Party Lines

Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Sometimes you get a dud. I recently called one and found that “Paul” keeps 23 lines in a room that nobody talks in. The purpose of such talking platforms are to make money every thousand minutes. 23 lines running from a laptop. Brilliant.
5 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Basically, that line is defrauding a central system for money, virtually unregulated. There is already talk of pushing the rooms back.
(Edited by Fog Swept Glade)
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by Fog Swept Glade 5 years ago)
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Unsure why these people are up but every line hosting an agenda really is trash. They more or less act homeschooled & only a few people know how to act that call these lines.
4 years ago Report