Sleep (Page 4)

DIAMONDfire: Sorry I was relating my past experience. I identified with was you said in an overall way that sleep was presenting problems. Or that's how Iread it.
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: Big, yes I have been trying to create some semblance of a daily schedule so to speak - to help me even that little bit to feel more stable or unfrazzled. I’ve been trying to find work and I also want to have something to focus on at a job, like you say- I mean I thought that too. I guess even if I work with people I will be focusing on their problems if any and not mine for that little bit. Sometimes I got severe anxiety from others telling me lots of problems though. I’m just not that strong or wasn’t I think. Anyways hope I’m not being too much for you. Just trying to be loving but maybe it doesn’t matter. I mean maybe you already gave the advice you meant to give and were finished at that point. But it can take time to learn people too I suppose. Ya anyway. I also wanted to mention my social worker I used to have once told me I need a schedule and I remembered that and tried.
(Edited by tina_time7)
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: Diamond, oh OK sounds like you were responding to my older post
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: It’s really all quite hard to create in life / I mean I used to have this little life - school eating sleeping and everything was so stable and I felt settled. And some women still have that kind of life but sometimes things just don’t go that way. But maybe that’s my fault. Maybe I’m not trying enough. But sometimes we can’t try more or don’t have the energy so.
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: sometimes I just don’t want it, like my dad told me we need to want it - in general. And Jesus asked that too. I mean I want to go to bed at a specific time but I’m not that focused on it or some thing all the time. Some times triggers threw me off too. Overall it is better than what it used to be before because I did become more thoughtful about my sleep and going online or not going it seems. I could just stay quiet if my additional details don’t matter too. Well I don’t know if I can still call him dad since in my mind and or heart he’s not my dad anymore but I still remember things he told me from the past some times. He also pretty much did or actually did forsake me so. I don’t really feel like holding on to him anymore. Well there was a separate post for dad haha and one man replied to that - maybe you didn’t want to and that’s fine too. I guess sleep is easier to come and go than a dad. But then again maybe not - maybe if we have poor sleep for very long then it might cause irreversible damage and also make it that much harder to change it.
(Edited by tina_time7)
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: Big, I remember but not in detail how at one point you wrote something about sleep and it helped me with my sleep too I think it was, but I don’t remember exactly the details.
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: Also this is way in the past since it’s been since 2022 April that I worked a night shift job so then I just used to sleep days after that job too, and then I went to a health retreat a year later and my sleeping got better after that it seems to me. The retreat had sleep time around 9-10 pm aiming for and I did well mostly. Also my neighbour told me that we don’t need to have a schedule for eating and sleeping I think it were but another neighbour said having a schedule for sleeping and eating will help to be healthy. I mean I think it did help me feel better when I did have that for around a week that I recognized it, other than at the retreat. I don’t want to have too much pressure be put on me to have that though or it could or might make me worry or stress.
11 months ago Report
DIAMONDfire: The answer might be biological , that's Maslow's primary need in his structure of needs in humans'. The problem is it doesn't mean anything in functional life. ie. a chemical is a chemical. Quite boring! So you've got to master the issue (life), and that's a life-thing. It's not simple. The doctor's are only doing the same thing in their own right, it's a life battle. Doesn't help much does it?
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: What doesn’t help much?; what are you asking me exactly?
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: But yes biological - that made me think how it’s easier to sleep when your other needs are met - so when you had a busy day at work, when your stomach is filled nicely, and maybe more biological examples with that.
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: One person once told me that the thing with issues with sleeping is that they are either mental- over thinking, physical, or emotional. They suggested a meditation or weed oil.
11 months ago Report
DIAMONDfire: Seeing things through one lens
11 months ago Report
tina_time7: Huh
11 months ago Report
Trail_7: Oh you mean a biological lens, as stated before, it seems. I am not sure what you meant when you stated, "it doesn't help much, does it?", do you care to clarify- if so go on.
(Edited by Trail_7)
11 months ago Report
Trail_7: The "life thing" is not simple, I agree, however it used to be simple for me - is what I stated before.
11 months ago Report
Trail_7: You mentioned Maslow's law - primary needs - shelter, food, clothing - weren't those the ones on the bottom of the pyramid?
11 months ago Report
DIAMONDfire: Most people don't think in terms of chemicals, so you get all these people diagnosed having to become mock doctors in their own right to make sense of it.

It's called complex needs.

But at the end of the day you need to master life, that's it.
(Edited by DIAMONDfire)
11 months ago Report
Trail_7: Yes I suppose or something like that, in the past my mother was a big part of that, so.
11 months ago Report