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So what do i need to use drugs if alone can already can get high?
Say No to drugs and Yes to life! 413 members THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS PURE. AND IF YOU ARE BELIEVE
AS THE BIBLE SAYS NO ONE SHALL ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITHOUT PASSING THROUGH... 312 members This is a club that you can come into and make new friends and talk about your love ones!! The one and where everyone won't get tired of hearing it!!! 296 members JOin this club if you luvvv a person right nOw, that means a LOT to yOu :3
&& remember to say i :heart: you to that special persOn!!
so pweez jOin if you deeply luvv sOmeone.. it can bee your... 200 members Those girls out there that just want to talk to other girls, look no further. Come in your welcome to talk about whatever you want 269 members hahahahahah i never liked math but i like this math :drool: ;)
hahaha 234 members This club is designed for all moms and moms to be to ask other moms questions, get frustrations out, and to just chat. Come Join 207 members i love my mom!! :)
i read it somewhere:we dont love people because they r beautiful but they seem beautiful to us because we love them!!!
i lovvvvvvveee my mom,,,,,she is the most beautiful woman... 225 members I dedicate this club to the one Magical word "F**K". It is the only word referred to as the "F" word and maybe the most commonly used word in the history of mankind :p
I've yet to come across a... 169 members :D :heart: :D 188 members This is a rare for me, but I know it happens to others ALOT. I am sick and tired of meeting seemingly nice men on here, then two minutes after we speak, they use lines like, "I'm falling for you,... 186 members LIFE ISN'T ABOUT FINDING URSELF.LIFE IS ABOUT CREATING URSELF.CREAT URSELF AND SOMETIMES CHANGE URSELF.:rock: 181 members It’s actually a reflex, you just can’t stand the simple presence of the person. You can’t stand listening to their name, or w.e reminds you of them. You can’t stand the way they talk, the way they... 182 members :| damn hate people who get pissed off because u dont answer their message quick enough :| 168 members Pretty self explanatory. 109 members i am here for all you people who no one understands if you like gothic style then this is for you come join the darkness 163 members Where all gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and trans can come together and chat about anything! Is pride coming up in your area? Let us know! 210 members If you are or ever have been in a long distance relationship this is a place you can go and help others and meet others that are going through the same sorts of things. I myself am and would love to... 147 members |