
darrengough72: Anyone overcome ED without blue pills?
4 months ago Report
audiadam1978: This day and age there is no excuse for coming up short so to speak... If you don't have the doctor, or prescription for 80cent Viagra or Cialis then fine. But there are other options. Now there's these pills called "Rhino" and there's many types. But they all work and if you have a corner store that you can pay your cell phone bill, a pack of smokes, a bottle of Thunderbird, and a wife beater, they will have them. Theres also honey packs which will usually be next to the register. And rest assured they also work. For women too!. And last but not least if you're able to locate them, of look them up on Amazon, "Alpha Strips" ~ they're sublingual little strips about the size of a large postage stamp and maaaaan let me tell you. You ONLY NEED HALF OF A STRIP , SO 2 times of fun for around 12$ per strip .
Furthermore, these are also great for women, and YOU could hang engine block from it. So don't lay the old limp one on her thigh even one more time. ... You don't need to have ED to use these. Their male enhancement formulas so you feel better all the way around. ~ your welcome
4 months ago Report