infidelity sweetmel8104: How can a guy can be so heartless hidding a cell phone from me and be on video chat with a girl 24/7 if she talks too loud he cough if i tell him he said i hear voice haha funny even my daugther saw him talking another cell Metaphorguy: I don't think he was being heartless by not discussing it. You clearly weren't enough for him. Either break up with him, or forgive him. Just complaining about what a terrible person he is isn't going to help you move on. hdemty: wow, no respect at all, for you or your daughter, he must have been doing other stuff before that you maybe didnt notice, cant go from nothing to being on the phone 24/7, the question is are you strong enough to walk away? (Post deleted by LoveFishing ) irondominator: Us guys need a lot of sex. some more than others. If he is seeking sex elsewhere, it means he needs more than what you are giving him. If you don't like it, then you need to leave him. He will not change, unless you do, by either accepting his lifestyle with other women or giving him enough sex to satisfy him. Believe me, if you give him enough sex, he won't have any desire to be with anyone else. He'll be as useless to another woman as an impotent guy. junyabee: Filling the void equals realizing the dimensions of your emotional reality [Me: Frequent flyer dream cameos, guest synchronicity phenomena, etc] junyabee: Your co-writer/corespondent sensed the triggers to the part (dimensions) of you that You needed to express. What you have with her is a testimony of what you can do [in abstract mental masturbation], if not mundanely with co-writers or chat rooms. junyabee: People come and go for empirical and unexplainable reasons. What you have within you is with you til you lose carnal consciousness Skylar In Kentucky: Hi y;all I might be wrong but way i see it is guys will cheat for sex and ladies will cheat or step out on their guys for something they aint gettin at home , aint talkin bout just sex, (Edited by Skylar In Kentucky) junyabee: Manic impulses that characterize our motivations point back to the void we've accepted for ourselves and expect others to be that fulfilment junyabee: Being unfaithfully dishonest about ourselves facilitates the latter dishonesty predicate that much easier to avoid and dismiss what we place on others that should be from our organic resource physiology and psychology |