Is it possible to have irish friends if I am french?

Mercy Brown
Mercy Brown: Hi,

I was wondering why it was so difficult to meet irish people and become friends.

Is that because I am a foreigner I like to get your opinion.

Many Thanks
12 years ago Report
WhispersMist: Try here

Well, that didn't work out so well (the link I posted) If you go to the search feature and type in will get a whole list of ppl from Ireland
12 years ago Report
WhispersMist: Find people and then search. Just enter what you are looking for.
12 years ago Report
Mercy Brown
Mercy Brown: Thank you for your reply Mist

but I think that my post is not clear enough. I am french, I live in Ireland and was wondering why it was so difficult to get thru a friendship with locals.
12 years ago Report
WhispersMist: I get you now Sorry, I'm kinda slow at times.

So how long have you been in Ireland?
12 years ago Report
Mercy Brown
Mercy Brown: No worries my english is not that good but forums are good for my improvement

3 years then I went back to France for a year and now I am back since last december i am kindda linked to that country
12 years ago Report
kritz0: To your original thread question.

No, everyone is only allowed to be friends with people from their own race and ethnicity.

Now for the truth. Wtf, of course it is possible! Just get yourself out there, as long as you remember....not everyone can be friend material. Doesn't matter their race, ethnicity, gender or age.

Just get yourself out there and find some people to talk to, don't be creepy though.... lol.
12 years ago Report
Mercy Brown
Mercy Brown: Nice way to see stuff but unfortunately not true
12 years ago Report
kritz0: Whats not true? I hope you realize that first bit was completely sarcastic....

I don't think I have one single friend who is of the same ethnicity as myself....why would I post something like that as truth?
12 years ago Report
Mercy Brown
Mercy Brown: I understand sarcasm Thank you but I think you did not get my point
12 years ago Report
kritz0: Actually, I'm pretty sure I did.
You are in a foreign country and trying to befriend some of the locals.

Obviously you did not get what I said. If you are so defensive right off the bat like you have just been in the last two responses.....heck I can see why no locals have gained a liking for you.
Sorry, but no one will want to be a friend of someone who shows a hostile/defensive attitude right from the starting line.

Gain some conversational skills, and actually....what the other poster suggested might actually work.

Find some people online in a community like wireclub, who are in or near your area and talk to them online?
It could give you valuable social skills that you could then in turn apply to the real world.
12 years ago Report
IamEggman: Mention you hate the British and like blowing things up..
12 years ago Report
veronica: Irish people are open and friendly ,once the new wire is up and running you
will have access to the local Irish chat room where im sure you will get to meet plenty of Irish . If you are having difficulty relating to the irish sense of humour or interests i suggest finding a common interests , like sport go to the pub when Ireland are playing France in rugby or if Munster are playing a French team ..Irish people are very accepting im sure you will make friends easly
12 years ago Report
Hoodlum Forester
Hoodlum Forester: "Irish people are open and friendly..."?

That has the sound of some sort of -ism to it! People can not all be placed into the same category just because of their country. I, for one, am quite offended.
12 years ago Report
mattbarlowe: Just opened to the Irish and people of Ireland and/or people who want to learn and teach of it history a chat room made specifically for that purpose Chatroom: History of Ireland
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: Met 4 on wire and a few at a local Irish pub, they seem cool to me, but as with everything you have to adjust to the culture and see where you can fit in if you move to a new country.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
~LoisLane~: Irish and French.....The hell you say....
12 years ago Report