved Tobias
Beloved Tobias: Having worked in hospice, euthanasia is usually advocated for people with chronic diagnoses (not terminal diagnoses) who really need mental health support, not assisted suicide. Legalized euthanasia will basically lead to mass liquidation of those handicapped and with dementia whose only resources are public assistance. It is the logical outcome of the commoditization of workers and the judging of an employee's value based on her/his efficiency and productivity.
1 month ago Report
Big Bopper
Big Bopper: We have Medical Assistance In Dying in Canada, and I am both happy with the way MAID is permitted only when appropriate, and happy that it will be available for me. If I am in a situation where the suffering is unbearable and there is no hope for a solution, please let me pass with dignity.

Look it up. Nobody is recruiting the disabled.
14 days ago Report
LoisS: I agree with it.
14 days ago Report