Doctors find cure for COVID Censored by Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google (Page 4)

Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Heres One , The United States Is the only Western country With a Consitution That Guarentees the citixens there rights are protected under law , We haven"t its verry vague and is open to inturpretaion ,thats why the US is so important to Undermime its Consitution
Anjenda 21 Goes through local councils and Undermimes every thing,, Flips it on its head I can see it happening here they all Use the Buzz words , Invasion day all the rest of it ,
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Thanks Dude your totally Right , Covid is being Used as a trojan Horse
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: thanks for the video. I saved it.

so what do you think is up with this banning fracking getting rid of gas and oil? seems to me to tie into the same strategy of contact tracing, but basically anywhere you go they can trace you. slowly fracking will be banned gas and oil prices will rise and become outrageous and people will slowly have to buy these new green cars that don't use oil and gas, but they have digital systems so they can be tracked remotely and and also they can be controlled by remote control. so essentially the police could stop your car by remote. now imagine the world where you have contact tracing, these new cars with remote control powers in the government's hands, and no vaccination no surface on grocery stores doors. at this point they have so much control over you no one would dare want to go against the Communist fascist one world order agenda.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: implementing the technology contact tracing on a big scale wouldn't work without something like a pandemic, hence all the reason to keep covid-19 around and to make it seem like it's the worst thing ever that just won't leave.

that is the basic method that they use for many many many things. if they want to change something they create a problem around it and then they create the solution that they desire that otherwise would be too controversial if the problem did not exist that called for such a radical solution. so you want to change the world, you want a one world order? then you need global problems, big problems, scary problems that way it somehow justifies the absurd and radical solution, like a great reset.
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: destroy the global economies, force lockdowns even against the people's will and the Constitution, destroy their jobs, put them in dire straits make them feel desperate, then the people will be more willing to accept a radical solution as they feel they need it, because they just want it to all be over.

but this is how people give up their rights, the freedoms, their lives become cattle for a fascist government.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: well really it's looking like communism, global communism.
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Exactly bro , destroy the the whole notion of nation states , Have one big techocratic world government to controll every thing and every one Thats what it shore looks like hey
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Seems to me that global corporate capitalism is the much bigger threat. They have so much money they can buy any influence they need. Strictly for their own needs they use the US military to enforce and protect their interests. Communism has been dying world wide, Fascism though is an automatic response to hard times ,, we will see more of that.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Well Trump Put the Brakes on all This Global over reach from the US milatry as you put it , But you call him a lier and a Facist ,And Praise Obama who Increased it 10 fold, And then you want to get rid of Him go back to the same old same old rediculas
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Obama let the military shrink some, using the money to pay down the debt about 3 trillion. He inherited the wars in the middle east, and did what he had to do to, but I think by the end of his admin. we all knew there was no winning there. Those people have been fighting for 1000's of years and they have no intention of stopping.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: Trump started peace in the middle east. Obama killed the military and made the US vulnerable. Theres no excuse for the usa to have a pathetic military.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: So did Trump Inheret These Wars, Yet he Is The Only one Who , Can keep the Out of Control Spy ajenceys Under Control , And Stop them , But theres Too much opersition The Establishment that Make Millions out of it Hate Him for it , And every one hates Him too because they swollow the propaganda there fed
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: well there is now, we are so far in debt now that we cannot pay for a miitary and rebuilding our society
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: loool
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: This year alone Trump put us 6.6 trillion into the hole, Just the interest on the debt is approaching 2 Billion Per day.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: Usa has an awesome economy. If other nations modeled after trump they wouldnt need to suck up to globalist nwo agenda
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: yeah we would all go into debt together, watching each others economies die
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: Usa has the greatest economy and thats because of trump
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Apokalupto 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by Apokalupto 3 years ago)
Apokalupto: This thread has swerved off topic long enough and im sick of hearing globalist buzz words every 10 in my update feed.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: ahh ok,, so the doctors finding a cure for covid, is not the vaccine that we have been hearing about?
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: The media suppresses any helpful cures no matter how many doctors come out.
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: that might be true here in the states,, but what about south america, or europe, or asia
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: no idea
3 years ago Report