What's with this contraception debate?

Aura: Seriously, I pretty sure that politicians and other public figures did not start this up in the USA just so they can provide the comedians with new material, so what is this nonsense all about?

I remember it had something to do with Catholic employers not wanting to pay for contraception for their employees. But that was way in the beginning and seems it is no longer the point. Now, it's men saying women who use contraception have 'too much sex'.

Eh, Lesbians do not need contraception, so who do you think they are having sex WITH?

Right, so lets see if I get this correctly. There are men, who are in the public eye, who want all women to stop having sex if they do not want to get a baby (absance is the only method needed apparantly). Are they just too dense, or do they mentally add 'only exception is when I want to have sex ofcourse'...or; (and I am starting to lean to this explination because the rest is too stupid....)

They are all really closet homosexuals who WANT women to stop putting out so that the only 'acceptable' way for a man who is not married or does not want kids to have sex is with an other man. That way they are not 'gay' just sexually active.

Really people, gay rights have come a long way. Just be gay and be proud and leave the women out of it
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
davidk14: .

I believe the conversation revolves around the new health care law stating that employers must cover the cost of contraception for their employees. Since the church does not believe in contraception, they believe their is a crisis due to the lack of separation of church and state.

This has nothing to do with lesbians, homosexuals or heterosexuals. This has to do with the government dictating church doctrine.

12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
Aura: David, I get that's why the thing got started. In response to this concern it was decided that Catholic employers would not have to provide contraception and the employees could get this directly from the insurer. The debate should be over since the problem is solved. Yet it continues and about the amount of sex women have if they use contraception, which has nothing to do with anything.
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
Zoey234: this is one of the scariest and most outrageous invasions of privacy and assault on human rights since the middle of the last century ... thought society had evolved way farther than to be capable of this atrocity ... trying to control what people do with their bodies and private lives ... truly appalling that this could still happen ... it's like the resurrection of some demon from the Dark Ages ...
12 years ago Report
Zoey234: for the love of god why should ANYONE even have access to people's sex lives or 'amount of partners' let alone pass judgment on that and even legislate it ???????? this treacherous bs is a way of opening the door for an extremity of tyrannical control over us that is unprecedented in this country .. beware when government even starts 'discussing' such matters let alone passing legislation. holy crap wtf is going on in this society ???? it sounds like a psychotic break from reality. and the really terrifying part is that there is a certain percentage of the public that doesnt even see a problem ...... ????????????
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
(Post deleted by Zoey234 12 years ago)
Zoey234: okay first off im not sure why im even giving the preceding drivel my attention because if it wasnt so diseased it would be laughable ... the problem is that what has happened in the past few years is that a very backwards, benighted and dangerous movement has been initiated by a handful of megalomaniacs from the extreme right of center who used to be successfully held down by a stronger moral force in this country ... their views depart so radically from healthy mindedness that they actually hearken back to the iron grip autocracies of several centuries ago in the middle east. this would be distressing to me were it not for my faith in the father of us all and his ultimate power to rid the world of these vermin and their attempt to pollute the minds of normal people with their dangerous nonsense.
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
Jetters: You are such a dildo.
12 years ago Report
Zoey234: I kno Jets ... not the first time the site's had a disease like him ... no picture, no info on the profile, no friends cuz nobody would have him ... just some lonely bitter 80 year old geezer with an axe to grind ... eventually he'll be purged from the site ... until then join the rest of wire users and stop reading his toxic nonsense ...
12 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)